Complete Darkness

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~Maka's POV~

"Where am I?" I put my hand on my head. I have a huge headache.

I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness.

"What the? Soul!? Kid!? Guys? Where are you!?"

No answer.

All I could do was drift around the darkness.

What happened? Was I too late? Am I trapped in Kid's mind? Wait, that's right! I'm in his mind, meaning he's somewhere around here. The question is where? There's nothing but darkness.

I thought too soon. I somehow hit my head on a door. Before I could drift away, I grabbed the skull shape knob.

I have no choice.

I opened the black door and a white light blinded me. I opened my eyes again and found myself in front of Gallows Mansion.

Hopefully, Kid is in there. The faster I find him, the better.

I walked in through the opened doors. I forgot how big Kid's mansion was.

Its gonna take forever to find him! Well if he's even here.


No answer.

I walked around the mansion. I felt like I was wandering around the place for hours. I somehow found myself in the living room. I looked around and saw no one.

I then heard someone crying. I walked over in front of the couch and saw a little boy. He was cuddling a doll version of Lord Death. Tears stained the doll. I noticed the boy had three white stripes in his black hair.

Of course, it's Kid! Duhh it's his house.


The boy continued to sob.


No answer.


No answer.

"Death The Kid!"

The boy then jumped. His head rose and tears fell. He looked at me with those puppy dog eyes and held the doll tighter. He sobbed a little more, then finally came back to reality.

"Yes?" Aww he's so cute!

"Why are you crying?" I asked while taking a seat next to him on the couch.

He jumped when I sat down. Kid held the doll even tighter and looked all around the room, expect me.

"A-aren't you s-scared of me?" Kid looked down at his feet that were dangling off the couch. He moved his feet back and forth.

"Why would I be? Your my friend, well more then a friend I should say...." I patted his little back.

He looked up with a surprised look. His tears came down again. He then put on a smile.

"I have a friend..." He muttered. "All the other kids are scared of me because of who I am. I'm a grim reaper." He held up the doll. "This is my father, but he's a lot bigger." He then hugged the doll again.

"I know. Your father is a very nice reaper." I said with a smile. Kid suddenly began to cry again. "Wait! Why are you crying?" I panicked.

"It's just, Father is always to busy to see me or have fun with me. I'm all alone in this place, with no friends. People are scared..." He then smiled. "But now I have you! You'll stay be my side, right? We're going to have so much fun together! Wait, what's you name?"

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