Chapter 5

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Astrid's POV

I groaned as I heard an annoying sound. Thinking it was my alarm I smashed my hand on the snooze button, idly wondering if I would yet again have to get a new clock, but the sound didn't stop. In my half asleep state I finally realized that it was someone insistently knocking at my door. I climbed out of bed, and opened the door to see the twins in front of it.

"Wow, take a look at that bed hair." Tuffnut exclaims. He is promptly hit by Ruffnut.

"Why are you guys up at......" I glance back at my clock "5:37 in the morning?" I say while stifling a yawn.

"It's Fish. We went to cheer him up but we found this taped to the door." Ruffnut says as she hands me the note.

Dear friends,

Thank you for standing up for me, but I can't take it anymore. I have to confess that this wasn't the first time the Mayor or one of his aides said something like that to me. It only happened when you guys were out on mission, and I was in the control center monitoring your progress.

But last night was the last straw. I've decided to leave for a while to clear my head, and to carry out an investigation of my own. Something is going on, and I'm going to find the source.

I'll have my communicator with me, but I ask you not to track or contact me unless it is an emergency.



"Fishlegs is gone!" I exclaim as I finished the letter.

"Seems so. He must have snuck out after we went to bed." Tuffnut comments.

"We'll tell Snotlout, and meet you in the hub Astrid." Tuffnut said as he, and his sister ran down the corridor to Snotlout's room.

I go back into my room, and see Stormfly staring at me curiously. As I take a look in the mirror I could see what Tuffnut meant. I looked like Madam Mim.

I quickly wash, and got dressed. I sent a text to Hiccup that I couldn't meet him today, and headed for the hub. The others were already there. The twins were punching each other, and Snotlout was nodding off slightly, his sleep cap still on his head.

"There you are Astrid." Tuffnut says, and slaps Snotlout on his back to wake him up.

"So what do we do now?" Ruffnut asks, as she glances at the computer console where Fishlegs always sat.

"We're going to have to respect Fishlegs wishes, and if I see the Mayor again, I'll give him a piece of my mind." I tell them. "I know some people look down on others because they don't have stronger bonded dragons, but I wouldn't have guessed that our city's Mayor or his aides were such bigots. This has been going on for quite some time as well according to Fish's letter. It's times like this that I hate what our society has become."

"Yea, and even he thinks something's fishy." Tuffnut comments, and laughs at his own joke.

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