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AN: Hey guys so this is the epilogue. (sniff) No worries, there are 3 side stories following which will give you a peak at what happened between chapters and before the events in this story. So Enjoy!!

Astrid's POV

It has been three years since the Red Death incident, and Berk had recovered nicely. An interim government was established, and the corrupt officials were rounded up. Drago and the entire Red Death cult where now behind bars.

Mayor Stoick could not return to office, because the martial law had ended his term and he wasn't eligible for another.

But today is a day of celebration as the new Mayor was sworn in. The square in front of City Hall was packed, because everybody wanted to see the proceedings.

I watch as Hiccup clad in his black tuxedo makes his way up the podium to greet the public, Toothless with Sharpshot sitting on his head was walking by his side. Yes you heard me right. My boyfriend, now fiancé, won the election by a landslide victory. He honestly didn't think he would win when the twins told him that they nominated him (on a dare from Snotlout).

Thunderstorms formed just as Hiccup began his speech, and before we knew it he was snatched up, and kidnapped by Deranged......again.

The gathered crowd, and probably those behind their televisions groan, and face-palm. I see Toothless snort in exasperation as he takes off after the two dots in the sky.

I quickly transform as well and head off after them. Today I was probably going to kill Dagur. You'd think that the kidnappings would have stopped after he found out Phantom's real identity, but no such luck.

I catch up to them, and see that Hiccup was holding onto a crane dangling several storeys above the ground.

"Really Sparky!!" Hiccup yelled at Dagur who mainly grinned.

"Kidnapping a Mayor is much more high-profile than a Mayor's son." Sparky simply states, but has to quickly dodge as I send a barrage of spikes his way.

"Yeah, but pissing off his spike throwing fiancé is a death sentence." I yell.

"Oh right, did you guys get the early wedding present I sent?" Deranged asked as he kept dodging spikes.

"Yes we did. Those China plates are absolutely lovely." I tell him, while still trying to hit him.

But we were interrupted by a stream of fire heading straight for us. Dagur, and I dodged out of the way, and Hiccup joined us in the sky trying to figure out where that attack originated from.

Maniacal laughter could be heard, and a woman in a red suit uncloaked near us.

"Who the hell are you?" Hiccup asked.

"I am ze great Burglar, and I have come for my revenge!" The woman said passionately and charged straight at us.

'Oh just great.' I think. 'A new villain in town.'      

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