Fists Against the Glass

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Chapter Forty Six

Mason's POV

"Okay, so Jenson will lead most of you into battle at the front of the house. As you know, these are Senior wolves and vampires." I directed my hand around the map, telling my warriors what was going to happen, "If you want to survive against them, you'll need to be smart. You'll need a plan and you'll need help."

"Correct," Jace started, "Don't go against one alone, there is a rare chance that you'll beat one like that."

"Keep the fight at the front of the house," I continued, "Don't let any Seniors outside of the barriers we'll set up, that could blow our cover of entering around the back."

"Once your Luna is out the building, I want a small group to protect her. And, unless I say otherwise, I want you to try and get her back home. It won't be easy, but no harm is to come to her, understood?" The warriors nodded.

After going through the entire plan again, I turned to my pack, taking a sigh. "I want to thank you all for your help and support, and although I cannot guarantee you will all make it back, you've all been brilliant warriors for this pack. You will not die in vain- you will die protecting this pack and your families."

I could see the warriors nodding their heads and bowing slightly. I knew a lot of the warriors would not make it through this. Many of them from the age of sixteen where fighting, and although they train everyday, being against Seniors is a whole different level. They lure their prey into a corner and attack unknowingly. They're undetectable.

"I want you all to take your final preparations. We leave at sunset." Jace told them before they all started to leave.

Sunset was in a hour. One hour to prepare, one hour till I get Rae back, one hour until I kill that fucker who took her. I growled lowly, feeling more pain from Rae. I knew that he was extracting her powers, making her weak which will make me weak.

A hand slapped on my back. Not a slap of pain, but one to make his presence known. "I'm sorry, I should've protected her more" I sighed.

"Don't say it like that." I was turned, facing Rae's Dad, Keaton. "You did everything you could." I could see it in his eyes. All his pain. It was the only thing his had left that reminded him of Natalia, his daughter. I knew he was trying to be strong, like any father would.

"Bring my daughter home." he spoke, staring at me with all the hope he had left.

"I will." I promised.

And that's a promise I intend to keep.

Rae's POV

*"You're so heavy, tomboy."

"Mhm, or maybe you're just weak." I chuckled, continuing to lay on the fourteen year old Alpha's back as he carried on with his push ups.

"I am not weak." he muttered. I could feel his arms shaking slightly as he lifted his body up again, my form still lying on him. How I kept my balance is unknown to me.

I was tapping away at my phone when Mason suddenly dropped, making my body tumble from his back and onto the floor, gripping my stomach as I laughed loudly.*

I slowly opened my eyes, my vision blurred slightly. I felt so drained. Blake had stolen more of my energy, and maybe a bit too much for me to handle. All I knew now was that it was too painful to even talk to Raven.

"Ah, little Rae-Rae, had a good sleep?" That voice seemed to screech in my ears, making me wince, my arms struggling to hold up my body. "What were you dreaming of? How your mate will heroically rescue you and save your life?" He chuckled sickly.

"The only thing I'm dreaming of is tearing you apart." Growling weakly, I stood to my feet, not giving him the satisfaction.

"Hm, your stronger than I thought." he hummed.

I slammed my fists against the glass as a zap came from one of the machines, hitting my back. I knew he was trying to get me to force shift, because without my mate, I was snappy and angry.

I knew I had to carry on with the pain. I couldn't give up because if I did, what would Mason do? I had to struggle through this, no matter what pain Blake puts me through, even if it means losing my wolf- I had to stay alive, even if I was dying. Being around Mason made me feel alive, I'll wait here for him, even if Blake continues destroying me from the inside.

He's killed my mother, he's hurt my family and he's trying to destroy my mate by killing the one thing that makes him weak- his mate. Although not many male wolves will admit it, their mate is always their weakness. Even if they don't love them or reject them, they'll always be a weakness because they were born to protect them and that's what their wolf will do.

"When I get out of here, I'm going to rip your head off." I hissed, glaring at him through one eye. My legs were slightly  bents, my right hand planted against he glass and the other one fisted by my side.

"If, you get out of there, you mean?" Blake snickered. "My dear, you'll die if you get out of there. That cell is not only draining your energy, but giving you it as well. If that cell was turned off, you would die immediately."

"Sir!" Darren burst through the door, glancing at me before looking to Blake, "They're coming."

"Wonderful! More people to add to the kill list." Blake chuckled darkly before walking out the room, leaving Darren and I.

Darren fiddled with some buttons before a plate of food was in the middle of the cell again. He's been doing this for me for a week now. That's right. I've been here for thirteen days and the past five have been hell. Blake's been extracting more energy from me, every night its been a force sleep from him controlling me, just to up my energy slightly, only to steal it from me, making me weak.

I try to block the pain from Mason, so that he can concentrate on whatever he's doing, but he keeps knocking the barrier down. And with me being weaker, I can't do nothing about it.

"Your mate's coming for you." Darren muttered, glaring at the control panel. "I would get you out of here, but... It needs a password."

A password?

"Its fine. I can suffer here a bit longer. I'm strong enough." I told him but Darren shook his head.

"Once your mate is outside, he's going to set the machines to full power, you'll only have ten minutes left before your energy will completely drain." He spoke sadly.

"I'll be fine."

"You won't. That's why I'm going to bring your mate to you." Darren said, looking at me.

"Are you kidding? Darren, Blake will kill you." I warned

"Probably, but I will be reunited with my mate." He told me. "Blake took her from me. He does that to everyone here. He uses their mates, telling them they'll be protected but he uses it to put these thoughts in you head, and then when you no longer care for your family, he'll kill them, leaving you with nothing."

I was silent, giving him the time he needed. Fiddling with the bandages that were still around my wrists, I looked at the bracelets. I slowly detached my wolf bracelet, placing it on the plate.

"If your going to find Mason, he'll kill you. You'll need this to prove to him your not a threat." I told him, watching the plate and bracelet disappear.

Darren touched the charm in his grasp, nodding, "Next time, I'll return with your mate."

"What can I do to repay you?" I asked.

Darren chuckled, "I don't need anything from you. You've already shown me what I was helping Blake with was wrong. Now I can use it to get the other guards against him."

I smiled at him, "Thanks for your help, Darren"

"I've already lost my mate, I don't want others being the same."

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