Chapter 3

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Hiccup's POV

Tonight was the night of the date. I was pacing nervously in my room above Gobber's shop. Gobber was currently rummaging through my wardrobe, throwing clothes on my bed while muttering "No, not that.", "Definitely not that.", "What even possessed you to buy THAT."

Sharpshot was lazily watching the commotion from my bed.

Then Gobber yells "Got it!!", and he pulls out a forest green turtleneck sweater. "Put this on lad, see if it still fits. Thor knows we need to go shopping." Gobber mutters before picking up a pair of slim fitting dark brown dress pants. "And these." Gobber says, and throws me the pants.

"Gobber!! These pants will be tight!!" I tell him, but I just get a raised eyebrow in return.

"Duh!" Gobber tells me. "You get kidnapped biweekly, and you have yet to make it to a second date. So I'll give you a piece of advice." Gobber says, and puts his arm around me. "If ya got it, flaunt it." He claps me on the back, and goes back down to the kitchen laughing.

It takes me only fifteen minutes to get dressed, and ready. I've already given up on taming the mop of auburn on top of my head, and I'm not asking Gobber for some gel. The last time I did that I ended up with glitters in my hair.

Astrid already called me to say that she will meet me at the restaurant, because a minor emergency came up. I bid farewell to Gobber, and drove to 'Angelico Dolci' the Italian restaurant that I had made reservations at. I was shown to my seat, and waited for Astrid to arrive. She came in 10 minutes later looking a bit winded.

"Sorry I'm late. We had a Mildew problem." She said as she took the seat that I held out for her. I groan, and ask "What did that geezer do this time?"

"He led an army of sheep through downtown." Astrid stated simply.

It was then that I really noticed what she was wearing. At was a little black off the shoulder ribbed sheath dress. I stared at her totally transfixed. "Astrid you look beautiful." I tell her, getting a bit flustered. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Why thank you." Astrid said, as the waiter put some breadsticks, and two small bowls on the table.

I grab the bowl while still looking at Astrid, and take a sip. Astrid then starts giggling. "Hiccup, that's the finger bowl." She says, causing me to snap out of my daze.

Embarrassed I quickly put down the bowl, and ask to be excused. Astrid simply continued giggling. I quickly head to the restroom to clear my head. "Come on Hiccup, don't get so flustered." I tell myself. I head back out of the restroom, while still thinking about how beautiful Astrid looked, and that she actually agreed to go on a date with me.

I take a seat at the table trying to make the blush on my cheeks vanish, when I hear "Well aren't you handsome." An older wealthy looking lady says from across the table. "Eh..." I try to articulate. The woman bends forward, and whispers "Did you get the G-string I send you?" 'OH MY THOR!! DID THIS WOMAN THINK I WAS AN ESCORT!!' I mentally yell at myself.

My face heats up again, and I manage to stutter out "Ex..Excuse M..Ma'am. I the w..wrong table." I get up to leave. The lady was blatantly checking me out as I stood up. I began to mentally curse Gobber, and his pants choice.

I see Astrid at our table holding her hand over her mouth stifling her laughter. Before I reach our table I accidently bump into someone.

"Sorry." I said. The man I bumped into just laughed, and looked me up and down. "No worries, you're a cutie. Call me if you'd like to bump into me some more." He says, and hands me a business card.

I sputter, but the man has already taken a seat at the table I had just vacated. I look at the black business card, and there in cursive lettering is written 'Professional gigolo.'. I see his name along with his phone number below.

I quickly take a seat at the correct table this time. Astrid had at this point given up on hiding her amusement. "Well aren't you popular." She states. I grumble while cursing Gobber, and his pants choice.

It was after the appetizers had arrived, and we had ordered the main course that things began to get a bit crazy.

The doors of the restaurant were slammed open, and men holding guns poured in. "Alrighty everybody, this is a stick up." A big burly man said. "You do as we say, and ya won't get hurt."

I groan in annoyance. It was just my luck that I picked the restaurant Alvin 'The Treacherous', and his gang of Outcast decided to rob for a first date.

Just as they were about to collect the patrons valuables I heard Alvin's second in command Savage say loudly "Well isn't that Hiccup over there?"

The entire Outcast gang turned into the direction Savage was pointing, and I saw Alvin grin as he spotted Astrid, and I.

Alvin made his way over to us. "Well this is a surprise." He says. "First date with the lad?" Alvin then asks Astrid who merely nodded.

"How do you guys know each other?" Astrid asked looking between the mortified me, and the grinning Alvin.

"Who wouldn't know Hiccup. The Deranged Spark's favorite victim." Alvin says cheerfully. "This guy's got balls. He's the only one who ever had the guts to call Deranged Sparky."

"Not to mention he actually fell asleep during one of Deranged's monologues." Alvin continues to explain, and claps me on the back.

"Hey! That was a long winded monologue." I yell indignantly.

"Aye, and ya told him that as well." Alvin says while laughing. "It's a wonder ya aren't a crispy Hiccup right now."

"So lass, you, and Hiccup already on first base?" Alvin asks casually.

"Oh my God Alvin, did you just seriously ask that?" I yell flustered.

"Aye lad, the boys, and I have a betting pool going about yer love life." Alvin tells me with a raised brow.

"I lost 50 dollars because you got kidnapped before the date even began last time." Alvin grumbled.

I groan again, and Alvin seems to get the picture. He turns to the his gang who were all listening in. 'Bunch of busybodies.' I can't help but think.

"Yo lads, let's go look for another place to rob, and leave these lovebirds alone." Alvin says, and the gang heads out of the restaurant with Alvin cheerfully waving goodbye.

I see Astrid cock an eyebrow. "Well, certainly the most interesting first date I've ever had."

Needless to say I won't be showing my face at this restaurant anytime soon.  

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