Witch 101

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~Soul's POV~

I can't believe Maka ditched me for her boyfriend! So uncool. And what makes this worse, I'm stuck with these two!

"Hey sis, can a dog also be a cat?" Patty said.

"No Patty, dogs and cats can't be anything but themselves." Liz said annoyed.

I walked while listening to Patty's dumbness.

I hate the fact that Maka would rather be with him then me. I'm her weapon and her best friend! But I guess if she's happy, I'm happy. I'm a cool guy like that.

As we walked up the stairs to get into the school, we saw Blackstar. He was sitting on the ground. He had just got winning a fight.

"I need more of a challenge." He said as his eyes then lit up. "Hey Soul, you think if I messed up the school, Kid would battle me?" He said.

"I'm not sure, he's spending an awful amount of his time with Maka." I said crossing my arms.

"AHHHHH I NEED A CHALLENGE!" He yelled. I noticed the twin pistols went inside.

"Blackstar, if you want a challenge, then pay attention in class. We're going to have a difficult assignment before the weapon and meister's trip." Said Pro. Stein as he walked into the building. Blackstar followed him to see if he could get answers from him on where the secret location would be.

My attention was then brought to a couple shouting at each other. I walked towards the balcony and saw it was Kid and Maka. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I know it wasn't good. Maka looked like she was gonna cry but she then pulled Kid to a tight embrace.

Kid then patted her on the head and I saw him mouth the words, "Everything is gonna be okay. We'll get through this....somehow."

I have no idea what the hell they're talking about but I know it ain't good. I'll ask Maka about it later. I waited for them to walk up the steps, leaving us a 5 minutes before class started. I looked over and say Maka's face completely changed from tears to giggles.

I know these two are hiding something. The question is what?

"Hahaha. Oh hey Soul! Sorry you had to wait for me." She said putting her head down, feeling guilty. I waved it off.

"Nah no big deal. But warn a guy first. No offense Kid, your weapons aren't.....the best to walk with" I said, looking at him.

"I know, it takes time to get used to honestly" he said while smiling.

Maka then grabbed my hand and then grabbed Kid's. "Come on guys! Were gonna be late!" She said while dragging us along with her. Kid and I then looked at each other. I noticed Kid and I were giving each other death glares.

For some reason, I really wanted to punch him.


~Maka's POV~

As we seated down at our seats, I saw a bunch of magic types on the board. I looked at Kid to see if he saw the same thing. He did. His hands were in fists and he just stood there. I know, deep down this is going to drive Kid into utter madness.

There were three types of magic on the board. Fire, Animal and then Death. Kid finally snapped out of it and say down.

Stein then clapped his hands. "Okay, as you can see in the board, we're gonna be talking about the different types of magic. And no, you will no be casting any of these." He said while turning to his students.

"As you can see, these are the strongest types of magic. But today were going to be talking about one." He said as he crossed off Death and Animal. He then circle the word Fire and tapped in the board with his chalk.

"Fire" he said. "Fire magic has been used by witches for many generations but none of them could ever master it. But one. There was only one witch that could master fire, and she was deemed the goddess of fire, though of course she was no god. Her name was-" he was cut off by Kid jumping off of his seat.

"Vesta Aideen! Is it Vesta Aideen?!" He said. Kid had terror in his eyes, as if scared to find out the answer.

"Umm yes Kid. Her name was Vesta Aideen. The witch of fire." As he finished his sentence, I saw that Kid's heart seemed to break. Kid then slumped down back into his seat and then stared off into space.

Stein gave Kid a questionable look, as if he was worried about the boy. He then continued. "Umm yes. Anyway the fire witch known as Vesta" he said then glanced at Kid, who was still in space. "Was all powerful. But, thankfully, Lord Death had the honor of bringing her demise" he said, then glanced at Kid again.

His face shot up. Kid seemed hurt by him saying that. Stein then nodded to himself, and walked around the class room. Stein waited to continue as the student were writing notes.

Vesta then appeared in front of the room, though no one but Kid and I could see her. She stood there, doing nothing but watching the class' reactions. She looked up at Kid. Kid looked the other way, avoiding her eyes.

"Vesta and Lord Death had a full on brawl. She even tried to take the life of the young shinigami over here" he said pointing at Kid. Kid then looked around. Everyone was looking at him.

"Vesta was obsessed with Lord Death and thought, 'if she couldn't have his attention, no one could' and then she tried to take the boy's life. Only at the age of 3." He said holding his gaze at Kid. I looked over at Kid. He was to speechless to say anything.

"He's lying Kid! I would never hurt you!" Yelled Vesta. Kid still didn't move. I tired not to make it obvious but I saw Stein glancing at me as well. "Your mommy's baby boy! Why would I hurt you if I'm trying to help you!?" She continued to say. Still no movement from him.

"Vesta was a very skilled pyromancer and she did anything to get her way-" Stein was cut off by student.

"So, this witch. Is she like, Death The Kid's mom?" The student asked while looking at Kid and the professor.

Kid snapped.

Kid then shot up from his seat and left the classroom.

The class was completely quiet. I saw Stein glance over at me again. He then nudged his head towards the door, indicating me to go after him. I shot up and ran after Kid, who was no where to be found in the hallway.

"Kid!?" I yelled. I saw a head peak out from the comer of my eye. I ran towards the person, assuming it was him but instead I found myself in front of Papa. He looked at me, as if I was crazy.

"Woah! And where do you think your going young lady? Last time I checked, your class room was that way" he said while pointing to Stein's classroom.

"Papa, have you seen Kid?" I asked, ignoring his question. He looked at me and gave me a very weak smile.

"So you two are together....." He sighed. " My Maka's growing up...."

"Papa!" I said while stomping my foot on the floor. I then crossed my arms because he wasn't honing to let me go passed him.

He sighed again. "Kid went to the Death Room. Why? Did something happen?" And before he could ask another question, I ran towards the Death Room. I heard foot steps behind me and it was Papa and Stein.

Something big is going on. And I think I'm about to find out what.

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