The Art of Life

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A very special poem to me. (8 syllables per line)

The Art of Life

Bright sunshine and vibrant flowers,

Scenery of roads and towers,

Blue sky and flowing river,

Snowflakes in breezy winter.

Rain poured, flowers were blown by wind.

Earthquake came, towers were ruined.

Drought came along, rivers faded.

Summer rose, snowflakes melted.

Like my life, perfect as I see.

When troubles came, I turned weary;

My knees became cold and feeble.

To fix plight, I'm incapable.

Hoping storm will be drizzle,

As my eyes began to dazzle.

But I'll never be pulverized,

I'll be valorous, I will rise.

Bunch of challenge I have to face

Are lessons I'll learn from this race.

Just have to treasure life's beauty

For my God made this art for me.

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