The Battle Contiues

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~Stein's POV~

"What the hell are those kids doing? They need to get out of there, and fast!"

Spirit's reflection was shown on the blade.

"Calm down, Maka and Soul are on it. Right now we have bigger worries."

Vesta came charging at us. I quickly dodged her attacks. Her eyes started to glow a light red. She threw intense fire balls at us. I spun the blade, making a vortex. The flames quickly stopped.

"AHHHHH! I should of killed you both, years ago!" She screamed.

Her fire attacks became more intense. She then surrounded us in a ring of fire.

"There's no escape now!" She then lifted her hands and fire started to grow in her hands. It was a huge fire ball that resembled the sun.

"Wait!" Spirit yelled.

She stopped in confusion.

"Kill us, and what happens to Kid? I mean, your winning at this point, so what's next?" Spirit asked the witch.

Her hands went down to her side. She smiled wickedly. She glanced over at the children. Maka and Soul holding hands with Kid. Their foreheads were placed on Kid's.

"I'd win. I'd get the prize I longed for. Although, I wanted us to be a family again. But I realized that now, I just want my son. I mean that's what any parent would want, right Spirit? You'd do anything for that daughter of yours and let me tell you, she's grown beautifully since the last time I saw her. It's no surprise my son has her heart."

"Do you honestly think that, by doing all this, Kid would welcome you back?" I asked while looking at a depressed scythe.

"It wouldn't matter. The black blood and the madness are soon going to reach Kid. I'm only sure that he has about five minutes. The children won't reach him in time. Until then, I'm not sure what's going on in Kid's mind right now." She stated.

"I wouldn't underestimate Maka, witch." I said, finally finding a opening and taking it. I quickly ran up a pillar and jumped towards Vesta. The lunged the scythe towards her and cut her straight down to the ground. The ring of fire was suddenly gone.

Spirit's reflection showed once more.

"How long do we have to keep this up? Sooner or later, we'll mess up and I don't want to find out the outcome on that." He said.

"We continue this battle till Soul, Maka and Kid come back. And trust me, I know my way around this witch."

Spirit nodded and the his reflection was off of the blade.


~Kid's POV~

We ran as fast as we could.

Not realizing it, there was nothing we could do. We were in a memory.

Vesta ran with my younger self in her arms. He was laughing, thinking this was game or something.

Spirit ran after her, trying to get his boss's son back, but he was too slow. He began to run slower, trying to catch his breath.

My father the flew by him at great speed.

"I'm sorry guys, but I have to see what's going to happen!" I said while summoning Beelzebub. I jumped on the skateboard and flew off.

I'm gonna regret ditching them, but I need answers.

I ended up flying next to Father. We both flew down the hall ways and busted through the entrance doors. Vesta was about to get on her broom stick but stopped in fear.

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