Chapter 14: Max's Rage

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Chapter 14

Max's Rage


I honestly didn't know what was going through my head a few minutes ago. She had turned me on, no doubt about that, but I didn't know what triggered my dominance over her.

I had no control over my body either. My adrenaline was pumped. I wanted to claim her right then and there without her say.

What surprised me the most was her forgiveness. I thought she would hate me or kick me out. Or maybe she'd even consider castrating me.

I shuddered at the thought.

Danielle was now softly snoring on me. She was beautiful, she always has been. I noticed a slight whimper come from her mouth. She must have been having a dream.

I shifted slightly so that she was now against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her keeping her in place and protected.

Man, what has come over me?


When Max shifted in the bed I woke but kept silent. I still had my eyes shut and my breathing remained steady. I didn't want him to know I was awake. He had wrapped his arms around me and I smiled.

"You awake?" Max asked. I remained silent but my heart had other plans. It quickened pace as he spoke.

I sighed outward, "Go to sleep." I pushed myself closer to him stealing his warmth.

Placing my hand under his shirt he flinched, "You're freezing."

"I'm always cold," I stated before cuddling even closer to him. "You're cute," I mumbled half asleep.

"Hey, I take that as an insult." He warned.

"Why's that?" I pulled on his shirt.

He laughed, "Because I'm manly."

"But I don't see a man, I see a boy," I stated with a yawn.

"Is that so?"





I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I opened my eyes Max was snoring loudly and had his arms wrapped tightly around me. I tried to out of his tight grip but my movements only made him hold on tighter.

I let out a huff, I wasn't going anywhere soon. And I wasn't really planning to anyway, but I needed some aspirin or Advil to stop my now throbbing head.

"Max!" I yelled cautiously, somewhat afraid of his new possessed side.

"Five more minutes..." with that he rolled on top of me giving me no space to breathe.

I panicked and dug my nails into his side.

He let out a small yelp, "Ouch, what was that for?"

"Get. off. of. me, I can't breathe," I could barely speak. He mumbled something like, oh shit, and quickly got off of me.

"How much do you weigh?" I asked sitting up.

He thought to himself for a moment, "185 or something like that. Oh and where's your mom? I can't smell her anywhere close."

I hadn't even thought about that. She was never gone this long without informing me. "I have no idea."

After a few moments of silence Max's stomach decided that it was the right time to speak up. "Well on that note, let's go get some breakfast," He clasped his hands together and jumped up onto his feet.

"I don't want to make breakfast," I groaned slumping over as I stood up.

"Who said you were making breakfast?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Well for one thing if you make it, you're probably going to eat most of the stuff in the kitchen." I stated a-matter-of-factly.

"Well that settles it, I making breakfast!" before I could object or make a move out my bedroom door, Max booked it closing my door behind him. I went to open it, "I put a chair there and locked it from the outside!"

I could hear him slightly laugh at me as he took off down the stairs.

Since I was probably going to be stuck in here for awhile I decided to lay back down on the bed and close my eyes for a little.

Once shut I fell back to sleep in a few minutes.




"Danielle, Danielle... Wakey wakey eggs and bakey."

"I'm not four," I groaned sitting up.

When I opened my eyes I saw a smiling Max holding a tray full of food. When I say full of food, I mean stacked high with bacon, waffles, eggs and sausage.

"I knew it," I scolded.


"That's like all of our food?!" I shouted jokingly.

"Yeah, about that, we should probably go grocery shopping soon." he sheepishly smiled only making me smile with him.

He brought the food over to my desk in the corner of my room. I pulled the chair from the hallway, yes the one he used to hold me hostage in my room, inside to sit on.

We made little conversation during our breakfast. Mostly because he had food constantly entering his mouth.

While I was munching down on a waffle I remembered something from last night; I had said yes to being his girlfriend.

I smiled to myself and Max saw it. He must have read my mind because he didn't question me on my sudden smile.

A few weeks past with this peaceful routine and I was getting even more comfortable with him.

My mom would show up once a day but kept showing up less and less frequent.

What was she up to?


Hey guys thanks for reading my story. I know it's not the best but I do try my hardest to entertain you.

I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day, even if you were alone (like me). I think all us forever aloners should team up so we can be forever never alone!





If you like :)

NOTE: this chapter has not been edited


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