Do I Make You Nervous?

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Tomboy of the Pack
Song: Roses- The Chainsmokers

Chapter Twelve

Rae's POV

My mouth gaped open as I stared out on the edge of the cliff. So Leo and the gang decided to bring Mason and I cliff jumping. It was at least twenty five feet up, and the waves weren't particularly calm. I had never done this before, but apparently, everyone else had. Lacey and Jace were the first to jump. They stripped into their swim stuff before diving over. Gulping, I stepped back, watching Alexis, Josh, Jayni and Benji jump as well.

"Come on, Rae!" Alexis voice called.

I kept stepping back until I hit something hard. Spinning around, I saw Mason smirking at me.

"You've never been cliff jumping before?" he asked. I shook my head, my heart racing a mile a minute. "Come on."

I shakily undressed, leaving me in the swimming costume that Lacey gave me, seems as she threw the other one or hid it somewhere. Mason grinned, walking back over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close.

"I got you, Rae"

*"I won't let you go Rae, ever" ten year old Mason muttered to me, holding me close. He hid my face from the scene of destruction he had just caused to save me.*

Nodding, I held his arms as he walked us to the edge of the cliff.

"On three?"

I nodded again, looking at everyone as they watched Mason and I, smirking like they knew something I didn't. "Three."

The wind seemed to pick up, that or it was just my heart rate. "Two" I held Mason like my life depended on it. "One" My eyes tightly shut.

The air suddenly felt like I was flying, my stomach doing flips until my body hit something cold and the water swallowed me. The adrenaline was kicking at me, making excitement run through my body. I resurfaced, cheering as Mason held onto my waist.

"That was so awesome!" I yelled, holding onto Mason's shoulders. "Let's do it again!"

"Yup, they definitely want each other." A smug comment from Jace made me splash water at him. I removed myself from Mason's hold, immediately becoming colder.

The gang laughed before we went up for another round.


I quickly rubbed my hair with a towel before throwing myself on my plush bedding. We returned around half an hour ago, it was eight and even now the energy was drained out of me. I switched on my TV, watching Two and a Half Men until my door opened and a fresh Mason came in. His hair was stuck up in random directions, making his 'bad boy' ego even higher. Even though he had a shirt on, you could just see his muscles under the thin, white fabric. His boxers were dangerously low on his hips.

"See something you like?" Mason smirked. I rolled my eyes as I looked away, concentrating on the TV- such a big ego. I stiffened as he crawled under the covers with me and watched TV, but I could see the amusement in his eyes. "Do I make you nervous, Skater Girl?" he asked, his voice soft and quiet, in a way I didn't like.

I moved away slightly, bringing my legs up to my chin. Mason moved closer, his arms going around my body. I pushed him until he flipped us so he was hovering over me. I looked at him, curiosity and amusement written in his face. A small smirk appeared on his lips if it wasn't already faintly there. "I do make you nervous."

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