Chapter 17: Just A Walk In The Park

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 Before you guys indulge into this chapter I want to say thank you so much for liking my story. I am also extremely sorry that I haven't uploaded in what seems like forever. I happened to lose my iPod and that's where I write everything.

 Chapter 17: Just a Walk in the Park

            "Danielle where are we going?" Max whined behind me. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"I'm taking you to my best friend’s house, it's kind of an necessary thing for me to introduce you to her. I promise she won't bite."

"But I might," he spoke barely enough for me to hear.

I turned to face him and folded my arms, "Max?" I waited for his attention. He tilted his head up and pursed his lips together, "You have to promise to be good."

He let out a huff, "Fine."

"Say the words."

"I promise," he smiled sarcastically and walked up to me grabbing my hand in the process. "Now, this 'Haley' of yours, what is she like?”

I thought for a moment thinking about a simple way to describe her, there wasn’t really a simple way. “Um, I guess you could classify her as a typical blond.  She absolutely loves talking about clothes, boys, food, and the Jersey Shore.”

“Sounds like every girl in five mile radius, except you though,” he assured me. I just laughed and leaned into his shoulder. “You never talk about food.”

“Oh shut up, you’re the one that just so happened to clean out my entire fridge and made me tell my mom it was me. Now she’s probably going to put me on a diet.”

He laughed and looked upward trying to hide the pure pleasure in the situation, “Are you hinting that I’m fat?”

“What? No, definitely no. Just the idea of you eating all that food would be completely ridiculous.”

“Yeah, I guess so. And how can you eat that much?” I scrunched up my nose replaying the scene of him gulping down five hamburgers at once.

“It’s called being a werewolf and being a teenage boy,” he ruffled my hair slightly. “So where’s Haley’s house?”

“Right there actually,” I pointed to the bluish house a few yards in front of us.

“Oh,” he looked slightly surprised.

“Come on babe,” He tilted his head.

“So, I’m not allowed to call you babe, but you can use it freely?” I nodded smiling slightly. “That is not fair. I’m the pants in the relationship!”

“You can be the pants, but I make the final decisions. Now  come on, Haley was expecting me about ten minutes ago and it’s a five minute walk.”

“It’s a five minute walk, when you don’t have a strong boyfriend to protect you from the neighborhood creeps,” he laughed. I blushed stating it was true.

“Wait here, I’ll go get Haley.” I walked quickly up her front steps and onto her porch. I pushed the doorbell and sure enough Haley came bounding out of nowhere. She opened up the door with a wide smile and hugged me tightly. She stiffened slightly. “What’s wrong.”

“Who’s he?” She whispered in my ear, unsure of the situation.

“Don’t freak out or anything. And I’m guessing you’re going to hate me for not telling you sooner but that handsome kid behind me is Max, my boyfriend.”

“He’s your boyfriend? Danielle the shy girl who’s afraid to talk to the opposite sex? Where did you find him?” She whispered and then released me from her tight hug. I motioned Max towards us without Haley seeing my awkwardness setting in. “I’m Haley,” she said flirtatiously, “her best friend.”

“Yes, Danielle’s told me so much about you. It’s good to finally meet one of Danielle’s friends.”

“More like her only friend,” Haley whispered, hopefully Max didn’t hear that. “It’s good to meet you too, after everything Danielle hasn’t told me about.”

“Okay, so this is kind of officially awkward for me,” I clasped my hands together hinting to them to hurry up. She talks so much. My eyes widened and I looked at Max. Was that you? I mouthed. He nodded in response.

“So let’s move this party in doors,” Haley stated smiling creepily, “Oh, um, Andrew is here too.”

I nodded my head with a fake smile, it was already awkward enough. I trailed behind Haley into her living room. Max’s hand was entwined with mine. How can you speak to me through thoughts?  I asked.

It’s a werewolf thing.

I rolled my eyes; You think you could have mentioned that earlier.

I could have but I kind of forgot.

“So Andrew this is Max, Max this is Andrew,” the tension in the room was terrible at that moment.

Max tightened his grip on my hand, “Max, you’re hurting me,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Hey cousin,” Andrew said smirking at Max.

This chapter sucks, I know. I will try and update more if possible. But no promises.

I hoped this will keep you happy for at least a week.

I would also appreciate it very so if you guys would give me a list of actors that you think would fit the parts for each role. I would do it myself, but when I tried to do it I couldn’t find anyone I liked.

Much love






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