Watch Him Burn

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Chapter Forty Four

Mason's POV

I clenched my fist, slamming it against the desk as another wave of pain hit me from Rae. Blake's started already because he knew that I would be there to get her soon. It's been four days- and four days too long.

"We have to hurry up and get her out of there!" I snapped, my voice deeper then normal because of Ace. He was tearing around within me, wanting to take control and destroy everything in his path to get his mate back- to get back what's his.

"I know. We've got a load of warriors outside waiting for your orders." Jace told me, leaning forward over the table, staring at a map of the surround area of the cottage.

"If we attack from the front, a few of us can sneak in the back. That way, the attention will be at the front of the cottage, allowing you to go through the back undetected." Leo spoke, pointing to the map.

I nodded, "But what about the guards?"

"I got that." Josh entered the room, bringing along with him four gas cans, "These should knock them out long enough for you to get Rae back. I've specially designed them to only effect the seniors, but you should were this mask just in case."

Josh placed the equipment on the desk, joining the conversation. Growling, I shut my eyes tightly, trying to ignore Rae's pain that I could feel she was trying to block from me, but I pushed her away, not wanting to suffer alone. I knew that Rae didn't like others worrying about her, or what's wrong with her or her pain, but I wanted to feel every emotion, every ounce of her pain.

Lacey walked silently into the room, standing in a corner and watching us. Jace would look over to her every so often but look away quickly. I knew that their relationship wasn't great, I was just lucky Rae forgave me.

"This is going to cause the lives of hundreds of wolves. If these really are senior wolves, they are going to harder to kill." Jace spoke, running a hand down his face in stress.

"I know." I sighed. Losing a pack mate was difficult because everyone is a valuable member in Moonlit Howlers, but losing hundreds? That can cause this pack to grow weak with the amount of lost warriors. They've all been trained to the extreme and highest level, but sometimes that doesn't always work with senior vampires and wolves. The warriors will need tactics if they want to win.

"I want to fight." Lacey spoke, moving closer to the table.

"No" Jace stated firmly before I could say anything.

Lacey growled lowly, "Rae's my best friend. I want to fight."

"You're not fighting." Jace looked at his mate this time. You could see all the regret and sadness in his eyes, but you can understand his conflict. Lacey was Rae's best friend but Jace would never put anyone he loved in danger, even if it meant loosing his trust.

"I will."

"You're not"

"Yes I am!"


"YOU CAN'T FIGHT IT ALONE JACE!" Lacey shouted at her mate, tears forming in her eyes. She walked right up to him, placing her hands on his cheeks. She bit the inside of her cheek, watching his dark eyes as they stared back at her.

"I've been a terrible mate, right from the start of our friendship. I didn't take any consideration as to if you were a Hybrid. Please, just let me be there for you!" Lacey tried to reason with him. Jace's hands were on her hips as he leant down and placed his lips on hers. You could see Lacey's tension, but she eased up, kissing him back.

"I love you Lacey, but I can't watch you get hurt." Jace spoke, backing away, "You mean too much to me."

Lacey looked lost, staring at him. You could see how desperately she wanted to fight to get Rae back, but she wanted to do what her mate says. Lacey sighed, looking away and nodding her head.

"I'll stay... for you." Lacey ran up and hugged Jace tightly, "Just please come home."

"If Blake's doing what I think to Rae, we have to get  her away from the fight as soon as possible." I hissed.

"What's he doing?" Lacey frowned. Jace and Josh frowned along with her while Leo and I looked at each other, pain in our eyes. I only knew what Rae had because I had it as well. Its very rare and very few werewolves have it. It's incredible that two wolves with it were born in the same generation.

Leo sighed, growing out, slamming a fist against the desk, clearly not being able to hide the secret any more, "Mason and Rae have powers within them that control the Excidium Gems!"

Rae' POV

Growling, I slammed my fist against the glass again, ignoring the burn that it caused. Its been four days that I've been in this shithole. Four days I've gone without food, four day's I've been in this glass box, four day's since I've seen my mate. With my heat starting to pass, its become more bearable.

I glared at Blake, watching him sit by the control panel watching me. Thankfully he hasn't tried any more of that continuous electrical beams, but I've been made to force shift twice so they can get some of my blood. I don't know why, but I have a feeling it's to do with the Excidium Control I apparently have.

I wanted nothing more than to kill this fucker. He killed my Mum. He made my family feel more pain after Lucy died. He's destroyed this family.

"You'll never get out of there, little Rae-Rae. That glass is specially designed to keep something powerful in."

That's another thing. I've realised that's the reason I hate Josh calling me Rae-Rae. Something bad came with that name. Josh and Lacey have no idea what happened last time I was here so they didn't know why that name agitated me so much.

I also knew this glass was too strong for me, but its worth a try. I will break it- just like I will break Blake's neck and watch him burn without an ounce of sympathy.

"Ouch. That hurt."

Guess I said it aloud.

"But I can't blame you. I would be pretty mad as well if someone kill my mother." I growled as Blake smirked.

"She was such a beautiful woman. It's a shame it had to come to that." he sighed. My fists clenched beside me, "All I wanted was the gem, and she said she'd rather die than give it to me. So that's just what happened. And your father, pathetic. Couldn't even protect his own mate."

"Shut. Up" I growled, seeing the veins grow visible on my lower arms.

"They put up quite a fight. But they failed. We had your father pinned." Blake's eyes flashed over, a smirk forming on his face as he saw my angry features.

I growled, angry tears in my eyes as I glared at the murderer. "You're mother begged us to let him go, that she would give her life for it."

"SHUT UP!" I shouted.

"And soon, she had a silver blade crushed into her chest. Her scream was pitiful."

Anger flooded through me, making me slam my hand against the glass. I could feel that power run through my veins again as the anger spits through my body. Blake laughed at my foolish attempts to break the glass. The energy was already draining from me.

"See, your weak. You drain the energy you have too quickly." Blake chuckled, swinging the golden wrist sized ring around his finger, "If you had the inhibitor rings, they'd be able to not only control the amount of power you use at a time, but to keep you from destroying yourself from the inside. You wouldn't blackout either."

I could feel the energy completely drain from me and I slide down the glass, slumping on the floor, trying to control my heavy breathing.

"W-Why are you telling me this? I could escape from here." I hissed, struggling as I sat upright, using my half open eyes to stare at Blake.

Blake chuckled darkly, "Little Rae-Rae, there's only one way to get out of there. And there's a high possibility it could kill you."

"What's that?"

"Now why would I tell you that?"

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