Side story 1: How Hiccup met Alvin

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Hiccup's POV

I woke up groggily. My eyes were adjusting to the light, and I could hear various rowdy voices. As I woke up I noticed that I was tied up with rope, and sitting in a boot.

"Where the hell am I?" I grumble while looking around at the various men drinking, smoking, and gambling.

"At Mala's tavern of course." A woman with short blond hair who was holding a tray said. "I'm Mala by the way. Owner of this fine establishment, and you must be Hiccup Haddock."

"Okay, how do you know my name, and why am I tied up?" I ask eyeing the woman who just lets out a laugh. "You'll have to ask Deranged over there." She said and pointed to the bar where I saw the Deranged Spark talking with a big man.

"Hey Sparky what's the big deal!!" I yell, and the room immediately quiets. I see all the patrons looking at me with astonished looks.

"Hiccup!! You're finally awake!!" Deranged says, and picks up to mugs of ale. He puts down one of the mugs in front of me and says "Drink up, drink up. I have an evil scheme to announce in an hour."

A flurry of whispers breaks through the room. The people asking not to subtlety why Deranged hasn't barbequed me yet.

I look at the mug, and then back at Sparky. "How am I supposed to drink tied up?" I ask.

"Oh I'm sorry. Let me untie you." Deranged said, and proceeded to undo the knots. I took a glance out of a nearby window and saw that it was already dusk. "Wait a minute. It was 10 am when I was having that picnic date."

I now suddenly remember what happened today. This damn villain kidnapped me from my picnic date. 'Dear Thor my date must have been terrified.' I think.

"Wait why the hell did you kidnap me again so early. Couldn't you have at least waited until I finished my date!! Now Mei Sung would probably never speak to me again!" I yell exasperated.

"Well I'd wanted to thank you for playing the hostage last time, and for interrupting your previous date, so I thought we could do lunch. I just didn't expect the sleep grenade to be so effective." Deranged told me which caused me to groan.

"As for that Mei Sung lady. You could do so much better. She was acting way to controlling!" He continues. "You need someone more..."

"Oh my God! Now you're giving me dating advice!!" I interrupt him. "Wait a minute. How did you know how she was acting?" I ask only to see Sparky looking away. I raise my eyebrow, and cross my arms. Sparky huffs out "I was in the tree you guys were picnicking against."

"Stalkerish much?" I ask dryly.

"Ah so you were the one from last time." The big man who Sparky was talking to approached. " I'm Alvin by the way, and most of the guys here are part of my gang the Outcasts. Say Hi boys." Alvin says, and many of the men in the tavern yell a greeting.

"I didn't think you'd be the Mayor's kid. That man always acts so prim and proper. You certainly made an impression the first time you were kidnapped." Alvin laughed heartily and clapped me on my shoulder. "They had to censor the media because ye were cursing up a storm."

"I was tied to an antenna on top of a skyscraper with an electrically charged villain." I say dryly. "I had the right to curse in that situation." I grumble.

"Aye ya did boy. All of us were watching the news in this pub, and we certainly weren't expecting that. Not even a scream of terror, ya went straight to cursing." Alvin and some of the men in the pub laughed at that.

"Oi Deranged don't pout." Alvin tells Sparky who must have remembered that time. "He only called you a static charged poodle twice."

Laughter erupts from the pub, and Sparky blushes. "Just you wait. This new scheme of mine will work." He yelled out. "And Berk's resident kidnappee is going to help me." He looks straight at me as he says this.

"Wait!! I'm what now!!" I yell while waving my arms erratically.

"If all you wanted to do was impress someone..." I say but before I could finish my sentence I'm interrupted.

"He isn't just someone!!" Sparky yelled passionately. The pub crowd groans in annoyance. "Now you've done it." Alvin tells me.

"Done what?" I ask curiously as I see Sparky starting a monologue on why he needs to impress his idol.

"He's gone into fangirl mode, and there is no snapping him out of it. You have no idea how many times we had to endure this speech." Alvin says and takes a seat in the boot.

The monologue continues and I became sleepy. Alvin poked me in the ribs as I was dozing off. I look at the clock on the wall and realize Deranged has been at it for nearly 20 minutes and he wasn't stopping soon.

"I really got to go. I have an early shift. Want me to do something about that?" I ask pointing to Sparky who at this point was standing on a stool in the middle of the pub.

"Please." Alvin said while stifling a yawn.

I get out of my seat, and proceed to kick Deranged in the behind, causing him to yelp, and vacate the stool. "Sparky I'll only say this once. Your monologues are long winded. I wouldn't be surprised that this is the reason why you lose against the heroes." I exclaim.

"Now, I have to go." I tell him, and proceed to calmly walk out of the pub. A thundering applause followed as I left through the doors.

"What just happened?" Deranged asked Alvin who was laughing hysterically. "I'll give the lad credit. He's got guts."

Savage who came up to Alvin whispered in his ear. "The guys are doing what?" Alvin asks as he hears the news. "Well count me in. 50 bucks says that the lad will get to first base on his next date."          

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