The Woman With Sliver Hair

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~Kid's POV~

The head aches get worse everyday. "Uhhh..." A stretch after a nap is nice. A chuckle escaped my mouth. "Everything is absolutely perfect" I say as a smile creeps on my face. I got up and opened the curtains. To my surprise, it was still light out. I look at my clock. "3:38? Mmmmm...I must of took one hell of a nap. Well I'm up".

I walk out of my room and head down stairs. I walked into the kitchen and found a note on the fridge. It was from Liz and Patty. I looked at it and read it out loud.

"Hey Kid, Patty and I are going to be out really late, but don't worry we're with the other weapons that are getting ready for the trip.

Love ~ Liz and Patty ;)"

That's right. The weapons and the meisters are having a trip that's coming up soon. After the trips, there's gonna be a party for success of the trips. I honestly don't know why but they bring a lot of the students together. The weapon's trip is basically a field trip to an unknown location and the meisters trip is the same thing. There at the same time. The school does this every 4 years.

I had nothing to do, so I decided to go for a walk.


It was very nice outside and wind was just perfect. As I walked through the streets of Death City, I could hear the people talking to one another. They all had different things to say. Like,

"Aww look at the Shinigami's son." Or "Wow! He's going to be our next leader. He must take after his father." The girls were the loudest out of everyone, but I tend to ignore them all.

I came across DeathQueen and walked in. Walking towards the register to place an order, I hear someone call my name. I look over to the person and it turns out to be Maka Albarn. She sat at a table by herself, drinking a vanilla milkshake while reading a book. As she was waving towards me, I decided to walk over.

"Hey Maka. What are you doing here by yourself?" I asked.

"Oh, well Soul is with Blackstar right now and they're helping each other pack for the trip and I honestly didn't want to watch them have their bromance, so I decided to come here and read my book. How about you?" She finished, then sipping her milkshake.

I took a seat at her table. I explained that Liz and Patty are off with the other weapons getting ready for the trip as well. The waiter came up and I ordered myself a dark chocolate hurricane. They were very popular at this store.

"So what are you reading?" I asked. I noticed her book had the most perfect lining. I smiled at hue beauty of the book.

"Oh, this?" She waves the book. " This is my favorite book, 'Something New In Life'. It's about a guy who doesn't believe in love and slowly he ends up finding the girl of his dreams." She starts to frown. "But sadly, the girl is threaten and when these people go to kill her, the guy ends up taking her place and dies for her. It's a good book. I've read it a bunch of times but each time I re-read it, there's always new things that I missed." She smiled again.

I couldn't help but smile as well. Maka always had that effect on me for some strange reason.

"That sounds lovely but horrible at the same time. But I guess love can make you do crazy things in life I suppose." I replied. After I received my hurricane treat, I continued to chat with Maka. We talked about God knows what.

"I'm telling you that it was huge and might I add, perfectly symmetrically in every way." I said.

"Really? I fish being that huge? I need some proof." She laughed while speaking.

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