Chapter 4

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Astrid's POV

The saying time flies when you're having fun couldn't be truer. It has almost been two months since I moved into the tower, and Hiccup, and I have gone on several dates, with him only getting kidnapped twice.

The criminal activity in the city is at an all time low this last month, and that has me worried. It just feels like the calm before the storm.

I flip through the TV channels in the common room looking for something interesting to watch, when Snotlout confidently walks in. "Hey babe, how about you, and me go out tonight." He says while flexing his muscles.

"Snotlout, if you haven't noticed. I have a boyfriend." I tell him getting irritated by his constant flirting.

"You're still with my wimpy cousin." Snotlout scoffs in derision. "What's so great about him?"

"Well for one he is a gentleman." I state giving Snotlout a glare. "And he has a sense of humor."

Before Snotlout could say anything else the alarms signaling an emergency went off. 'I knew this quiet wouldn't last.' I think as both Snotlout, and I head for the hub.

We sprint into the command center. I see Fishlegs already busy pulling up the video feeds. "We have two this time guys." He says. "The Phantom was spotted on several buildings in the north-east sector. What he's up to is still unclear. We also have a reported bank heist in the downtown area. Number of assailants is unknown at this moment."

"Alright we're going to need everybody in the field today." I tell them. "Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs you guys take the bank robbers. Snotlout, and I will take Phantom."

"We will?" Snotlout asked surprised.

"Yes we will. He's Strike class. If he decides to retaliate, the twins and Fishlegs would be overpowered." I state. "Everyone move out!"

We transform, and split up. Our wings beating as fast as they could to take us to our destinations.

In no time we reach the north-eastern sector, the oldest part of Berk. Old brick flats, and dilapidated houses could be observed. This area was considered the slums of Berk, where gangs freely roamed.

"There!" Snotlout yells, and points to the black figure who just left the cell tower he was holding on to. We quickly intercept him. At last I get a good look at Phantom. He was dressed from head to toe in black. Black leather armor covered his body, along with a tinted visor to cover his eyes, and he was wearing a long form fitting black coat, which gave off a shimmer in the sunlight. The black bat-like wings were spread open, and were slowly beating to keep him hovering in front of us.

"Stop right there you! You won't get away with whatever evil scheme you're planning." Snotlout yells, puffing out his chest.

"Ah, Lady Lancer, and...... Fire-fly, was it?" He says while smirking. "What makes you think I'm up to something?"

Snotlout could be seen fuming. "It's Fire-gnat, not Fire-fly!!!" He yells back. "And everything you villains do is evil!!"

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