Only Chance We've Got

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Chapter Forty Eight

Mason's POV

I knew everyone in the pack heard that scream. Everyone felt it. The scream of fear, anger and pain. A scream that was so noticeable for me, but so foreign, that I almost didn't recognise it.

The scream of my mate- something I thought I'd never hear.

The pain that was going through Rae was going through me. Every second was pure pain and every time I moved it hurt a little bit more. The guys looked at me shocked, listening to my growls of pain. Rae has never screamed before- ever. She'll yell and shout if she's in pain, but she'll never scream.

"He's started." I looked painfully towards the brown haired guy who spoke, watching the horror and panic in his eyes.

"W-We have to get her out now!" I snapped, slamming my hand against the wall, trying to put the pain somewhere else than my chest- or more importantly, my heart. Rae was dying, but she wasn't going down easily. I could feel her energy slowly draining, our bond slowly fading.

Jace and Leo grabbed my arms, dragging me along with them. Our helper guided us through corridors and doors, down to the deepest parts of the underground base. It was darker down here- less lights, and less protection. I was so unfocused on everything but the pain, I didn't recognise when Josh slammed a Senior against the wall, snapping his neck or when Leo blocked me from a vampire.

We were pulled into a room with a bright light and a strong energy source. I looked up, watching the electricity fire into her like lightning, looking at the  white light beams that seemed to be too powerful for her to break out of her. My body indistinctively moved quickly, slamming my fist against the glass cell.


Rae's POV

All the energy was draining from my body. All my power and my will to live. Even with my mate outside that glass, trying to break through wasn't enough to persuade me, especially since another higher force of electric darted into my flesh, making me growl and yell out- no more screams, I don't scream.

"You can't break it! You need to get her out via the control panel!" Darren yelled at Mason.

"No," Josh interrupted, rushing to the panel, "That cell is her last energy resource. If we immediately stop the light beams, she'll die." he looked at the panel before reaching out to the black gem.

His hand reached around it, attempting to pull it out, but that caused a yell to erupt from my throat, like it was the source that kept me alive. Josh shouted out in pain as well before being ripped away from it by Jace.

Josh shook his head, "Mason, its the only way! We have to try!"

"No" he growled, slamming his fist against the glass.

"You have to allow the gem's power to enter Rae's body through the electrical beams, otherwise she'll loose her energy." Leo told him.

"She'll die!" he snapped, staring at me with pain.

"M-Mason," I muttered, pain travelling through my body, "We have to try."

"You'll be killed, Rae!" he shouted, but I could see the feelings behind it. I could see his eyes go teary, his lip folding into his mouth to stop the angry tears that threatened to fall and be the strong mate I know he is.

"Its the only chance we've got." My hushed voice whispered before another yell erupted from my throat, the pain increasing, taking away the energy I had left- the energy Blake was using.

"There's only one problem." Darren spoke. "It needs a password."

"Password?" Leo and Jace both asked.

Darren nodded, tapping away at the control panel, "In order for the gem to proceed, we need a password. But I don't know it."

I yelled out as another surge of pain went through my body, this time more powerful than the last time. My fists clenched but my sides, my eyes blackening, and veins appearing.

Password... password... pass- my eyes widened.

"Try 'renegades'!" I shouted, clenching my eyes tightly shut. My jaw gritted my teeth as I tried to break free of the light beams.

I could see Josh and Darren both at the control panel, typing and setting up the gem. Looking to Mason, I saw the defeat in his eyes.

*"As long as that black gem is in that control panel, I can do whatever I want to the world. You'll die because of it, and any way you use it will kill you."*

My eyes went teary as I recalled Blake's words before he left and there's only one thing I could say to my mate, "I-I love you, Mason."

"Don't say it like that Rae. You'll be okay." he said, trying to be strong.

I shook my head, "That black gem is the power source Blake needs to destroy this world, if I use it to give me energy, it will kill the Excidium Trigger and me." I looked towards everyone, then Josh, "Do it."

"No Rae!" Mason shouted, but Josh would never disobey a Luna. His fingers gripped the lever, slamming it down.

A bright light flew through the control panel, entering the glass cell. Mason's hands tied slamming through the glass, but its useless- I've tried. The electric lightning like beams around me suddenly glowed brightly, and pain surged through my body as another burst of energy came through, but this time, it made me stronger. I could feel the life come back to me- but something was stopping a lot of the energy.

I knew I could only take so much, the rest would destroy me. Mason stared at me through the glass, making eye contact. "I love you too." he told me.

That's when a growl left me. A yell erupted form the back of my throat, and I could feel the power running through me. My fists clenched, slightly away from my body as I caged as much energy as I could.

The glass of the cell suddenly broke and every strand of pain stopped. I dropped to the ground, breathing heavily. My hand laid beside me, my hair stuck to the sweat on my cheeks and forehead. Arms suddenly wrapped around me, pulling me into a body that sent tingles throughout me.

My arms draped around the holder's waist, breathing in his scent that I missed so much.

"Rae." I looked up to see Darren, holding out two wrist sized rings.

"Y-You have the Golden Inhibitor Rings?" Josh asked.

"Blake had always had them. He hid them away from Rae." Darren sighed, clipping each one to either of my wrists, over the top of the bandages that were still surviving, "You cannot EVER take these off. They'll control the amount of power you can use and will stop you from blacking out."

"If that black gem was going to stop Blake from overtaking the world, then were is he now?" Jace asked.

I growled, "Time to kill the one who hurt my family."

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