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I was awoken the next morning at five by Vivian shaking Vic and I. 

"Boys, wake up. We're leaving in forty-five minutes." She said. Vic groaned and squeezed me a lot tighter than he already was, which kind of hurt a lot.

"Ow, Vic stop." I said, prying his arms away from my waist. 

"What'd I do?" He said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"You squeezed me too much." I whined. 

"Awe, I'm sorry baby." He said, kissing my cheek. 

"Okay," Vivian said, dragging out the 'y'. "Get out of bed and get ready." Then she walked out of Vic's room. I rolled out of Vic's bed and stood up, stretching my arms over my head. As soon as I remember where we were going today, I felt sick. 

"Woah, Kellin, your face just paled. Are you okay?" Vic asked, jumped out of bed and walking over to me. 

"P-plane. I don't know if I can do it." I whimpered, wrapping my arms around myself. 

"I promise you'll be okay. I'll be beside you the entire flight. It's only about two hours." He explained, softly running his hands up my arms. "And if something happens or you panic the entire flight, you can kick me in the dick." He added. 

I laughed and rolled my eyes, shoving him to the side. "I'm not going to kick you in the dick. You kind of need that." I told him. 

"Only for you, baby." He said seductively, winking after. 

"Okay, but keep it in your pants. Well, at least until we're alone." I said. 

"That's what I'm talking about." He said enthusiastically, slapping my ass. I giggled and grabbed one of his hands. 

"Boys! We are leaving soon! Get down here!" Victor shouted from downstairs. 

"Coming Papa!" Vic shouted back, making me wince because he was right by my ear. "Sorry." He said then walked over to his dresser to get some clothes for the both of us. He grabbed us both jeans and and a shirt. He handed me my clothes and we both started changing. 

"Can I wear one of your hoodies?" I asked him shyly. 

"Of course. You don't even have to ask." He said, grabbing a random hoodie and tossing it to me. I smiled down at it and threw it on. Vic walked over to me and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. 

We walked out of his room and downstairs. Vic grabbed us two breakfast bars from the kitchen then met with his parents and Mike and Tony in the living room. 

"Took you two long enough." Mike said, standing up from the couch. 

"Chang of plans, we're actually going to drive instead of flying. It'll save us some money." Victor said. I let out a relived sigh and Vic squeezed my hand a little.

"Plane fear?" Vivian asked. I nodded my head and looked down in embarrassment. "Oh, well then it's your lucky day." She smiled. 

"Alright, seating plans!" Victor said, clapping his hands together. "Mike and Tony in the middle seats while Vic and Kellin get the back seats. Let's go!" He shouted.

"How long of a drive is this?" I asked Vic as soon as we got into the back of his dad's car. 

"Roughly a day and a half." He stated. 

"I get to spend that long stuck in the back seat of a car with you?" I asked, smiling, but faking disgust. 

"You bet your buns." Vic said, pinching my thigh. 

"Seriously? Are you five?" I laughed. 

"If I were five, that would kind of make you a fucking pedophile." Vic stated. 

"Not technically. I'm still a minor. It would just be really fucking gross and weird." I replied. 

Mike turned around and glared at us, "Can you fucking stop?" He groaned.

"Language, Micheal!" Vivian shouted.

"Seriously? Vic and Kellin literally just said it!" He whined. 

"Kellin isn't my kid and Vic's going to be eighteen soon. You're barely fifteen." She said.

"But-" He was cut off by Tony.

"Drop it, Mike." Tony practically growled. 

"Why are the shy ones kind of always terrifying?" I whisper-asked Vic.

"I think it's because since they don't talk all that much, they have a lot of built up anger so when they do talk, they slowly let out that anger." Vic whispered back. 

"That's actually not the bullshit answer I was expecting." I laughed.

"Just because I'm in sports doesn't mean I'm an idiot like the rest of them." He stated with a hint of sass. 

"Sport plural? Are you in more than one?" I asked in disbelief. 

"Wow, some kind of boyfriend you are." Vic mumbled. 

"Ouch." I mumbled sadly. 

"I'm just messing around." He laughed. "I do football too since it doesn't tie into wrestling season. That's why I haven't been able to hang out with you in the mornings for a few weeks. Practice is always in the mornings." He explained, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 

"I kind of wish I got into sports but then I realize I like being lazy a lot more." I told him. 

"I know." He laughed, kissing my temple. I sighed in content and rested my head on Vic's shoulder. I looked at the window to see the sun was just starting to come up. 

I reached up and entwined my fingers with Vic's that were lightly tapping on my shoulder. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled and lightly placed my lips against his. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" Vic asked. I nodded and he grabbed his MacBook, two sets of earbuds, and a dual headphone jack. He set the laptop in between us and pulled up a movie he downloaded. The movie was The Perks of Being a Wallflower. 

"I didn't think you'd be into movies like this." I said, shocked. 

"I read the book, too." He told me.

"Where have you been all my life!" I squealed, hugging him from the side. 

"I could say the same about you." He said, smiling down at me. I smiled shyly then leaned more into Vic's embrace. 

Halfway through the movie, I guess I ended up falling asleep because next thing I know, I'm opening my eyes, the laptop is gone, Vic and I are spooning, and it looks to be around noon. Vic knew I was away because he now had snapchat open and took a picture of us. 

He then started to take a video. I gasped and hid my face in his chest. "Awe, baby, let my friends see your beautiful face." He whined. I giggled and pressed my face closer into his chest.

"You guys are gonna make me vomit." Mike shouted back to us. Vic and I started laughing and I leaned up and kissed his cheek. 

"We're going through a McDonald's drive-through but you all are getting a happy meal." Vivian shouted to us all. 

"I get a toy!" I shouted excitedly. 

"Who's five now?" Vic sassed.

"You both are!" Victor shouted back to us.

"Thanks Papa." Vic said sarcastically. Victor laughed at us and started to order our food. The people who worked there probably think there's a car full of children. Well, maybe not physically. 

"You should play some music!" Mike said, looking back at Vic and asking him to turn on his bluetooth since their car is cool like that. It also had internet. He set is up and soon enough we were back on the road with our food, music playing, and everyone just enjoying themselves.

If this is how I'm spending my last two weeks of summer vacation, I'm okay with it. 

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