Limited Time

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Chapter Forty Seven

Mason's POV

My paws thundered against the ground, the echoes of my pack mates surrounded the area, making every living thing in the forest shoot off in fear. The anger was practically burning in my eyes and anyone from a miles distance could probably feel it. My warriors where all on edge around me, they knew the slightest wrong thing could set me off.

They knew I hated this side of me. Its part of me but not a part I wish to keep. Its taken control of me throughout my life and I couldn't even tell Rae. The beast inside would kill anyone in it's path until he gets back what's his. It's stronger than Ace, more powerful, more controlling, and it will stop at nothing. And with a sincere promise to the man I would look up to, I needed it to work with me- not against me.

It was half an hour after sunset but the red sky was still lighting up the forest, making the evening look even more angry. The stars were dimly in the sky and the crisp cold night was only just beginning.

I knew that once I get Rae back, I was never letting her out my sight again.

She has Excidium Control running through her veins.

She'll either be a danger or in danger.

I could feel Josh's presence come beside me, his wolf almost a similar height- but no wolf can be taller than that of an Alpha. The anger was radiating off him as well as we continued our journey-our attack.

'I've figured it out.' his rough voice sent through the mindlink, his wolf partially in control out of anger to protect his Luna, 'If Blake has the Excidium Gems, we'll need to use one of them to allow Rae's powers reach their potential. It's risky, but it'll work.'

'Yeah, depending on what the situation is, if Rae is seriously injured, I'm not allowing you to do the finality in her powers.' I growled at him.

'But, Alpha, now that Blake has found out, how long will it take before everyone else does?' Josh tried reasoning with me, but Ace was the one that wasn't having it.

'I'm not allowing any more harm to come to my mate.' I snapped, finality in my voice.

I could feel a chill run up my spine, my fur standing on end- something it does when we've entered a dangerous territory. I knew this place. This is the same place where I saved Rae when she was fourteen, before everything went wrong. Blake knew of her powers back then but wanted to make it more difficult and hid them from herself- which is why he erased her memory.

He wanted to inflict pain on her family and friends, make them get angry and annoyed with her so she'd be left alone- an easy target for him to steal and take the power. But it went completely opposite. Blake didn't realise that her family and friends would never give up on her. We'd always be there for her, even if she hadn't remembered all the good times.

She somehow got it in her head that we hated each other, making me loose her. I grew angry that Blake had done this which is when my anger really started to show. Every time she got kidnapped beforehand, Blake would erase some of her memories of us and replace them with things that weren't true.

I skidded to a halt, snarling loudly.

Fuck a quiet entrance.

The senior prey froze, glaring at us all, waiting for an attack, waiting to get the kill. But no way.

The grass was mossy, the dark green strands were soon about to be dyed with blood. Blood of the ones who threatened my mate, my family.

'Don't let them wrap their arms around you and don't fight alone.' I shouted to my warriors before the Seniors started to charge towards us. I let out a loud growl, charging forwards with my pack, tearing at the flesh of every vampire and wolf that came towards me.

My warriors took the fight away from Jace, Leo, Josh and I, creating a pathway for us to sneak around the back. I shifted into my human form, revealing my dark, black orbs, the trails of veins that covered my arms, showing the anger. Jace peeped through the door before backing up and throwing a gas can inside.

"There are loads of guard in there. A lot of them are Seniors but there are some younger ones." he told us. Leo and Josh slipped on the gas mask, but the anger of me and the hybrid of Jace means that we wouldn't be affected.

I growled as a scent reached my nose. It was almost as ghastly as Blake's which means that the male spends a lot of time around him. I looked to the corner of my eye before spinning quickly around, gripping the suspect's neck in my grasp and slamming him against the door. He groaned before slowly squinting at me.

"I-I want to help you." he choked out.

I growled, tightening my grip slightly, "How do I know we can trust you?"

He raised his hand, revealing a bracelet that I knew all too well- Rae's wolf charm and she never takes that off.

"I-I know where she is. But you've got limited time!"

Rea's POV

I could feel the anger radiating from my mate. I could feel his presence near us. I knew Mason was here. I knew he came for me. I slammed my fist against the glass, trying to break free from the cell. I didn't want to be in here when my mate eventually found me, I didn't want to see any more of the anger he held.

I also didn't want to be used as energy or bate for Blake. I didn't want to been seen as weak by anyone. And even though most of my energy was going, I was determined to make it through anything Blake forced me through.

The door outside the glass box opened, revealing the monster himself, a sly evil smirk imprinted on his face.

"Looks like we've got company." Blake stated, walking over to the control panel. He grabbed the green and blue Excidium Gem and placing the black one in it's slot holder. Not the machines...

"How bad it must be for you once your mate discovers your weak body in this glass box." he snickered, fiddling with the settings on the controls.

"I'm. Not. Weak." I muttered darkly, glaring at him.

"Ah, ah, ah." he tutted, "Don't get angry and waste your final bit of energy, I need that."

I slammed my fist against the glass, mentally begging it to just crack or do something. My anger was being overridden by fear- fear of what was going to not only happen to me, but Mason too. If I died, he'd go insane.

All the memories that we have shared will be lost, all the time spent. I didn't want to leave this world yet, I had too much I wanted to do, too much I wanted to see. I wanted to spend more time with Mason and my friends, I wanted to regain all my memory so I can remember every detail- just like everyone else does because it hurts when they see me through sixteen years of memories and I see them in about a year's worth.

"Ah, how heartwarming." Blake snickered. Must've said it aloud.

I growled angrily, slamming my fists one final time against the glass. All the energy going into it. My ear pricked up at the slight cracking sound of the glass. I looked up, seeing the crack that slowly slipped down the cell. I smirked at Blake who's face read shock.

"H-How..." I went to pound the glass again with this new found energy, but Blake had already seen it coming. The lever was firmly in his hand and shot down, making the white bindings wrap around my waist and arms, pinning me to the middle of the cell, my feet slightly raised.

"Have a fun final ten minutes." Blake smirked, slamming his fist down on the red button, the machines firing their continuous electrical beams directly into my body.

This was more powerful than any other time. My body felt on fire, my mind was going blank and all I could think about was the pain. And that pain caused one thing at I've never done before...

A scream that echoed around the cell and through the building.

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