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I sighed as I watched the rain pour from the sky from the comfort of my bed. It's been raining since I got up this morning and it's showing no signs of stopping.

I don't really mind the rain but I've been stuck in this house all day and I think I'm gonna go insane if I don't do anything. 

As if on cue, my phone starting ringing. I grabbed it and answered. I didn't have to look at the caller ID because I already knew who it was. 

"Hey babe." I said into the phone. 

"Baby," Vic whined, dragging out the 'y', "I'm bored." 

"You have a car, go out and do something." I told him, hoping he would get the hint and come over to my house. 

"That's right! Can I come over?" He asked. I mentally gave myself a high five. 

"Of course you can. But please be careful driving over. I don't want you to get into an accident." I told him. 

"I'll be alright. See you in fifteen." He said then hung up. I put my phone down only for it to go off again. This time it was a text. 

Boyfrienddd <3: We're going out in the rain. Be ready.

This is going to be interesting. 

When fifteen minutes passed, Vic was barging into my room and tackling me to my bed.   

"I missed you so much." He said, nuzzling his nose into my neck making me giggle. 

"We just saw each other four days ago." I laughed. 

"And you point is? I told you I would have Kellin withdraws." He explained, flipping us around so I was underneath him.  

"Believe me when I saw I had Vic withdraws. I missed your lips." I said, playfully pouting. 

"And I missed yours." He stated, pecking my lips quickly. 

"I love your kisses." I told him, placing my lips firmly against his. I wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me. He flipped us around once again so that I was laying on top of him. 

He deepened the kiss and ran his tongue against my bottom lip. I gave him entry, letting his tongue explore my mouth. 

"Hey!" Someone shouted, making us jump apart. "Get your tongue out of my son's mouth." My mom said to Vic, shaking her head at us. 

"Don't say that. It's fucking weird." Kailey said from behind my mom. 

"Sorry Lisa, but I just can't resist your son." Vic said, looking at my mom then me. 

"Shut up." I whined, covering my face with my hands.

"Yes, please shut up." Kailey said. 

"Fine, but keep it a little PG." My mom said, walking out of my room. 

"We gotta go play in the rain like I said we would." Vic said, pushing me off of him.

"Where though? It's all muddy in my yard." I told him. 

"That's perfect." He smiled, pulling me off my bed. He slipped off his shoes and picked me up off the ground. I squealed and wrapped my legs around his torso. He laughed and ran out of my room to my back door. 

As soon as we got out of the house, we were practically drenched. 

"Can you put me down now?" I asked Vic. 

"No. I enjoy carrying you around." He said like it was obvious. 

"Drop me and I kill you." I told him, tightening my grip.

"Now, why would I do that? Doing this gives me a better access to your lips." He stated, kissing me softly. 

"I've always wanted to kiss you in the rain." I said when we pulled away from each other. 

He took a step forward but must've lost his footing because we were falling to the ground. He spun around so that he was hitting the ground, not me.

"Wow, Bostwick, I guess I really did fall for you." He said before grinning evilly. He took a hand full of dirt and mud, shoving it down my shirt. I screamed and jumped off of him. I took some mud and threw it at his face.

"You're gonna get it now." He said then ran towards me. Before I could react, he was pulling me to the ground. We wrestled around for a little until I looked into his eyes. The world around me seemed to slow down and silence. 

"I'm so lucky to have you." I told him, placing my muddy hand on his face. Romantic, I know.

"I love you so much, baby. You're what makes my world turn." He told me, leaning down to kiss me. 

"I love you, too." I said to him when he pulled away. 

"Wanna go on the trampoline?" He asked, amusement lacing his voice.

"Let's do it." I said. We got off the ground and ran over to the trampoline. I grabbed his hands and jumped with him. 

"You're beautiful." He said to me. 

"Thank you." I said. I caught him off guard and jumped into his arms. He fell back with me still in his arms. 

"We have a bad habit of falling today." Vic laughed.

"Yeah we do." I agreed.

"We should probably head back inside before we get sick." Vic suggested. 

"Good idea." I said. 

"That means you have to get off of me." He said after a few seconds of silence.

"Right, yeah." I said, blushing a little then rolling off of him. We stood up and jumped from the trampoline to the ground. I took his hand and laced our fingers together. 

When we got inside, my mom was immediately yelling at us, "Go take a shower right now. You are covered in mud. I don't even care if you take it together. God damn it, you two." I looked over at Vic and broke into a fit of giggles. He started laughing as well. My mom threw her hands up and walked out of the room. 

"We probably should go shower." I told Vic then began walking to my room. I grabbed extra clothes and some of Vic's that he happened to leave here and walk back out. I noticed Vic was still standing at the doorway. 

"Are you coming with me or not?" I asked him. He looked then made his way over to me. 

To put it simply, we didn't just shower and my mom wasn't too happy about that.


Any one want to make me a new cover? I actually hate the one that I have now.

My Sister's Best Friend (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now