Would Kill Her

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Chapter Forty Five

Mason's POV

"You have what?"

I looked at a baffled Lacey, her eyebrows creased and her head tilted. No one but Leo and our parents knew, not even Rae knew.

"We can have Excidium Control running through our nerve systems." I sighed, slumping down in a chair, leaning my head back.

"Excidium Control?" Jace frowned.

"Only few werewolves in the world have ever had that." Josh spoke.

I nodded, "But we don't know how to use it. Which is why we blackout when we've grown really angry. We blackout because it could lead to spontaneous combustion. We don't have anything controlling the Excidium."

"How come I never knew of this?" Lacey asked.

"We never told anyone, not even Rae knows. She needs something powerful in order for her to be able to use the Excidium Control. Whereas I have it already in my system, I was born with the ability to use it, I just don't because we know nothing of it." I told them.

Josh tapped his hands against the desk, his eyes glaring at the map, but they weren't looking at the image- his orbs were unfocused.

"If something  is needed to activate the Excidium Control in Rae's body, there's only one powerful enough to do that." He muttered, finally looking towards me.

"What is it?" Leo asked.

Josh rubbed the back of his neck slightly, "A Excidium Gem."

"No." I glared at him, "That would kill her."

"There's a slight chance that it could, but because she's a Nano Blood, it might except one into her system, but there's another problem." Josh looked through the books on the shelf, scanning along the titles until he pulled out an old rustic one with a metal cover, placing it on the desk and flicking through.

"Here." he mumbled, "She would need Golden Inhibitor Wrist Rings to control the amount of energy she could use at a time otherwise it could incarnate her from the inside."

"How do you know all of this anyway?" Leo asked.

"I've studied Rare Wolves. Since I am Delta's Son, I need to know about the different wolves and how to help them in any situation incase I ever come across a certain type." he explained. He's right. Delta's, let alone the Alpha, should know and understand each werewolf type from the usual, simple wolves to Lycan's and Seniors.

"Okay, Mason the warriors are ready, I've just received note from Jenson that they've all said their... goodbyes" Jace looked at me.

I nodded my head, "Let's get them through the plans."

Rae's POV

'Do you know anything about the Excidium Control?'

'No, but I knew you were more powerful than a usual wolf.'

'But why didn't you tell me this?'

'Because I didn't know it could be so dangerous to you!'

I rolled my eyes at Raven. She hadn't spoken to me the past few weeks, and although she knew I was stronger or more powerful, she didn't bother telling me.

'What was I meant to tell you?' She hissed at me.

'I don't know, that I was stronger?' I said in a 'duh' tone. 'So, did you know?'

Raven growled, 'Fine, yes I did know. I also know that Mason knew!'


'Yes, Mason knew that you have Excidium Control because he has it as well and you can always tell when another wolf has it.' She snapped.

'So Mason kept it a secret from me all this time?'

'Only because he didn't know much about it, how to control or use it.'

'But, he's my mate... won't that make us-'

'Yes' Raven cut me off, 'It will make you more powerful and our first child will be stronger than ever.'

'But... if we are stronger...' I frowned.

'The Werewolf Leaders will try and hunt you down.' Raven muttered, 'Thankfully, the past generations have kept their Excidium Control a secret so you're off their radar. But with Blake making mischief, they may find out.'

'He'll blow it.' I mumbled.

'Exactly.' Raven spoke, 'The quicker we destroy Blake before he tries to kill the world, the better. Once the Werewolf Leaders hear about the fight, you'll have to go to Foxglove again. She'll give you a necklace that will hide your Excidium scent and powers from the Leaders.'

'Can't we hide from them?'

'Rae, these are the Leaders. You and Mason are Alpha and Luna- they'll track you if you go missing and make your pack rouges.' Raven sighed, 'You can't run from this.'

"You look deep in thought."

I growled out to whomever was talking to me, not wanting anything to do with them.

"Whoa, chill. I brought you food, but you need to eat it before Blake finds out." I looked to the side, seeing the same light brown haired guy that was looking guiltily at Mason before.

He tampered with some of the control panel keys before food appeared in the middle of the glass cell. Is... Is that chicken? I went to reach for it but stopped, glaring at him.

"How do I know you haven't done something to that sandwich?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"I promise you I haven't," he told me, "I don't want revenge like Blake does, it was wrong of him to make your mate weak like that."

I squinted my eyes before picking up a half triangle. I looked inside the sandwich before taking a bite, immediately groaning as the flavour hit my senses. The sandwich was completely gone in a few minutes, leaving an empty plate with only a few crumbs.

I looked to the guy again, "Why are you helping me."

"You're growing weaker." he mentioned.

'Yeah. No shit.' Raven muttered, not trusting the Blondie.

"So? It's not like you care."

"Maybe I don't but Blake's going to drain your energy. If he does that, you'll die, leaving your mate to suffer alone." He sounded like he was talking from experience. I resisted the urge to ask about his mate- it was none of my business.

"What's your name?" I asked instead.

"Darren O'Neill." he stated.

"Well... Darren. Thanks for the sandwich." I mumbled staring back at the empty plate.

"I'm sorry I can't do more. It would be too obvious and Blake would hurt you more." He told me.

"Its okay." I said, "You've done a lot." 

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