Chapter 7: Wake Up

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Chapter 7: Wake Up

I woke up to the sound of various beeping noises and the chitter chatter of doctors and patients in the hall. I yawned and stretched my aching arms out. I noticed an iv was sticking out of my arm, "just what I need."

I adverted my gaze to the doorway where a knocking noise had been. "I see your up," a nurse said as she came into my room.

I sat up a little bit in the bed, "Yeah, I just woke up. Do you happen to know where Haley is?"

"She's actually home now. She was checked out by her mom two days ago. And by the way my name is Sheila," Days? I must have been asleep for a long time then.

"How long have I been here?" I asked.

"Six days Hun." She walked up to my monitors and checked them.

"Is Max okay?" I wondered not knowing for sure what came of him. In the back of my mind i knew he was dead but every other part of me hoped to see his hazel eyes once again. Sheila looked at me with concerned eyes.

She began to speak but stopped and started again, "I'm so sorry honey, but Max didn't make it," I lost it completely. The whole waterworks came on and I had a famous Danielle panick attack. My heart race sped up and I began to choke a little. I was crying hysterically and hitting the sides of the bed.

I had killed Max. I, Danielle May Darling, had killed a person. I guess I should scratch murdering someone off my bucket list.

Next thing I knew Sheila stabbed me with sedative knocking me out within seconds.



When I woke up again I was in my own room. I didn't realize my leg was broken until I tried to stand up. There instead of my pinkish colored leg was a neon green cast.

I tried to walk but my face shortly met the ground. "Oww," I grunted and tried to pull myself back onto the bed. Haley must have brought all my stuff back over because Bear had taken my spot on my bed. "Really? You just had to take my spot? Oh, okay go ahead take the cripples spot."

"Are you okay?" my mom came rushing into my room. She carried an icepack in her right hand.

"Other then the fact that I killed someone, have a broken leg and my face just met the floor I'm just dandy." I said rolling my eyes. She sat down the icepack and hoisted me up.

She handed me the icepack and sat down next to me. "It wasn't your fault he died," she started, "That could have happened to anyone."

"But why did it have to happen to me?" I asked.

"I don't know honey, I don't know," with that she left the room.

I felt guilty.

I laid back into my pillow and crossed my arms. "Why did it happen to me?"

For the entire month i had bed rest. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the image of the dead boy out of my head. It was my fault he died. My fault. I killed someone. Someone who probably had a loving family.

I would wake up crying most nights. Every time I went to sleep I would either have night terrors or no dreams at all. The dreams were replays of the crash. They would be in my point of view or his.

"Dannielle, dear?" My mother peered into the doorway of my room. She carried some flowers. "Haley brought you some flowers."

I wished I had died instead of him. He looked perfect and I was just a mess. I didn't care much about the world anymore. It was depressing and selfish.

"I bought you something. It took me awhile to find one and get the license to have one but I thought it might help you-," she leaned against the wall.

"Help me with what exactly huh? I killed someone mom! That will never get out of my head!" tears started to roll down my face.

"I know honey but you have to move on," she walked over to my bed and sat down next to me. "So thats why I got you this." She walked out of the room. About a minute later she came back.

"Close your eyes," she said. I closed them and she walked further into my room. "Open."

There in front of me on the floor sat a large fuzzy wolf pup. My eyes lit up and I smiled for the first time in a week. "What's his name?" I asked leaning towards him. It licked my hand and wagged it's tail.

"The breeders had named him Max but you can change it if you like."

I took another good look at him, "Max suits him well. Come here Max, come here!" I patted the surface of my bed. He struggled a little bit but eventually got on. I kept his name as Max in honor of the boy I killed.

"Bear is not going to like you," I said stating the obvious. Just then a little cat came running into my room to prove me wrong. Bear leaned up against Max and began to purr.

They had taken up most of my bed. I wouldn't mind this if it wasn't bringing discomfort to my leg. "Max, can you move over a little bit please?" I asked.

He looked at me and and crawled over a bit. Huh, I thought to myself, he's trained? I rubbed his head and he leaned into my hand.

For the first time in a month I was at ease with myself. The night terrors went away and so did the thoughts of death. I laid peacefully on my bed with a auburn wolf on my left and a black cat on my right. "Goodnight." I said and I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT THE END!!! I still have a large amount of chapters and pages to go.

Song of the chapter is: Awolnation- Not your fault

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