Side story 3: Convincing Mr. Eretson

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(Takes place between chapters 9 and 10)

Eret Eretson has had a tiring day. He was there when the Mayor got shot and had to hand over all video footage. Martial law was then declared, and the press was censured. Then he heard rumors that (former) Mayor Haddock was kidnapped by Phantom who had thrown him out of his hospital room window. A window which was on the fifth floor.

Unfortunately when he went to investigate he got thrown out. It would seem that the Deputy-mayor was being tightlipped about whole the situation, saying that the rumor was just a fabrication and that Mayor Haddock was recovering and didn't want to be disturbed. It all sounded a little to fishy for his taste.

Afterwards he got yelled at by his boss for not getting the story.

When Eret entered his apartment it was pitch black. He flicked the light switch near the door but the light did not go on.

Suddenly there was a voice coming from the corner of the room. "Hello Mr. Eretson."

"Who's there!" Eret yelled unnerved and held his briefcase as a weapon.

The figure simply flicked on the desk lamp to the lowest setting revealing Phantom sitting in the office chair, slowly stroking the lazy green Terror on his lap.

"Ph..Phantom!!" Eret shrieked. "Wh...Why a..are you in my apartment?"

"Waiting for you of course." Phantom replied. "I've got a proposition for you."

"And what is this proposition?" Eret asked still unnerved.

"A story that will make your career." Phantom answered still petting the Terror.

Eret while still not trusting the villain couldn't say that he wasn't intrigued. It wasn't everyday you found a super villain in your apartment.

"I'll listen." Eret said. "On one condition."

"And that is?" Phantom asked.

"Could you please stop looking so...... evil." Eret asked, not entirely sure how to ask Phantom to cut out the Terror stroking which made him look like a 60's villain who was planning to blow up the moon.

Phantom let out a laugh then turned his head to the opposite corner. "I told you it was cheesy. Could you turn on the lights."

There was a flash, and then the lights in the apartment came back on. In the corner Eret saw Lady Lancer and The Deranged Spark who had his hand on the wall.

Another "Eeep" escaped from Eret which caused Phantom to laugh hysterically.

"It wasn't cheesy." Sparky answered.

"Yes it was." Lady Lancer countered. "Why did you even suggest it?" she asked Deranged, and then turned towards Phantom "And why did you go along with it?"

"It looked like fun." Phantom replied while Deranged said. "I just wanted to see Phantom do it. I mean come on. Who wouldn't."

Lady Lancer sighed in exasperation. "You two are hopeless."

Then they remembered what they came here for and three sets of eyes turned towards the gobsmacked man, whose apartment they'd invaded.

It was a lengthy discussion with Eret but they managed to get his cooperation. When they returned to the lair Astrid was the first to be shocked. Hiccup and Dagur followed soon after.

"EVERYBODY OUT HERE NOW!!" Astrid yelled causing the twins, Heather, Alvin, Gobber, Snotlout and Fishlegs to come barreling in from other rooms.

"Alright who duct-taped the Mayor to the ceiling?!" Astrid asked looking at all of them, and pointed to the struggling figure on the ceiling wrapped in silvery duct-tape.

Astrid then heard the click of a camera and turned to see Hiccup taking a few pictures on his phone. She raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Hiccup asked nonchalantly. "I'm not above blackmail.

Astrid then hands Hiccup her own phone. "Take some for me to will you?"

"Sure thing Milady." Hiccup said snapping some more pictures.

"Now." Astrid said eyeing the group. "Which one of you did this?"

She looked at the twins first. "Don't look at us Astrid. For once we didn't do this." Tuffnut said. "But we'll buy the one who did something nice. This is quality work." Ruffnut answered impressed.

Astrid then turns to Alvin and Gobber who were also snapping pictures. With how they were acting they couldn't have done it.

Snotlout was in a fit of giggles on the floor saying that this just made his day, while Heather was looking at the ceiling in awe. 'Nope didn't do it.' Astrid concluded.

She then turned to Fishlegs who was looking very nervous. "Fishlegs?" Astrid asked. Before she could continue Fishlegs spilled the beans. "It was me alright. It was me. He was getting on my nerves so I did it!!" Fishlegs confessed.

"Alright Fishlegs." Astrid said. "Now who wants ice-cream?"

"Wait you're not mad?" Fishlegs asked.

"No why should I be." Astrid says while raiding Hiccup's fridge.

She pulled out two large tubs of ice-cream while Heather got the bowls and spoons. The twins were clapping Fishlegs on the back, and the group departed to take a little break from planning Drago's downfall with some ice-cream completely forgetting about the tapped Stoick on the ceiling.

AN: Alrighty guys this is goodbye for now. You'll hear from me again sometime during the Halloween month (wink wink). I got a new story planned and I need to write this fic's sequel as well as that of To mend a Valkyrie's heart. Also Mayhem in the Theater will also be getting it's sequel.

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