Chapter 12: Ice Ice Baby

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Chapter 12: Ice Ice Baby

He turned into the parking lot and slowly came to a stop. "Ice-skating?"

"Ice-skating," I repeated with a grin.

"I haven't ice-skated in forever."

"Well I guess it's time you refresh your memory," I patted his shoulder and steeped out into the cold air. I shivered and stuck my hands into my jacket pocket.

"Hey Danielle? Do you have an extra jacket," Max complained rubbing his hands together.

I looked at him confused, "I thought werewolves were always hot?"

"No, you're thinking of twilight. I mean I wouldn't mind being really warm because it's fucking cold outside!" he yelled.

"Shh! There are kids around!" I yelled back. I looked under the truck seat and pulled out one of my dad's old sweatshirt. "Here," I threw it at him.

"Thank you," he smiled and pulled the sweatshirt over his head.

"Can we go now?" I asked growing impatient.

"After you," he bowed and held out his hand for me to take it. I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on top of his.

"I bet Bear is jealous of you," I said truthfully as I swung our hands back and forth.

"And why's that?" Ah, um, darn. I should probably think before I speak next time. Should I tell him? That would be stupid. He doesn't like me, I think. I don't want to trust my luck.

What should I say? I argued in my head for a moment. "You can read minds right?" i asked avoiding the subject.

"Yep, but I can shut it off. I'm not the type of person who is constantly invading personal info," he smirked. I sighed in relief.

We went inside of the ice-rink building. Max paid for our skates, I wondered where he got the money from...

I sat down on a bench and pulled my sneakers off and slid them out of view. Max sat down beside me and did the same. I laced up my hokey-skates. I don't like ice-skates because they always fit weird on my feet.

"Ready?" I asked standing up. My balance was a little off.

He nodded, "Yep." He followed me into the ice rink. A bunch of little kids and their parents were skating around. I couldn't help but laugh when one of them fell.

"You have a sick humor," Max shook his head at me. I rolled my eyes in return and shakily stepped onto the ice. I grasped onto the wall and let out a huff.

Max skated onto the ice with ease, "I thought you haven't gone ice skating in awhile?"

"I haven't, I just remember how to do it," he smirked turning to face me and skated backwards. I eventually got the hang of it also.

"Dannielle!" a little girl grasped onto my wast. She almost knocked me over.

She looked into my eyes and I recognized who she was, "Oh hi Sadie!" I laughed prying her off me. I used to baby sit Sadie and her little brother a few years back.

"I saw you and I wanted to say hi and my mom wants to talk to you really quick," she rushed out.

I furrowed my brows in confusement, "oh okay?" She pulled me over to where her mom stood outside of the rink.

"I'm so sorry to bother you right now Danielle but may I ask you to watch Sadie for about ten minutes?" She asked with pleading eyes.

I sighed and spoke, "Sure Mrs. Davis."

"Thank you so much Danielle, your a life savor," she sent me a grateful smile and ran outside.

"Hey Danielle, who's this little cutie?" Max said skating up to me.

"I'm Sadie!" she gladly said.

"Well nice to meet you," He looked over to me for an answer.

"Her mom had to run and do something. She'll be back in around ten minutes so I have to watch her."

"Oh okay, quit standing around and skate!" He suggested. Sadie stood between us and held our hands. She especially wanted to hold Max's, I wonder why. I rolled my eyes at the nine year old flirting with a sixteen year old.

"I'm really good at iceskating," Sadie proclaimed. She dropped hold of both of our hands and quickly skated around the ice.

"She likes you," I teased.

"I'm already dating someone." he had a serious face.

My heart dropped a little. "You are?"

He nodded and then broke into a smile, "I'm just kidding!" he nudged my shoulder almost causing me to fall. "She's not the only person here who likes me."

"Shut up." Bad choice Danny.

"See!" He excitedly spoke, "You admitted it!"

"Nuh uh," I lied hopefully well.

"Sure...," he winked at me. I pushed him a little to hard. Max landed on the ice hitting his head in the process.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Max." I knelt down onto the freezing cold ice.

"Ow," he scratched the back of his head. "I will get you back, not now but soon. Very soon." He grimaced.

I would have been scared if it were any of my other guy friends, like I have any. I smirked at him and lent him my hand.

He reluctantly took my hand and pulled himself up, "You know if I weren't a werewolf I'd probably have a concussion or a cracked skull right about now."

"I kind of figured," I admitted. Sadie came rushing to Max's side.

"Did you see me?!" She shouted not knowing what just happened.

Max nodded a lie and I did too. She then took Max's hand and pulled him around on the ice. I leaned up against one of the side barriers and laughed. She was more boy crazy then I remembered.

"Danielle," I turned to face a very thankful mom.

"Hi Mrs. Davis and hi Walter!" I smiled at the little boy in her arms.

"...hi," he said shyly. I doubt he remembered me he was only two the last time I babysat him.

"Thank you so much," she handed me ten dollars.

I rejected her money, "It's fine."

"I insist!" She encouraged me to take the cash.

Sadie came skating up to us pulling behind Max.

"Hello Sadie, and who may this fine young man be?" She stared at Max.

"This is Max, he's Danny's boyfriend," I practically choked at Sadie's answer.

"Sadie, Max is just a good friend of mine," I smiled. Hopefully I convinced her.

"Nice to meet you Max, anyway come on Sadie we have to get you to Dance." Sadie grabbed her moms hand and stepped off the ice. She mouthed a bye and walked to the sitting area.

"I'm hungry," Max whined.

"There's a snack bar in the main entrance area," I replied skating in a circle.

"No, real food. Like hamburgers or pizza."

"Alright, let's go then."


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