Thinking Too Much About Mason

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Tomboy of the Pack
Song: Legends- Davoodi

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

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Rae's POV

I slipped on the blue overalls, along with a helmet. We decided for the idea of Karting and here we are. Along with Mason, Leo, Lacey, Josh, Jace and Alexis, I was excited. I haven't been Karting for ages and I couldn't wait, especially until I kick some ass!

"Group nine for the Grand Prix?" someone called.

"That's us!" Alexis grinned, looking at the receipt. Cheering, I raced her to the Kart's, hoping in the first red one. Mason slipped into one next to me, pulling on his helmet. He raised a challenging eyebrow at me.

Smirking, I looked his way, clutching the steering wheel, "Game on, Alpha!"

"Ready." The man spoke, raising the flag.


"You're on, Skater Girl" Mason said, revving his Kart.

I grinned, "GO!" the flag went down, and my foot slammed on the acceleration as I pelted forward. I could hear Lacey and Jace 'wooing' in the background, the rest of us cheering.

I love karting. It seems so free and an adrenaline kicker. Lacey snuck in front of me, 'Finally!' Raven spoke, ready for some action. Its boring if you can't get in front of anyone.

I braked suddenly at a sharp corner, making Jace behind me growl lowly. Snickering, I tilted to the movement other kart, allowing my body and the kart to flow with the track, the road.

I was laughing as Jace tried to get in front of me, but ended up rolling into the tires that created the track. Mason was up behind me, trying to take over Alexis.


It was the final corner of the last lap. Mason was just behind me, everyone else had either crashed or stopped, it was only Mason and I.

'I'm going to get you, Rae' his voice echoed through the mindlink.

'Nope' I grinned to myself, before turning right at the last corner. I laughed as Mason cursed behind me, almost crashing, before looking back in front. My eyes widened, and I quickly steered the wheel, cutting in front of Mason before I almost drove into the tires.

I could hear the cheers of our friends on the sidelines and the roar of Mason's kart behind me. Raven was in my mind, pushing forward to win; competition was everything with her. The man at the end of the line raised the final flag, preparing to mark the winner. Mason's Kart was in my eye line. Looking to the left, I saw his smirk as he headed in front slightly. Hmm.

I steered slightly towards him, making him break before going in front of Mason, blocking him from any entry and zoomed over the finish line.

"Woo!" I yelled, raising my hands as my foot slowly pressed the break.

"Still the best!" I heard my brother cheer before hands pulled me from the kart and onto someone's shoulder. I looked down to find Jace holding me while I cheered.

"Good game, Skater Girl!" I heard Mason's voice. Jace turned around, Mason holding his hand out to shake. Proudly, I took it, until I was yanked off Jace's shoulder. I gripped Mason's hand, making him fall over as well, whilst I landed with a thud. I burst into to laughter, watching Mason's face as he kept his balance above me, so not to squash me. We happened to fall over so that Mason's broad body was above my small figure. Laughing some more, I pushed him off, sitting up, pulling off my helmet.

"Yep, they definitely want each other."

"That was so awesome!" I cheered, jumping up, ignoring Jace's comment.

*"Hey, Rae, you were amazing on the track!" The six year old me cheered and wrapped my arms around Mason as he laughed. We'd just had a day out at Kartworld, our parents and siblings smiling our way like they knew something we didn't.

"I know! It was so awesome!" I giggled, looking to find our parents smiling at us.*

Shaking my head from the memory, I focused back on my friends.

"Who wants lunch!" Leo grinned, we all looked at him, "What? I'm hungry!"

"You're always hungry!" Alexis laughed, punching his arm.

"So?" Leo asked innocently while we walked to the car.

"We should all hang out next weekend, you know, celebrate the end of year twelve!" Lacey laughed, getting a piggy back from Jace. Grinning, I nodded, hopping on Mason's back.

"Oof!" he choked, steadying his balance, "Skater Girl, you weigh a ton!"

"Thanks!" I laughed. Mason's arms wrapped under my legs, holding me steady.

"RACE YOU!" Jace shouted to Mason. Soon we were running towards the car, Lacey and I bobbing up on the boy's backs. Laughing, I wrapped my arms around Mason's neck to stop myself from falling.

*"Hop on, Skater Girl!" A ten year old Alpha said to my nine year old form. Laughing, I pounced on his back as he caught me with ease. I held on tighter as he pranced around to the music that was playing. I was a warm summer's day, and most of the pack where outside enjoying the weather. Parents had their kids out playing while they set up the picnics, including our parents. Luna Emerald and my mother called for us, were they took a picture of our smiling faces.*


We were seated in a small cafe on the edge of town. It was one of them 19's cafes with black and white check flooring and booths; calm but old. My mind was still set on all the memories I've been getting. Why am I having these flash backs? Is it a sign something will happen? Frowning, I tried to connect with Raven.

'Hey, Raven.' I sighed.

No answer.

Fine, be like that, bitch. Ha, bitch, she's a dog? Out comes my inner Josh.

"Rae?" I flinch as someone throws a fry at me, looking towards Lacey who had a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, y-yeah?" I asked, clearly not focused.

"What do you say?"

"Say about what?"

"She's thinking too much about Mason." Jace snickered.

"I am not" I growled, glaring daggers at him.

"But you like him, tomboy" Jace teased.

"I do not, jerk"





"GUYS!" Josh groaned, knocking us from our argument.

"Anyway," Lacey said, "We were thinking about going to a club next weekend, you in?"

"Yeah, sure" I mumbled before yelling, "But I am not wearing a dress!"



"Fine!" Lacey whined, pouting. But pouting doesn't work on me.

"Don't want t impress Mason then?" Jace snickered. Mason gave a side smirk, still looking at his phone, amusement in his eyes. Glaring daggers at Jace, I kicked his shin under the table.


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