Spirits of the Past

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Tomboy of the Pack

Chapter Twenty Five

Rae's POV

"We're here."

We had been in the car for another half an hour before we were finally here. Looking up, I saw w were deep into a forest, and in front of us was a small cottage, surrounded by thick, tall trees. Grabbing my rucksack, I threw it over one shoulder before following Mason.

"Oh yeah." Mason started, "There's one thing you should know about her."


"Ah, Mason!" I heard a loud voice call from inside before a plump, petite in height woman appeared. She had curly grey hair, and bright purpled eyes. Wait, she's a-

I was cut off my thoughts when Mason was pulled into a bear hug, making him have to crouch for the little old lady. I snickered slightly, watching his face turn bright red as the woman kissed his head. "And who's this lovely young lady?"

"Young lady?" Mason snickered, "She's hardly a girl, Foxglove."

Foxglove? Isn't that a flower?

'Yes it is, dumbass' Raven snickered.

"Mason, that's very rude of you!" The lady shouted at the big bad Alpha like he was nothing more than an Omega. I tried to hide a chuckle by covering it with a cough, but Mason clearly heard and sent a glare my way.

"Now, dearie, what's your name?" she asked, holding out her hand.

"Rae Lewis," I smiled, shaking her hand politely.

"Ah, you're the one who wants to know about her past."

"Did Mason tell you that?"

"No" Foxglove smirked, "I'm a witch."

So that's why her scent smells different from a human or vampire.

She welcomed us into her cottage, allowing us to place our bags on the sofa and sit down. It was an old styled cottage, with a modern brown kitchen set. The sofa's were a dark, dirty yellow colour, along with some feather filled cushions, not exactly my ideal home.

"What were you going to tell me?" I smirked at Mason, "That she treats you like an Omega?"

Mason growled, "I'm not an Omega!"

I would be lying if I said that his voice didn't scare me a bit. But with Mason, you always feel on edge anyway, especially after an argument with him, "Okay big guy, cool it." I patted his shoulder.

"Okay, I'll be five minutes downstairs. I'll gather the Sprints of the Past first, then you can come down." Foxglove spoke, putting on a black robe that trailed along the ground. We nodded silently.

"Rae, you know this is going to hurt right? Worse than it would if you figured it  out on your own." Mason asked, "Your forcing the past and memories on yourself, this could kill you."

"I know," I mumbled, "But I'll never get any further in life if I don't remember my past, will I? I'll be fine, Mas" I gave an encouraging smile before I heard our names being called, informing us that it was time.

We trailed down the stairs into a dark room, which would've been impossible to see if I wasn't a werewolf. The only kind of light where these glowbug type insects that flew around gracefully. Foxglove was stood by a stone table that had many different engravements of Latin words carved into it. I also saw two cuffs, one either side, attached to the table, making me gulp.

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