Is that Jealousy I Hear?

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Tomboy of the Pack

Chapter Twenty

Rae's POV

I giggled through the mindlink, watching my family hot on my tail. It was a cool summer's day, my family and I decide to run around for the day, let our wolves out for a run. My Dad suddenly ran under me, making high off the ground as I clawed onto his fur so not to drop off.

I heard another bark before a young future Alpha Mason appeared from the trees with the Alpha and Luna and his twin sisters behind him. My tail moved quickly as I jumped off my Dad and sprinted towards him, but unsuccessfully skidding to a halt and ran into him, knocking both of us over. I heard everyone laugh through the mindlink at my clumsiness.

We continued into the forest, Mason and I walking side-by-side. He was at least two inches taller than me and much stronger, but I always felt safe and protected around him. His snout was suddenly on the ground, sniffing out something. I tilted my head before following him. He came to a large oak tree, surrounded by loads of trees.

Our families came behind me, watching Mason curiously before he returned with something in his mouth. He came towards me before putting it on the floor by my feet and lying down in front of me. I looked at the small emerald gem that was connected to a silver chain, like a necklace. I leaned down to Mason, licking his cheek to say thank you. 

Later that evening, while I was looking at the emerald pendant, I overheard  Mason and his Dad.

"You need to put it back. It could be dangerous."

"But it's a present for Rae, Dad"

"I know, son, but something bad might come upon it." He sighed.

"At least hide it" I heard my Dad say.


Mason walked over to me, regret filled his eyes as he stared down at the gem around my neck. "Hey Rae?"

"Yes Mas?"

"Can I have that gem? I want to keep it in a safe place for you."

"Okay Mas." He took it from around my neck, his hands gently brushing against my skin as he did so before walking out the house.

Not long after, he returned. "Where's the gem Mas?" I asked. 

Mason smiled at me, "Its in a safe place where you can find it when you are older." I grinned back before concentrating back on the TV.

"Where?" I heard my Dad speak.

"50.42 Latitude, -4.057 Longitute." Mason whispered.


"Not many people go there."

I woke from the dream, my mind set on the gem. What was so important about it anyway? I mean its just a gem. Wait a second, did I just remember where the gem is. Where Mason hid it? Looks like Google Maps it is.

But I wasn't going anywhere. Not with the tight grip an arm had around my waist which enclosed me in a warm body who's heart was right next to my ear, letting me hear the soft beat he had. I looked up at Mason, watching as he slept peacefully, like it was the best sleep he's had for ages.

You know, one thing I've always wanted to do? Brush my hand through his hair. I don't know why. I've just always wanted to see if it was as soft as it looked. But then again, all I have to do is ask Kayla or some popular girl in school, and they'd explain in full detail.

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