Vesta Aideen

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~Kid's POV~

She laughed. "We share minds, my boy. We can communicate through your mind, if you wanted to!" She laughed more. She then stopped and said, "My name is Vesta."

"Vesta Aideen. Witch of fire."

Suddenly, I was back in the void of darkness. It was just me and her. I saw my body was taking notes during class, smiling at Maka. I looked back at 'Vesta'.

"Fire happens to be one of the strongest types of magic. Other witches tend to use animals and some use the elements. For example, you my dear son, can be the Witch of Death." She said in high hopes. She extended her hand. I slapped her hand away.

"You and I both know this is wrong! Why would you teach your 'son' things that could get him killed!?" I screamed at her.

She shook her head. She held her hand in pain. "I don't know why you don't accept me.....I'm trying to help you become-" I stopped her.

"A monster!" I turned my back towards her. I felt her disappear but I know she's watching. She'll drown me in madness until I give in. For now, I have no control over my body. The boy everyone sees is the boy under the influence of madness. I've been more blunt and more confident. Which isn't a bad thing, it takes away my anti-social problems, but it's not me.

I heard laughter. It was Maka's. I saw that Maka was laughing at one of my jokes. I didn't know I had jokes.

"Kid stop!" She said. "I'm gonna get in trouble if you keep making me laugh." She laughed. She put her head down. It looked like she was dying of laughter. Cute.

"I can't help it. I love it when you laugh." I said while laughing as well. My face blushed when I noticed what I said. She had the same reaction. She smiled.

"Thanks-" she was cut off.

Stein shouted. "Can my students please pay attention!" He stomped.

"Sorry Stein!" Maka and I said.


I waited for Maka. She had to talk to Soul quick, so I told her I'll meet her at the library.

There was the void again.

"This is getting annoying woman." I said. She appeared again. "I want my body back!" I shouted.

"Not until you see what I'm trying to do for you! Anyway, the madness is helping you get the girl of your dreams!" She said happily. "I'm so happy my baby is falling in love!"

"THATS NOT ME!" I screamed. She jumped back at my reaction. "THATS THE MADNESS...I like Maka, yes. But the person she is falling for is not me." I finished. She nodded and then snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, I was seated at the library. I looked around and no one was around. "What are you planing woman?" I said out loud.

She appeared and smiled. I hate to admit it but she did have a motherly smile.

"If I help you with your girl problems, will you accept me? And everything else?" She said as she extended her hand. Honestly, it was a tempting offer but I couldn't.

I got up and was about to leave but she stopped me. " least experiment." She said.

Before I could answer, Maka walked in. As much as I cared about her, couldn't put the world in trouble, just for my selfish acts.

She smiled at me. "Hey Kid, alright let's get started. What's the problem?" She said as she puts her books down at a table. " least experiment."

"No..." I whispered. Maka looked up with a confused face. "What happened Kid?" She said.

Suddenly, I was back in the void. "NO!" I shouted. I saw my madness take over. My body walked towards Maka. She took a step back every time I got closer.

"Kid? Your kinda freaking me out." She said with a worried expression. My body looked around. There was no one in sight. I felt my hand around Maka's throat. She wined in pain.

"You can stop this Kid. It's you who controls every thing." Vesta said. I was back in my body but I couldn't stop my hand. My grip was getting tighter and Maka was tearing up.

"K-kid! S-stop!" She yelped.

"VESTA STOP!" I yelled out loud. "VESTA I'LL DO IT!" I cried. My hand let go of Maka. She fell to the floor but I caught her. "Good. And to make sure that you will" she walked up and touched Maka. Her eyes widen and she gripped on me.

"There" said Vesta. "Now she can see me, like you can".


~Maka's POV~

"Soul I'll be back later. I have to help Kid study for the test." I said to him.

"Wait, did you finish packing?" He asked.

"Yes, I've been done for a while. Now, I'll see you later!" I waved him goodbye.

"Have fun on your date then!" He yells back.

"It's not a date!" I yelled. He nodded. "Fine, study date" he laughed.

"Makaaaaa-CHOP!" I hit him with my book. I blew the steam off and walked to the library to meet up with Kid. I walked in and saw Kid standing and what it looked like, he was talking to himself. Such a weird guy.

I walked towards him. I smiled. "Hey Kid, alright let's get started. What's the problem?" I said as I puts my books down on the table.

"No..." He whispered. I looked up with a confused face. "What happened Kid?" I said. He walked towards me with a weird expression on his face. Every time he took a step closer to me, I took one step back.

"Kid? Your kinda freaking me out." I said with a worried expression. I looked around. There was no one in sight. I felt Kid's hand around my throat. Is he going to kill me?!

I looked in his eyes. They had a sinister look in them. Defiantly not the ones I would stare at. I tried to get out of his grip but the grim reaper was stronger then he looked.

"K-kid! S-stop!" I cried. I choked on my words as his grip got tighter.

"VESTA STOP!" He yelled out. Who is Vesta? "VESTA I'LL DO IT! He cried. He let go of me and fell but Kid caught me in his arms. The golden eyes I longed to look at we're back.

Suddenly I felt someone touching my shoulder. It was a witch. My eyes widen and my grip tighten around Kid. She finally spoke, "There, now she can see me, like you can" she then looked at Kid.

"Of course, I chooses whether or not she can see me again."

Kid's face was fill of anger and shock. It looked like he was about to cry. He put his head down on mine and whispered "I'm so sorry Maka. I wasn't trying to get you into this mess." He said as tears went down his eyes.

"Kid don-" the witch called Vesta, cut me off.

"Kid, don't be rude. Introduce me to your friend." She said.

Kid just looked at her and then helped me to my feet.

"Fine, I'll introduce myself" she cleared her throat. "My name is Vesta Aideen. I am the ex-wife of Death. I am also the mother of Kid." She finished and smiled.

I ripped Kid off of me. I stood back and looked at both of them. I was out of words. "I thought.....y-you didn't have a m-mother!?" I said.

"Kid? What the hell is going on!?"

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