Chapter 7

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AN: Sorry guys for the late update. Internet was down since last night, and I just got it back.

Astrid's POV

I slowly wake up again, and see the gang hovering over my bed. "Hey, guys." I said. "I had the weirdest dream. I thought Hiccup was Phantom." I chuckled out.

My friends were casting me uncertain glances. "Eh... Astrid. It wasn't a dream." Fishlegs says timidly while twiddling his thumbs.

My eyes shoot open, and I glance around the room. My gaze rests on Hiccup tied to a chair, and fuming, while the Night Fury gave me a 'what-the-hell' look.

"Guys why is my boyfriend tied to a chair?" I ask.

"That's what I want to know!" Hiccup grumbled from his spot.

"Well... he did say that he chose the villain path himself." Tuffnut answers. "We couldn't take any chance."

"Yeah, he might even have gotten close to you to infiltrate the tower." Ruffnut elaborated.

"Oh for crying out loud. If I wanted to get into your tower I could have done that at any time! I did design your security, and computer systems!" Hiccup yelled frustrated.

"WHAT!!!" Came from all of us at his statement.

"Hmmm... I was actually wondering about that. I noticed when I first got here that your computer's operating system was an advanced version of ours." Fishlegs says pensively while undoing Hiccup's bonds

"Dude, what if he's lying about that?" Tuffnut asks.

"Well I don't think he is. I saw those computers Tuff. It's more like our tower's computer system is five years out of date." Fishlegs answers back.

"Look, everybody sit down so that I can explain." Hiccup said. "This may take a while."

"Wait. Before you explain, I want to know how Fishlegs found you since none of us could dig up anything. Even with Ruffnut's hacking." Snotlout asked.

"Fine. Fishlegs if you will." Hiccup gestures for Fishlegs to explain.

"Well guys I figured if I couldn't find any information through the computer I'd have to do it the old fashioned way. So I asked Mr. Eretson if he had any idea." Fishlegs explains.

"He's the guy who actually got some interviews with the villains so I figured he'd know something. Sure enough after explaining why I wanted to find Phantom he was more than happy to direct me to 'Mala's tavern'." Fishlegs tells us, and the rest of us groan.

"Fishlegs please tell me you didn't step into a seedy pub that crooks, and villains like to frequent." I groan.

"Of course he did." Hiccup chimes in chuckling.

"You're not helping you know." Fishlegs states while shooting Hiccup a glare. "Why do you hang out there anyway?"

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