I Know Exactly What You Mean

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Tomboy of the Pack
Song: Once in a While (Acoustic)- Timeflies

Chapter Twenty Two

Rae's POV

'"Lucy! Come back!" I yelled through the forest.

"No" she simply answered, continuing to move forwards.

"Lucy!" I shout when she disappeared from sight. Leo's hand rested on my shoulder.

"She'll come back Rae."

"No she-" I immediately stopped when the scent of rouges appeared in my nose. "LUCY!"

"Shit" Leo hissed, running forward with me. We scoured for Lucy's scent, but it was covered with rouges. How many are there?

"RAE!" I knew that voice.

"LUCY!" I rushed towards her voice until we came to a clearing where we found Lucy in the arms of an Alpha. "Luc..." I whispered. Raven was clawing to be let out and destroy this Alpha that dared put his hands on our baby sister. She was on full protective mode for the ones she loves.

"Let. Her. Go" I hiss to the Alpha. A sly grin appeared on his face, as if he knew what he was doing was hurting me.

"No." He replied simply, mimicking Lucy, "Your Alpha took something of mine, I'm just returning the favour." A knife appeared by Lucy's neck.

"NO!" Leo snapped and we both charged, shifting into our wolves. A large wolf attacked Leo before another pounced on me. I reached out, letting my claws deeply drag along his stomach. He whined, before snapping down, clamping on my leg, successfully snapping the bone in two. I stopped struggling as soon as the pain reached me and howled out as loud as my strength would let me.

A scream was heard before the heart rate of a well known person decreased, making me look into the dying eyes of my seven year old sister. Whining, I struggled out of the hold before shifting. The Alpha laughed at me.

"What a pathetic Beta daughter." I cradled Lucy in my arms, ignoring the blood that stained my dirty clothes. All I felt was pain as punches were thrown down on my back. But nothing hurt more than watching your sister die in front of you.

Leo. Where's Leo.

I looked up to find a young Alpha Mason defending his best friend from the dirty brown wolf. My brother had cut all over him and was knocked out, but he was alive.

"Ah, little wittle Alpha come to save his precious pack members." Mason growled at the rouge Alpha before sprinting to attack. But the Alpha was already being chased by pack warriors.'

I jolted awake, my head aching because of the dream and sweat dripping from my forehead. "Rae?" I looked to see Mason sitting on a chair beside the bed I was in. Where am I actually? I looked around and realized I was in the pack hospice again.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded, "Only feel tired and a bit achy." I whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He struggled a smile. He went to sit up but hissed slightly when he moved his back.

I frowned, "No you're not."

"I am."

I raised an eyebrow before slapping his back, "FUCK!" he growled.

"Hm, yes, you are fine." I muttered sarcastically. I reached around to lift up his top so see the problem but he stopped me, I glared at him, "Let. Me. See."

He obediently turned around before taking off his top. My eyes widened. There were two lots of four mark scratches going down his back, clearly from that small little runt. "Why didn't you get this checked?" I asked. This needs to be stitched.

"It's fine."

"No its not, Mas." I mutter before walking out into the cabinet and pulling out a needle and thread, some alcohol and a cloth.

"What are you doing." He frowned.

"It's going to get infected and it needs stitching."

"It's fine."

"No it's not Mason." I snap. I poured some alcohol on the cloth.

"Ooh, feisty. I like that in a woman." Mason smirked.

I growled before pushing the cloth on his back. All his muscles tensed and he growled lowly, clenching his fists. I grinned, I knew that hurt. I pulled the thread through the needle before I started stitching up his wounds. After I was done, Mason looked at me, his jaw clenched.

"Did you have to do it that hard?"

"No" I smirked innocently, while he glared at me. Mason pulled me into his body, before sitting on the bed with me. He knew that made me feel awkward.

I tensed, "W-What are you doing."

"Sleep" he mumbled, resting his chin on my head, his arms tightly around my waist so I couldn't move. I relaxed slightly before realizing how tired I actually was. I was about to go to sleep before I heard some voices.

"Wow," I turned to find Lacey and Jace in the bed next to us, "Didn't think he would've listened to anyone about his back." I raised an eyebrow when I saw that their position was just like mine and Mason's. Lacey was wrapped in Jace's arms. Lacey shrugged, staring at a sleeping Jace. Am I the only one that's finding this weird?

"Are you still in denial?" Lacey grinned. My eyes widened as I paused.

"I don't know." I sighed, "Are you?" I looked pointedly towards Jace. Lacey blushed, and that's something I've never seen my best friend do.

Lacey looked down, "I don't understand, I just feel a connection with him." She looked up at me, "Do you know what I mean?"

I looked at Mason, watching him sleep peacefully, his arm tightening around my waist like he never wanted to let me go. "I know exactly what you mean, Lace." I sighed looking away. I have a mate somewhere, I can't get attached to someone who's not mine.


I folded that last T-shirt in my backpack before slinging it towards Mason who caught it with ease. He grinned at me. "Ready to go?"

I nodded.

We were going up to see this friend of his that can help me be free of this darkness. They're my only chance at surviving what could come in the future, without them, I'm lost. I didn't care about the pain or how long it would take to get there, as long as I can be away with this darkness.

"Are you sure you want to do this" Emerald asks. We told her what we were going to do after we healed completely. She and Franklin agreed with our, ahem, my choice but told us to look out because rouges have been spotted in that area. "You know that she may not be able to completely help you?"

"Yeah, I know."

"And you know that Mason will see your past, maybe some of the thoughts you had and feelings you had as well." she continued.

"Well, I don't remember anything so I don't think its going to be too bad." I sighed.

"Okay." she smiled, pulling me into a hug. Emerald has been closer to me since my parents died, always asking if I'm okay. We're going to have a special funeral ceremony after my birthday for the death of the pack's previous Beta's.

"Now, don't you two go killing each other." Frank smirked towards us.

"Never" I grinned. After saying goodbye to my friends, I jumped into Mason's white Audi R8.

We decided on driving up instead of train or bus so we could get out and let Raven and Ace go wild on the way up in different forests. Along the main road up, all the forests are neutral territory. "Ready?" Mason asked.

I breathed deeply, "Ready."

Off we go to find out the truth.  

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