Chapter 1

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Astrid's POV

A flock of birds passes the large bay windows of the Dragons Edge tower that I'm currently staring through. The city of Berk could be seen till the horizon. It's cold gray skyscrapers littering the skyline.

Today was my first day on the job, and I would be the new leader of a superhero group, which keeps this city safe from the clutches of evil. Their previous leader Razor retired, wanting a peaceful civilian life.

The tower was their home base, providing all a superhero's needs. State of the art training rooms, the most sophisticated communications technology, and the best security system ever created are a few of the features this tower boasts. From this moment forward it would also be my new home.

My name is Astrid Hofferson, bonded to the Deadly Nadder Stormfly. My superhero alias is Lady Lancer. Newly appointed leader of the Riders, and combat specialist.

The team I would be leading consisted of four other teens. A big nerdy boy named Fishlegs Ingerman, who was bonded with a Gronckle named Meatlug. He was mostly our communications, and computer specialist so he did little field work. His superhero alias was The Crusher.

Next there were the twins Ruffnut, and Tuffnut Thornston, also known as Trick and Treat. They were bonded with a Hideous Zippleback named Barf and Belch, and they were the explosions, and weapons experts in the group.

Last but not least was my second in command Snotlout Jorgenson, self proclaimed ladies man, and the muscle of the team. His bonded dragon was a Monstrous Nightmare named Hookfang, and his alias was Fire-gnat. I honestly laughed so hard when I heard that.

We work under Mayor Haddock, together with the police to keep the city safe.

Suddenly the alarms began blearing, and I make my way towards the central hub.

"What have we got?" I ask Fishlegs who was pulling up various video feeds.

"It looks like intense lightning activity downtown." Fishlegs answers causing the others to groan in frustration.

"Him again." Snotlout grumbles.

I give Snotlout a questioning look, and he begins to elaborate. "It's just The Deranged Spark. Nothing to worry about." Snotlout says with exasperation.

"The Deranged Spark is a Strike class villain. How is that not something to worry about." I look at Snotlout with astonishment. Those bonded to Strike class dragons are considered the most powerful. A criminal being bonded to a Strike class dragon makes him all the more dangerous.

"It's the second, no third time this week the guy has shown up. All he wants to do is impress his idol." Ruffnut remarks offhandedly.

"His idol?" I question.

"The Phantom. Berk's most elusive villain. He has the strongest dragon ever seen, and plays by his own set of rules." Ruffnut elaborates. "Deranged, and every other villain or small time crook idolizes him."

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