The Fearless Kid

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~Maka's POV~

Careful, the weapon Vesta transforms in is a double bladed, boomerang scythe!" Said Lord Death.

"She's a weapon?!" We all yelled.

Kid came straight for me first. He slashed the scythe forwards but I blocked it with Soul. He became more angry.

He continued with the slashes but missed. "Dammint!!" He yelled.

"Kid! Wake up! It's me, Maka!" I yelled before he kicked me in my stomach.

"Aaa!" I fell on my ass and gripped my stomach and Soul. I got up but he then grabbed my neck and threw me across the room. Luckily, Lord Death caught me.

"My turn" Stein then moved forward, now holding my father.

He lashed out on Kid but he dodged it all. Kid had a good shot and took it. He slashed Stein on his back and jumped backwards to safety.

Stein groaned in pain, but he continued. The rest of us watched in horror as our dear friend was trying to kill us all.

Kid then spun the scythe twice as fast and threw it like a boomerang. It hit Liz, Stein and me, cutting all of us on our left arms. Liz fell to the floor in pain, while holding Patty in weapon form. She was a weapon and wasn't used to the physical pain, even with her background.

The scythe then returned to Kid in his hand.

"Come on!! Is that the best you can do!?" He yelled. He then spun the scythe again and threw it, this time he ran after it. The scythe then hit me on both of my legs and Kid ran up and body slammed me to the ground. He caught the scythe in his hand again. He put his foot on my head and pressed down.

He brought the blade close to my throat. "And you will be the first to fall." He then raised the scythe. I shut my eyes and heard a bang.

It was Liz. She kept shooting at Kid and I saw Blackstar running up, attacking him with his wavelength, but Kid moved out of the way the way in time. He turned his back at me. I quickly got up and slashed his back with Soul.

"I'm sorry Kid!" He fell to his knees but quickly got up. Stein quickly came forward and hit Kid on the spot. Kid made a painful face and cried in agony. Kid was then sent flying to the other side by Blackstar's kick. He was on the floor but quickly got up.

"They won't go down..." I heard Kid whispering to Vesta. Her reflection then appeared. "What do I do? If I keep it up, they'll kill me" he said.

"Maybe you could use a little magic?" She said in a playful voice. He just looked at her after she said that. "Kid, you and I both know it's the only way" she said.

Lord Death only watched. I'm guessing he's too afraid to attack his son.

Suddenly the ground started shaking. I looked over and Kid was mumbling something under his breath. He them disappeared.

Suddenly, there were zombies everywhere, surrounding us all. They attacked us in groups but they were quickly defeated by Blackstar, who didn't give us a chance to help him. Kid suddenly appeared behind Lord Death.

"Lord Death, behind you!" It was too late. Kid had slashed right through him. Lord Death fell to the floor. Without hesitation, Kid picked up the table behind him and threw it at Liz. It hit her dead on. She fell to the floor, without making a sound. Kid then went straight for Blackstar.

Blackstar didn't notice him coming because he was looking at the horror Kid was committing. Before I could even warn him, Kid spun the scythe, which had slashed Blackstar's left arm, both his legs and his back. Blackstar then fell to the floor, face first and was covered in blood, but he was still breathing.

It was only, Soul, Stein, Papa and I. Kid took a step back and then coughed up blood. It was black. Stein smirked, as if he found a way to end this.

"Maka, I have a plan but it involves getting Kid seriously hurt" he said gripping Papa tightly, ready to strike.

"Get him to attack you and I'll do the rest. When I say so, I need you and Soul to travel into Kid's mind and pull him out of the madness. Patty! Tsubaki! Take Liz and Blackstar to the emergency room, now!"

They both got out of their weapon forms. They both nodded and quickly picked up them up and left the room.

"Running away, huh?" Kid started running after them. I cut him off, and kneed him in the stomach.

"Pay back, boyfriend." I smirked.

It didn't take him long to recover. He then grabbed my throat and threw me in the floor. Kid then slashed the blade towards me but I kicked him in his groan. He gasped in pain. I got up and and kicked him there again. He collapsed on the floor.

Stein quickly came and grabbed the scythe and threw it as far as he could across the Death Room. Before she landed in the ground, Vesta changed back to her human form and flew on her broomstick.

Kid was still on the ground. "Stein, I don't know what to do!" I said.

"Do you remember when you told me, that Soul lost himself to the black blood? Well, do what you did to Kid now. But I'll warn you both, it's gonna be hard to get him out. You'll most likely have to convince him to leave." Stein kept talking while watching Vesta get her thoughts back.

"I'll hold her off. She's strong, but Spirit and I will be able to take her. Right Spirit?" Papa's reflection showed. He looked straight at me.

"Maka, you be careful now. Stein and I'll handle her. Soul, protect my Maka." Soul nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's go! Soul Resonance!" Stein's soul glowed. His battle had begun. Now it's ours.

"Ready Soul?"

"Ready. Let's get this kid." He took my hand and then the knocked out Kid's. Then I grabbed Kid's.

Soul and I then pressed our foreheads on Kid's.

Everything then went back.

Soul and I were in a dark void. It was pitch black but we were able to see each other. I grabbed Soul's hand so we wouldn't lose each other. Then a door came out, right in front of us. We looked at each other and walked in.

"Man. Was it like this when you came after me? So uncool."

"It was close."

The door opened and there a was a bright light and we found ourselves in front of the Death Room. Afraid, that we did things wrong, I ran in while Soul ran after me. We both ran through the pillars and saw the weirdest thing ever.

There was Lord Death, perfectly well. He was arguing with a woman. Then, I saw Papa! He was holding a little girl, about the age of three. He put her down to talk to Lord Death.

I watched the little girl run towards a boy about her age. He was trying to jump off the ledge but Lord Death kept catching him before he leaped.

"Maka? Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Soul pointed towards the little boy. It was Kid. I quickly looked over at the little girl.

"Oh that m-me!?" I said too loud.

But no one turned around to see who was yelling.

Then we saw a figure move out from behind of the pillar.

"They can't hear you. This is just a memory...well, my memory. Although, I didn't know I had this memory."

That voice!

"Okay, so maybe we did do something right." I said, starring face to face with my boyfriend.

"Maka?..." Kid said.

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