Mama's Deal

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~Kid's POV~

"I'm not risking anyone's safety. I'm doing this as the next guardian of this world" I said to Vesta after I dropped of Maka. "I will admit though, the black blood that goes through, feels amazing. I've never felt such power before."

"So, you accept your witch half, correct?" She said.

I sighed. "Yes, yes I do."

She smiled. Then she dragged me to an empty alley way. She then pinned me against the wall. I tried to brake free but I couldn't. I then, saw her shadow. She raised her hand and then stabbed me in my back.

"AHHHHHHHH" I screamed in pain. She went deeper and the pain then increased. "STOP!" I yelled. She then pulled her arm out of my back. I fell to the floor, holding myself in pain. Luckily, my reaper body will heal pretty fast, but I still feel the pain. I looked at the witch. Her hand was covered in blood, but some parts were black.

"There" she said. "I'm sorry for putting you in that pain, but now I have put the mark of a witch on you. Your powers will increase while you work with your magic. Mmmmm...." She said while putting my blood in a vile.

"Most likely, you'll have death magic, like you already do. Ooooooo you'll be a very powerful necromancer. Unlike me, I am a god like pyromancer. You'll get to that point soon." she finished.

My back was finally healed. I got up and looked at her with confusing face. "How do you know about my powers?"'I asked.

She nodded. "I'm your mother, it's my job to know everything about you." She said, with a warming smile. I sighed. She continued. "Your father was always knee deep in his work. While he was working with the students at the school, I was the one taking care of you." We then started walking towards Death Manor. She continued to talk about the past.

"As you grew, your powers both reaper and witch were very high for a child your age." She smiled. "I remember you always would carry that little Lord Death doll of your father everywhere with you. If someone tried to take it from you, you'd throw a huge temper tantrum until you got it back. Ahh, all you wanted was your father's attention." She continued.

"You always had a thing were everything had to be right. You weren't a symmetry freak like now, but you liked things to be correct. Even at the age of 2" She smiled.

I find it sad that, this woman who I've only known for about two days, knows me more then my father would know. It doesn't surprise that Father kept this secret from me. The question is, why though?

"Your father and I got into a heated argument. It was about you." She looked at me and smiled again. "He didn't like the idea of you becoming a witch like me."

I'm not into it that much either.

"I wanted you to experience my side of the family but he denied it all. He wanted you to become a pure reaper. But I wanted you to do other things as well. I'm not a bad witch. There are no bad things." She finished.

"Of course there are bad thing-" I stopped when I felt her hand on my cheek. Suddenly I was back in the void. Not this again.

"Can we please stop this!" I said in annoyance. She appeared.

"Kid, the things I do are all for you. I promise, we will be a family again. You have my word." She said as she walked towards me. She, again, put her hand on my cheek. I suddenly felt dizzy and lost it.

Everything went black again.


I woke up on hearing Liz banging on my door. I shot up and looked around. I was in my room. I took the blanket off of me and I suddenly felt a breeze. I looked down and I was shirtless. I turned on the lights and saw I had tattoos on my chest and back. One was a skull, mostly because of me being a grim reaper. The other one was a star in the middle if a circle. There was a skull on the center of the star. That was where Vesta stabbed me. I guess that's Vesta's doing.

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