Chapter 26: Choosing?

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Sierra's POV

I never expected high school to be so dreadful. I still have guys awing at me effortlessly, I tried to ignore them as I went to my Biology class. Did I mention I was a music lover? Well, it's kind of attached to me ever since I was 10. Everytime I felt down, I would always listen to various symphonic bands, just pretending to know the notes very well. I didn't feel like going home so soon, so I went up on the rooftop. I was hoping to see Alec there but as I turned the tainted silver knob, only the wind invited me out with open arms. The atmosphere was all orange and amber, the rustling of the leaves against each other really comforted me. Somehow, I felt I was missing something. It has been almost a year since I was a vampire. I sat at the edge of the roof, watching the glowing orb sink into the horizon. Things were once so carefree and I had fun, but now, things have changed tremendously. I caused... Them to die. Just because I was one of those ancient people that possesses great powers. Up until now, only the Cullens know about my controlling power.

I realised that it could only be used if I had strong desire or need. Then, as Alec told me what he observed, my body would just be as dead, I would naturally close my eyes gently when I'm in such danger. Once I open my eyes and of they are fully aquamarine, there was no way of stopping me. If Pierre knew of it, he would've done something else and maybe use me as his advantage or worse revenge.

I was actually glad that I did not have the power of wish. Just wishing anything I want would come true. Such things would be much harder to control. A gentle breeze brushed against me, comforting me as I thought of my past. It was not easy, being this far especially after losing my human yet close families. I wonder what could have happened if Seth was not here. I would not have been here. I could have killed innocent lives just to satisfy myself. I could have been tortured and haunted by the Volturi. The clan that killed my family. I shut my eyes tight. I could feel moisture sliding down my cheeks. Vampires are not suppose to have emotions like these, why am I the only one? Why can't Jasper? Why can't Bella? Why can't Edward? What is with me and the tears. 

My head was filled with too much things, but the last one really tormented me. Seth does not deserve someone like me. I could not even give birth to carry on his line. I have been distant with him. And Alec, he did not need to suffer with me. He need not suffer just because of me. He had suffered enough. I covered my face, listening to the rustling forest and calm winds.

"Why?" I spoke out loud, taking to the moon that came by above me. I could feel the strands of my hair being lifted up and down by the wind. It felt as if the wind was protecting me.Suddenly I sensed someone was near me within a millisecond. I tried not to make sudden moves, terrified to who it may be. It was that vicious scent, filled with so much anger and frustration. It got me so curious even with my head throbbing. 

"You shouldn't be out here by yourself." he said, sounding like he was controlling the tone of his voice. I did not want to move at all. I just wanted to stop myself from sinking deeper into this. I had to get away, I don't want to lose anyone anymore. At the same time, I felt anger, frustration, and sorrow. I was not thinking straight. At all. I pushed myself off the roof, hearing his rough voice approaching fast to my ears. I felt a firm hand grabbing onto my small wrist.

"What the hell are you thinking!?" He shouted directly at me, I could feel heat radiating from his arched body.

"Let go, I won't die anyway. Not this way." I spoke in a monotone way. I was feeling really negative for some reasons. I looked down at the narrow ground. 

"Fine." I was quite startled that he said that.

I could feel his hand letting go, slipping away effortlessly. As I was pulled by gravity, I swiftly landed on the ground, glaring back up on the roof. My eyes went wide when I saw nothing.

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