Chapter 19: Triggers. You Have To Know

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A/N: HEY!! Can't believe im turning 16 tomorrow! haha.. Thank you for reading! You guys made me dream to become a writer. Thanks! I hope I can continue doing this hobby! So how do you guys think of the story for now? I wold really love it if you would take the time to tell me in what areas I can improve at! Then again, thank you so much for reading! :D

Sierra's POV

His eyes were golden topaz, he sat back and just watched my every move. His black polo did not manage to catch any of his tight abs but instead it gripped onto his biceps. I shrugged at the thought. I placed my tote bag on the table and took out my notebook. I could hear everyone saying how similar he is to me. I frowned, thinking there is no way we were similar except for our vampire features of course. Come to think of it, I do not really know much about him. When I first saw him just now, there was something about his eyes that shows that he really regret- killing my family. It was really had to take in that he did that. I missed Loui, everyone, I would not be here if it was not for them.

"Miss Leo, please pay attention, this is only your first lesson."

I nodded, some people even laughed at me due to my 'day-dreaming' face. I had to admit, I was lost. In this world of vampire, this new school, the loss of relations, history and now. Who knows what will happen in the future. For all I knew the Volturi would be planning our deaths. I blinked vigorously at that imagination. I could still feel his eyes on me, slowly piercing through my pale skin. At that moment, I just could not take in any further, I turned my head to tell him but unfortunately, that was a wrong move. His face was so near that I could feel his fake breath against my face. It smelled of raspberry candy. I blinked my eyes before moving back to that class.

What the hell was that? And could you please not stare at me like that. I still need time after what has happened.

He just sat straight, paying his utmost attention to Mr Webber who was scanning the entire classroom as if we were his prey. I glanced at Alec. He seemed oblivious to my thoughts. Did he not hear me? I was just trying to make sure he could hear me so I tried.

You know me in the past don't you, Alec.

He flinched slightly as he continued to take down notes, totally avoiding any eye contact. He knew something. He knows me, maybe that was why he turned to me and had even risked his life when he knew he would get killed by the Volturi. And, he even left his twin sister, which does not seem to bother about him anymore. He must feel like I do. The loss of a family. I felt guilty rushed through my body, he was able to make me cry. WHY. SO many questions I want to know yet even Carlisle who was the one who knew almost everything about a vampire does not know.

School ended quite dreadfully. Just as I was about to leave the classroom, A firm hand pulled me back into the classroom and pinned me to the wall. He had blue eyes which seemed full of mischief and looked ridiculously handsome but this was not right.

"Let. Me. Go." I told him nicely.

"Whoa, look who is ordering me. I'm scared. Help me. Come on, I noticed you were looking at me just now, admit it, you like me don't you?" I almost vomited blood but that way I would have to have his if I did.

"I'm telling you off nicely, trust me, you do not want to mess with me."

Just as he was about to stroke my cheek with his filthy fingers, and me bursting out to crush his bones, the familiar hands I once was threatened by appeared.

"Don't touch her." with that, the blond guy got thrown off as the tables were victims of the effect.

He pulled my hands gently as we walked out of the school, somewhere no one knew, I assume. It was like a mini backyard of his own. There was a little shelf filled with books and a long sofa. The scenery was breath-taking on the rooftop. The breeze blew past me as I picked up an aromatic scent.

"You really have no experience with high-school don't you." the voice came, interrupting my moment with nature.

"Well, I was about to go to high school after the back packing trip with-" I took a moment to gather all my strength.

"Loui." I faced the sun which was now setting.

"I'm sorry. I really am."

"It's fine." I could feel him being shocked at what I said.

"It's not like you knew me and besides, if you hadn't do it, the Volturi would've killed you. So either way, you're still here."

He looked down to the dull cement which was corroded by the rain. I walked to him at a human pace as I cupped both my hands on his cheek. One thing, he was warm, I thought, he would be cold when he did last time he threatened me. Maybe that was because I was not a full vampire yet. He looked unhealthy for a vampire. His skin was not as porcelain as it did, he looked sick.

"Where have you been?" he moved his darken gold eyes to mine.

"Here. Watching you. You've broken a promise once, I don't want the others to know I'm here."

I did not want to carry on with all the sadness but I wanted to know something. Something that has been haunting me ever since I became a vampire.

"A-alec. You know me, don't you?"

It took quite a moment before he gently put down my hands down as he walked to the 'veranda'.

"It was a long time ago. I almost forgotten about it until they asked me to look for you and make sure when the time is right to kill you."

I was not really surprised by that. I think all that I have been through had to do with death. It was just that, whenever it came from Alec, it seemed so much real but I was not afraid of him. I was not so remorseful when I found out he killed them. However they were one of the best families I have had.

"The whole vampire kingdom knew about your family, how they worked and how they treated all of us. They had the same rules as now, in fact, they were the ones who started it all. Including no vampire child could live." He turned as the glitters vanish away into the shade.

The soft wind blew from our sides as we looked at each other.

"And you, were not their only child." I did not need a few seconds to process it in my head.

"Y-you mean, YOU'RE MY BROTHER?!"

He took a few steps back as he nodded in acknowledgement as he disappeared. with so much thoughts running through my mind, I could not stop myself from thinking about my past. Suddenly that similar sharp pain became even more excruciating. I fell right to the floor and curled up int a fetus position. I held myself even tighter as all the pain formed into images. The images that was blocked away from me. My memories when they gave birth to me. Everything was true. They had Alec first, then me. The danger was very great that they made us into different beings that we do not remember that well. I shut my eyes so tight like a sealed can.

The images of my parents, Alec. Alec was in the bad hands whereas I was with my human family. Everything gushed out in a huge stream of agony. I screamed corsely until I felt warm arms around me. I could only see vaguely, but I was sure it was Alec.

"Sierra! SIERRA! Are you alright?! I'm sorry! I won't forgive myself for hurting you. Forgive me, my sister." He looked at me who was gritting my razor sharp teeth until it bled. I could taste my own metallic blood. Everything just sank into the darkness...

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