Chapter 7: Let's Not Take It Hard.

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Sierra's POV

"Sierra, I wish you could hear me. Please be safe." I heard in my mind. It was the velvet familiar voice I always knew.

I wonder what was going on. So I tried to reply back to him. See if I could really communicate through minds.

"Seth, what's wrong?" there was no sound of reply... yet. I thought it didn't work but I was wrong.

"Sierra? You can hear me? B-but how??" His voice becoming shakier.

"This is new to me too. I need to talk to you about it. But first, what's going on? You don't sound good."

"Sierra, I need you to go to your sister and stay in the room. Don't open the door or do anything until I come for you okay?"

"O-okay... SETH! Please be careful."

There was not a single note of reply. I guessed it was something important. I heard something come out from the veranda. It was HIM. The cloaked figure.

He went into my room and took off his hood for the first time, revealing his ivory face and amber-brown hair.

"My name is Alec. Alec Volturi." he offered his hand to shake but I was afraid. I couldn't even look at him in the face. He was so pale. His eyes were still crimson when he first saw me.

"Don't worry, I think you still need more time. Maybe we shouldn't have done this tonight. I'll wait for the perfect time. Who knows something even interesting might happen. I know you can win this. Although I may be working with them, you're still my priority. You don't know how powerful you will be once it spreads over your heart." he said softly as he circled around me slowly.

The perfect time? What is this guy talking about?

"Tell me, Sierra, how would you like to have a new family? One you've lost and now replaced and forgotten. The next one would be an entirely different experience. Trust me." I could feel his breath escaping against my neck. My heart was fidgeting rapidly at his touch.

"You smell so much... pleasant than the first time we met. It must be happening soon. We'll just have to wait a little longer."

"Until then..." he trailed off and a gush of wind blew past me. Before I knew it, he was gone.

Alec's POV

I couldn't bear the scent. She was so delicious yet it was not the appropriate time to take her away. She still didn't understand certain things. It may still be hard for us to control her when she is kidnapped by us. Not to mention vampires. her soft curls cascade beautifully against the moonlight as she stood where we were. She was... mesmerizing. Alec, don't. It's dangerous.I shrugged as I ran through the rustling trees. There was just something so different about her. She was one of a kind. I've been watching her ever since she came back to Forks three days ago. How could I betray the Volturi. No. I shouldn't.

I opened the grand doors to the hall where Aro, Cauis and Marcus sat waiting for their dinner. I could feel their eyes on me. I nodded at worried Jane as she stood by the side with Demitri.

"Sir, I think we may have to wait a little longer. it seems that Sierra is still a "child". She isn't aware of what's happening to her yet. It might be risky to take the first step and endanger our lives if her powers are unleashed for the first time." I looked at the three of them individually. Aro stood and walked towards me.

"Alec, you know she can't harm us in any way yet. But I think it is a wise choice. We should wait until we find out more about her. Poor girl, even her current family doesn't tell her she was found by their door. Thank you Alec, and please continue to watch her." I was relieved that they decided to take back their actions. It wasn't everyday you get to see them taking back their words.

I bowed courteously as I exited the room to meet with my sister.

"Jane, I know you're worried just, please, I can do this."

"I know you can Alec, it's just, be careful. If anyone of us were to be attacked by her, it would be you first. So she still hasn't notice or find out about vampires yet? Even her family? She must be so old now. But who knows. Her family was beyond our control. The Feroire. Seems enough to kill all of us if they were still alive. They could maybe still be alive after all. We might just be coated with the false information they purposely said in order to protect themselves."

"JANE! What the hell are you thinking? Do you think we haven't been through that??" I burst.

Just as I was about to say another word, a group of humans were brought into the hallway.

"We'll talk later." with that, we put on our hood and went to join in the feast.

It was so confusing. Everything was.

A/N: GOSHH! I've been thinking a lot on how to evolve Sierra. Any ideas?? Please comment!=] I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ;D

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