Chapter 5: Childhood Memories

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"Have you guys ever rock climbed before?" a cute rockclimbing instructor asked.

"Nope... and I was planning to keep it that way," I said the last part under my breath. I'm terrified of heights. When I was little my mom and I would go to the beach every year, I mean we still do, but it was her grand idea to take a four year old up into a very tall lighthouse. My mom had to carry me. I cried all the way up and cried all the way down.

"Here put this on," he handed both Haley and I harnesses and some carabeaners.

I slipped it on surprising myself that I actually did it right. I smiled at my own achievement while Haley cursed at her harness. The instructor guy had to help her out.

"I'm going to start you both out on an easy one. Would you like for me to belay you or take the automatic one?" he asked us.

"Um, the automatic I guess?" haley answered unsure of herself.

"Great!" he answered a little over the top excited I might say. "You guys just made my life a little easier."

He attached us to the ropes and sat down and watched Haley and I climb. More so Haley since I didn't even make it ten feet without freaking out.

We finished rockclimbing around two pm and Haley decided she would take us to lunch. Of course I ended up paying for the both of us.

"Are you interested in some dessert?" the waitress asked us.

Haley was the first to speak, "I would like a chocolate lava and can you put some vanilla ice-cream on the side?"

"Sure thing," she scribbled it down on her little notepad. "And for you?"

"The same," I replied.

"I will be right back with your orders," she smiled and walked to the kitchen area.

"So why the hell have you been taking me to the places I fear most lately?" I questioned.

"No reason. Just thought it would be fun," she answered playing with her fork.

"Fun for you that is," I leaned back in the booth.

"I love you, you love me, we're a happy family!" Haley started singing barney.

"Stop, stop it! La la la la la," I hated that song. Did I mention I am terrified of mascots? Well Barney is pretty much one. I have had multiple night terrors from that show. And yes I have issues.

"Here you guys go," the waitress sat down the plates in front of us.

"Thank-you," I said grabbing my fork. Haley had already beaten me for the first bite. She was mostly done with hers when I took my second bite.

"Well that was scrumptious." she leaned back and held her stomach. "So where do you want to go after this?"

It only took me five seconds to think about it, "To the park!"

We split the payment for the meal and I paid the tip. I quickly ran to her car and buckled myself in. I loved the park. It didn't matter what park we went to as long as it had a merry-go-round.

When I was little Haley and I would get them going really fast and usually one of us would get hurt. I ended up punching her in the face when I was about five because she wouldn't let me have a turn.

She forgave me thankfully. Or I would have been stuck with Amy Rhodes as my best friend. She picker her nose in kindergarten and she never liked me because I was friends with Haley.

"You make me, feel like I'm living a teenage dream," I began singing. I barely sing because I know I'm a horrible singer.

Haley joined in on the song and started driving to the park.


Yay update!!!! Hi guys I know I'm slow with updating but I am getting faster!

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I will update again soon hopefully. I have chapters racked up now but they are not in order. And yes I changed the title. I didn't like "Time Will Only Tell" as much as I like my new title "Werewolf Enterprise"

I love you guys!



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