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Vivian and Victor decided they wanted to go home a few days early and I was honestly so thankful for that. I was unbelievably emotionally exhausted. All I wanted to do was curl up in my own bed and sleep for a whole day before school starts. 

I called Kailey back yesterday and explained to her that she doesn't need to kill Vic anymore. Though, she's still disappointed in him. But that's completely understandable because I am too.

I'm not even going to lie, it's hard to talk to him without being scared he's going to snap at me again. But can you really blame me?

Surprisingly, Morgan and I are still talking. She is such an understanding person and that's what I'm enjoying most about her. She didn't call me an idiot when I said I forgave Vic. 

Speaking of Vic, he was sound asleep with his head resting in my lap while I ran my fingers through his hair.  

We got home from Ohio barely five hours ago and Vic didn't want to leave me yet. I slept for four hours and Vic has yet to wake up. I honestly expected him to wake up when I pried myself from his grip and situated us into this position. Now I'm watching reruns of Adventure Time.

I was too preoccupied to notice him wake up until he grabbed my hand. I looked down at him and smiled. He returned the gesture and lightly kissed my knuckles. 

"I hate to run away from you so soon but I have stuff to do tonight." He said sadly, sitting up. 

"Awe, okay." I said, pouting slightly. 

"It's okay," He said, kissing my pouting lips. "I'll text you later though." 

"Alright. Have fun." I told him, standing up to give him a quick hug goodbye. I watched as he walked out of the house but almost didn't catch the little wink he sent to Kelsey who was standing in the hall connected to the living room. 

I shook my head and went back to watching whatever show was on now. Though, I still had this sinking feeling Vic was up to something. 


"Hey Kellin? Can you come with me somewhere? I don't want to go alone." Kelsey said after she walked into my room. I looked at her then glanced over at Kailey who looked like she was going to start screaming. 

"Uh, sure? Where are we going?" I asked her.

"To the store." She said quickly. I shook my head at her but put my shoes on anyways. On the way out the door, I grab my phone and check to see if Vic texted. Unfortunately he hasn't. I sighed and pocketed my phone, following Kelsey to her car. 

"You okay?" She asked as we started the commute to the store. 

"Yeah." I told her. 

"Alright." She said. It was eerily silent so I reached over and turned the radio on, not really caring what station it was on. 

After about ten minutes, I noticed we weren't going in the direction of the store but to the local park. Maybe she was taking a different route?  

My guess was proven wrong when she parked the car in front of the park. 

"Uh, Kels? What're you doing?" I asked her. She just shook her head and handed me a piece of paper with a smile plastered on her face. I gave her a skeptical look before slowly opening the paper. Obviously, it was a note.

Follow the candles, Beautiful. ~V

"What is this?" I asked her, not knowing who wrote.

"Just do the note says, dipshit." She laughed, lightly shoving me out of the car. I sighed and got out of the car, looking around and notice a path of candles, starting at the swingset. 

I started to slowly follow the path of candles, noticing that it lead straight to the woods. I heard a car door shut behind me, signaling that Kelsey got out of the car. I decided to not look back and continue up the path. 

When I reached the last candle, I gasped. How could I forget about this place? I looked around at the small area, listening to the soft patter of the water running down the stream. I used to come here when I had a bad day and this is also the place I gave Vic my virginity. But instead of being just a rock, there was a makeshift tent hanging from a wire that was connected to two of the trees, a little makeshift bed inside it with a bunch of blankets and pillows, and standing right in front of it was Vic.

"What-?" I asked, not being able to form anymore words. 

"I was thinking and I decided that just saying sorry for what I did to you wasn't going to cut it. I did and still do feel like shit for what I said. It was so uncalled for. And I wanted to make it up to you." He explained.  

"You didn't have to do this." I told him, walking closer to the tent. 

"But that's where you're wrong. I know this isn't going to magically make everything okay but I just want to show you how much I regret saying that and show you how much I love you." He explained. 

I stared at him for a good thirty seconds before I ran over to him and jumped onto him. His reflexes kicked in and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. 

"You're so good to me." I whispered into his ear. 

"I'm trying." He whispered back. "Wait! Wanna know what I found earlier while I was clearing this place out?" He asked excitedly. I nodded and he put me on the group and ran into the little tent. When he came back out, he was holding what looked to be a bottle of lube but covered in dirt and shit.

"Was that from-?" I asked him.

"Yep." He said, popping the cap open and squeezed the tube, letting the now liquid substance fall out of it. 

"Ew. That's been here in the heat and rain for like four months." I giggled. 

"I know." He chuckled. I laughed again and made him put his arm around my shoulders. 

"I love you." Vic whispered into my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back. I turned my head and placed a lingering kiss to his lips. 

"Let's go relax in my crappy tent." Vic said when we pulled out of the kiss. 

"Okay." I agreed. He walked us over to the tent we we crawled into it. He some how managed but he had fairy lights hanging from the the trees around the tent. They were probably battery powered but whatever. 

"I just kind of brought junk food and some monster if that's alright with you." He said, pulling out a bag of food and the cans. I nodded and he smiled and opened the bag of chips. He held one up to my lips and I rolled my eyes but opened my mouth nonetheless. 

"This was sweet of you." I told him, moving over so I could rest my head against his shoulder. 

"Thanks. I kind of had a dream about it so I decided to try it out. It's pretty much how I wanted it." He told me.

"I'm not even fully talking about this little date. I'm talking about everything you've ever done for me. It means so much to me and I thank you for it." I explained to him. 

"Oh, well, you're welcome. And just know that I will be here with you through everything." He said, kissing the top of my head. I smiled and grab his hand.

I had the best guy on the planet, no matter how much he fucks up. Because, let's be honest, no relationship is perfect.


This is the second to last chapter. Sorry for like no warning but I thought this is a good place to stop.

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