I'll Kiss You

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Tomboy of the Pack
Song: Echoes- Lauren Aquilina (Remix)

Chapter Twenty Four

Rae's POV

It was now silent in the car. No one spoke a word, not even Raven. Mason's eyes kept sealed to the road, not twitching at any moment I made. The only thing that calmed me from wolfing out was the soft roar of the Audi and the music in my ears.

I still can't believe he did that. He almost marked me. When a werewolf gets a hickey, its basically like a pre-mark. It stays on the flesh for well over a fortnight. I guess it is my fault for not telling him to stop, or not pushing him away, but what can I do against an Alpha who's someone like Mason. What he wants, he gets and nothing would stand in his way.

Sighing, I pulled out the earphones and turned to face him. His hand was clenched on the steering wheel, his posture tense and straight. His golden orbs squinted every so often and his jaw was clenched. Its been about two hours, and none of us has said a word. Its only another hour until we reach our destination and I wanted to as least be talking before then.

"I can't believe you did that" I mutter fiddling with the loose ends of my hoodie.

Mason sighed, "I'm sorry. Ace got out of control and-"

"Oh no, you are not going to blame this all on Ace." I glare at him.

"Okay, maybe I did bring it on myself, but let's be honest, you didn't go very far to stop me."

"I had my hands behind my back and you were standing on my feet! What the hell was I supposed to do?" I snap at him.

"Tell me to stop."

"I did!"

"You enjoyed it though"

Stupid jerk ass. But he's right. I had never experienced anything like that before. The small sensations, the unfamiliar sounds that came from my throat.

"You made me weak, that's why I couldn't stop you." I growl.

Mason raised an eyebrow, "What kind of weak. Weak as in pain or weak as in pleasure."

I growl louder. "Well, you didn't keep your dick limp for very long did you."

"You made Bradley Isaac the Great like that." I could see the smirk on Mason's face while my cheeks flared.

"You know this is going to stay on my neck for ages right?"

Mason's ego was getting bigger by the second, "That's to let everyone know what I did to you."

"What you forced on me" I mumbled.

My hands trailed across the hickey, goosebumps appearing along my arms. I let the bad boy of the school, give me that. I let the Alpha, the Jerk of the Century do that to me.

"I should put it down as domestic abuse."

"We're not in a relationship, Skater Girl." I glared at him, he looked my way, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Why? Do you wanna be?"

"No!" I snap, turning the other way.

Why did I let him do that to me? I'm going to be beating myself up now because of this. I really hope Lacey or Jace or Josh see this, they'd never let me live it down. I've always said I would never let Mason do anything like this to me, and here I am now with a hickey that he gave me. And Jesus, if Leo saw this hickey mark, he'd end up with a death sentence for killing the Alpha.

"To be honest, tomboy, you started it by saying that you'll never be with me like that. Our wolves just got carried away." Mason shrugged.

"Hm, our wolves" I said sarcastically, "Not your horny self then, wanting to put his dick somewhere?"

Mason chuckled, "Those days are gone, Little Rae-Rae"

*"Mason! They're not ready!" The eight year old me pushed him out the kitchen and away from my cookies.

"They're delicious, my sweet Little Rae-Rae"*

I shook my head from them memory before focusing back on what he just said, "Okay, who are you and what have you done with Mason?"

He chuckled, "I'm all here baby, all here"



I groaned, ignoring my name.

"Rae..." I twitched from my nose being touched.

"Rae, I'll kiss you if you don't get up."

My eyes shot open, jumping up in my seat only to whack my head on the car roof. I glared at Mason, watching as he laughed. Punching him, his hand wrapped around my fist, pulling me towards him. No, not this again.

"Unless you don't want food, I suggest you stay awake." He grinned, clearly amused by my tensing body.

"Food? When are we there!" I complained.

"Around the corner but I want some KFC before we see her."

Huffing, I got out the car, stretching my arms and legs. Inhaling, I smelt the sweet scent of food fill my nose, making my stomach sound like a dying whale.

"Looks like some else needs food as well." Mason chuckled, slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"Not my fault we haven't eaten all day."

"Not my fault you were sleeping."

I growled at him, "Some people like their sleep, while others just like to be perv and stare at those who try to rest!"

I caught him staring a few times. "Not my fault you snore so loud."

"Urgh, you such a-"

"Now, now, now, you might wake up Bradley Isaac the Great." Mason laughed as I moved away from him.

"I don't even want to be near that"

"Every girl wants to be near this." He pointed to himself, his ego getting the bette of him before his arms wrapped around me from behind, pulling me into his body. "See?"

"No cause according to Kayla, I'm not a girl!" I chuckle, trying to pull away. "Now, now, now Mason," I whispered into his ear, "don't want to wake the little man up do we?"

"Little?" Mason raised an eyebrow. "I can asure you, he it not little, ask any girl in school"

"I'm sure I can. But what if they couldn't see it because it was so small?" I winked before walking into KFC, leaving him there, gobsmacked.

I ordered for both of us, knowing that Mason would be calming Ace right now. He eventually walked in, sitting on the opposite side of the table.

"Finally got over the realisation of how small the little guy actually is?"

Mason growled quietly before digging into his meal, while I just sat there laughing.

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