Chapter 6: Why Danielle Shouldn't Drive

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Chapter 6: Why Danielle Shouldn't Drive

"Higher, higher!" I shouted at Haley. She was pushing me on a swing, surprisingly well I must say.

"My arms are tired, can I stop?" she pleaded.

"Fine," I grunted. She made her way over to a bench and laid down. I jumped off the swing and sat down beside her.

"want to go back on the merry-go-round again one last time then we head home?" I asked and she nodded. I pulled her to her feet and she followed me to the merry-go-round. She sat down in the middle and I began spinning it.

"Jump on!" Haley yelled and I did. I stumbled a little and made my way to the center where Haley sat. "We should buy one of these and attach a motor to it."

"That sounds delightful. Haha to see someone fly off it would be priceless." I laughed at the thought.

"You have a sick mind Danny..." I stuck my tongue at her and she did the same back to me. We sat for another minute before the thing came to a slow stop.

"Ready Freddy?" I asked standing up. She stood up and brushed her butt off, I did the same.

"As I will ever be." she grabbed my hand and held onto it and I pulled her to her car.

"You drive, I'm too tired to," Haley slouched against the car.

"I don't have my license yet," I stated but she insisted that it would be fine.

"Sweet! Now I can take a nap." She said excitedly.

"You're staying awake, I don't trust myself behind the wheel yet." I didn't really like driving. It was never on my main priority list.

"Fine..." she slumped down in the passenger seat and I buckled myself into the drivers side.

"Here goes nothing. If we get into a car accident its all your fault." I looked at her. Haley held up her hands in defense.

I backed out of the parking spot and took off onto the road. Within three minutes of driving Haley's snoring filled the car. If I'm alone in the car I start talking to myself. I don't know why i guess it's just a habit.

"Where's the exit I'm supposed to get on? Oh wait never mind, there it is." I said to myself. In that brief moment a movement out of the corner of my eye something decided to jump out in front of the car. I quickly slammed on the brakes but not soon enough. I hit the object head on causing me to have my head slammed into the steering wheel.

It took me a moment to register what happened.

"Haley, Haley," I leaned back into my chair. The airbags didn't go off. I looked over to Haley she was bleeding from the top corner of her right eye.

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