A Happy Ending?

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~Maka's POV~

The sun seeped through the blinds on my window. I opened my eyes and found a naked shinigami laying next to me. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I got up slowly, so I wouldn't wake him up.

I limped to the closet to get clothes on, but my legs hurt badly. I looked back at him and then looked at the headboard and noticed that there was dent in the wall.

Oh my Death....no wonder I'm in so much pain. Flash backs of last night flooded my mind and blushed like crazy.

I put my clothes on and silently left my room. I limped over to the kitchen an decided to make French toast. As I started with the batter, Soul came out of his room.

"Hey, what's for breakfast?" He asked, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake up.

"French toast" I limped over to the fridge to get milk.

Soul studied me. "Why are you limping?" He asked, sitting down at the table.

My face went completely red. I mumbled a few curse words but before I could reply, Kid walked out of the room, half naked.

"Maka what's for-" He froze when he saw Soul sitting down. The boys eyed each other and Kid's arms tensed up.

Those muscles though....

"What the hell!?" Soul yelled. "Where the hell have you been!? What the hell is going on!?" Soul was completely confused and threw a tantrum. Kid simply looked at me and turned around and locked himself in my room.

"WHAT THE HELL MAKA!?" Soul yelled.

"Soul calm down!" I said. I then explained to him about last night, leaving the intercourse part out. I just basically lied to Soul but he would kill Kid if he found out.

"You know what, fine. Let's just get ready for school." He got up and went to his room.

I sighed and knocked on the door to my room. Kid opened it cautiously and saw it was me.

"I'm sorry, I should of been more careful." He said, letting me in my room.

"It's okay, he would of found out anyway but don't worry, I didn't tell him about....last night" I blushed on the last part.

He smiled. "I love it when you blush like that." He then placed his warm lips on mine.


"KID!!" Yelled Liz, Patty, Backstar and Tsubaki, all yelled in unison. "WHERE ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN. DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE ALL WERE! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE LIKE THAT!? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR!?" Liz yelled with all her might.

"I'm sorry....I had things to clear up. And my hair, I'm not sure. I just woke up and saw my hair like that." Kid said, putting his hands up in defense. Liz sighed as the rest of us watched their argument.

"And what things did you exactly clear up!?" She yelled. He then grabbed my hand and kiss it, showing everyone I was his.

They all looked shocked expect for Soul. He still had a scowl on his face.

"Besides, after everything. I needed......alone time." He said, not letting go of my hand.

"So you've been gone for nearly a month and-" Liz was cut off by an angry Kid.

"Liz, it doesn't matter. All that matters, is that I'm back and I fully regret leaving. I let my emotions get the best of me and in the end, I disrespected you all..." Kid said as he put his head down in shame.

Everyone one of us walked towards him and we had a huge group hug. Expect for Soul. He just stood there, staring at Kid. I guess he's not over what happened this morning.

The group separated and we all walked to class. I looked back at Soul. He was still watching Kid.

Kid then grabbed my hand and we both smiled at each other.

"Let's get to class" He said as he quickly kissed me.

I nodded and we went to class together, hand in hand.


~Kid's POV~

"Death the Kid! Your father would like to see you, immediately. Oh and welcome back." Stein yelled as I walked through the door with Maka. He then took a double take. "Kid, your hair." He pointed at it.

Ignored the question.

"How did he know I was back?" I asked.

He just shrugged and wrote something down on a piece of paper.

"Why? What does he want?" I asked, walking to my seat.

"Don't 'why' me, just go." He said as he started writing something on the board.

I'm tired of these lies...

"Well, it's not that important if you aren't telling the reason." I said as I sat down next to Maka.

She looked at me as if I was crazy. Liz and Patty gave the same expression. Blackstar laughed and Tsubaki tried to calm him down. Soul just glared at me.

What's his problem?

"Kid, welcome back and everything but don't be rude. Your father wants to see you." Stein said holding back the anger in him.

"Whatever."'I said and then kissed Maka. As I kissed her, I glanced at Soul. He watched as I kissed her. I pulled away and faced him.

"Jealous much?" I asked as I left the room.

I heard Soul get up from his seat but Blackstar stopped him.

As I walked down the halls towards the Death Room, a voice came in my head.

"That was quite a show" The voice said in my head.

"I don't need any lip from you."

"Don't worry my young reaper. Sooner or later we will have he ultimate prize." The voice chuckled.

"Of course. I'm tired of living in my Father's lies. Soon, I will rule Death City and then the rest of this planet better then he did." I laughed at myself.

The month I've been gone, all I did was think. I thought about the lies my father told me and truths he kept from me. My mother, Vesta, died because she harmed my lover. Other then that, she would of lived to see tomorrow.

"Focus, the time is soon coming....." I said.

"Yes, my Dark Prince."

"Ha. I like that name."

I smiled and walked in the Death Room.

"I am the Dark Prince Of Death!"

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