Keeping It For Myself

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Keeping It For Myself

You knew that we love running while
barefoot in the backyards
of our neighbors.
I would pick flowers and put it
behind your ears.
I would touch your cheeks
and tell you how beautiful you were.
But I wouldn't tell how much
I wanted to kiss you back then.

You knew that we're both born
a bookworm and we always
spend a day reading beside each other.
I would go with you
to the nearest book store to buy
the latest novels.
I would call at night just to say
my favorite scenes and lines,
and I'll send my greatest gratitude
for having you in my life.
But I'll never send the way I look at you,
and the way I wanted to treat you.

You knew that I love music so much
that I would run to your house
to sing my new composed song.
I would strum my strings,
together with my heart.
I would see you closing your
eyes to feel the beat.
I would like catching your gaze,
but I can never really tell
you were the lyrics and the rhythm itself.

You knew that I'm always here for you.
I can fly away with you anywhere.
I can offer you a flower, a novel, or a song.
I can be your most awaited sunrise,
after your sunset.
But I can never make you happier
more than he did.

So I'd rather keep all these
fucked up feelings for myself.

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