He Was Going to be the Victim

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Tomboy of the Pack

Chapter Ten

Rae's POV

My alarm screeched in my ear while I slammed it off. It didn't work. Growling, I picked it up and slammed it against the desk, making it crumple under my hold. Shit.

"Well, remind me not to wake you up in the morning."

Jumping, I looked around to find Mason standing at the door. "Uh, hey?" I asked, "How long have you been standing there?"

"Well, I was going to wake you up to help me play a prank on your brother but your alarm went off and...yeah?" he chuckled before his eyes drifted down.

Looking over, I realised my covers were halfway down my legs, while I was laying on my stomach. 'Great choice to wear boy shorts and a vest to bed, Rae' Raven snickered.

'Oh shush, you know I don't wear a lot.'

"Ahem, asshole." I cleared my throat, making Mason's dark eyes reach mine. He shook his head before walking out my room. Jumping out of bed, I scanned through my closet, picking out some knee length shorts and a Marvel Avengers top. Throwing my hair into a ponytail, I headed downstairs to where a delicious smell of bacon was evaporating. In the kitchen, Emerald was cooking a batch of food that looked great.

"Morning, Emerald" I said, looking at the bacon with my mouth watering.

Emerald laughed, "I see the smell brought you down. Where are the boys?"

"Well, Mason said he was pranking Leo awake?" I questioned myself. As if on cue, a squeal came from my brother, along with a laughing Mason running into the kitchen followed by an angry Leo.

"WHAT THE HELL, MASON!" Leo yelled. Looking towards him, I couldn't help but laugh. Leo had bright pink cheeks, along with some green eyeliner and red lips. Mason had given him a makeover.

"Uhm, Leo?" Emerald spoke, trying not to laugh, "You got a little..."

Leo glared at Mason before running back, probably to take a shower. I looked over to Mason who grinned at me. "Nice job" I smirked.

"It would've been better if you were there."

My smirk dropped as I looked away, frowning slightly. Emerald sighed before placing a plateful of bacon in front of me. I didn't feel like eating anymore. Mason's words replayed in my head.

*"Hey Mas! How was your holiday?" My five year old self asked as Mason came trotting in from the car. He had just been away for two weeks with his Dad and just came back.

Mason smiled, "It was great, but it would've been even better if you were there!"*


*Mason came through the door, dragging his suitcase behind him. "Hey Rae" the twelve year old smiled, wrapping his arms around me. I didn't understand, but every time he saw me, the light in his eyes came alive. "I wish you were there with me"*

My mind traced through broken memories, like a storm. What was happening? I don't remember half of these. Did this have something to do with that man called Blake? Did he do something to me?

*Mason came through the door, anger written on his face. The fourteen year old didn't spare me a glance as I ran up to him. Tears filled my eyes as I frowned, watching him make his way upstairs to his room. Someone sighed behind me.

"Sorry, Rae" Emerald's voice spoke, "He's just going through some things right now."*


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