Another Lie?

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~Kid's POV~

"No, I can fight her withou-"

"There's no arguing, Kid. We'll be safe. Now, go!" Maka yelled.

There's no point in arguing. I nodded and ran off.

I hate to leave them, there, with that witch! Where the hell are Liz and Patty!?

I ran as fast as I could and finally ended up in the infirmary. Before I walked in, I took a deep breath.

"I hope they're okay..." I whispered.

I opened the door and saw Tsubaki wrapping a bandage around a knocked out Blackstar. Liz was on the bed, mumbling something that I couldn't hear. Patty was siting next to her, trying not to cry. She then looked over at the opened door. Patty was the first to see me.

"Kid!" She panicked. Liz was wake and she jumped out of the bed and landed in Patty's hands, in weapon form. Tsubaki jumped as well and her hair turned into one of her weapon forms.

Patty began to shoot but she missed me. I jumped and landed on the other side of the room.

"Here to finish the job?" Liz yelled.

"Stop, you fools! It's me, Kid! The madness Vesta infected me with is gone. Instead of fighting me, help me bring her down. Before she kills Maka and the rest of them" I said while putting my hands up, so they know I mean no harm.

Tsubaki's hair turned back to normal. "I believe you. You called us demons earlier, so I assumed we lost you." She said.

Liz turned back into her human form. She had bruises everywhere and there were deep cuts as well. Tears formed my face when I saw Patty bruised, as well as Tsubaki and Blackstar.

"I'm so sorry...I never meant any harm...." I muttered through my tears. "But I'm happy you're all alive."

"Kid, it's good to have you back!" Patty and Liz said in unison. They both opened their arms wide and ran towards me, embracing me in the tightest hug I've ever had.

"It won't..." I mumbled. "Wait, where are the rest of the teachers?" I asked, pulling away from the girls.

"Stein told us to come here and heal up, while Maka and Soul went to get you. The other teachers were informed to stay away." Tsubaki said, tightening Blackstar's bandage.

"Will he be alright?"

"Oh yeah. It's Blackstar we're talking about." She smiled.

"Kid, we should get going. Maka and Stein can't last that much longer against her." Liz stated.

"Yes, we should. Girls, weapon forms" I smiled, missing that line. The girls smiled as well and flew into the air and landed in my hands. "We're a family again."

Before I ran out the door, I turned to Tsubaki. "Try to wake him up. We're going to need as many people as we can get to fight Vesta."

She nodded.

I ran out the door with the girls in my hands.

I haven't seen father anywhere. What happened to him? No, please. He can't be gone!? Vesta! Mother or not, you will pay by the hands of Death!


~Maka's POV~

"You blasted girl! Can't you sit still!?" Vesta was angry at me for setting Kid free.

"Maka, be careful! Those fire blasts could do some serious damage!" Soul warned.

I nodded and continued to dodged for my life.

Her blasts became faster as rage built up. She threw more fire at Stein and I. Stein then spun his scythe and the wind made the fire disappear.

"Can't you just die!?" She threw a tantrum.

"I can't believe she's Lord Death's wife...." Soul said.

"Speaking of Lord Death, where is he?" I asked, looking around the Death Room.

Stein jumped in the air to avoid the swing of her arm. He then thrusted the scythe at her and cut her arm. Blood soaked her sleeve. She cried in pain.

"He went somewhere with Sid. He should be back soon." Stein said as he lit a cigarette. "I'm not sure what he's planning but it's gonna be big."

That helps....I guess.

I jumped in the air and swung Soul at Vesta. I cut her side badly. She cried louder this time. She grabbed her side and began changing. She extended her arm out.

Suddenly, Stein and I found ourselves surrounded by a ring of fire. Then hell hounds, made of fire appeared. They growled and came closer to us.

"This is why fire burns" Vesta said wickedly.

Stein and I slashed the hell hounds but they kept coming back. We were panting and running out of ideas. Stein then spun the scythe again but this time, the fire didn't disappear. Now were stuck.

"Having trouble? Of course you are! Haha!" She then extended her arm out and it turned into a blade of a scythe. She then lit her blade arm on fire and stared right at me.

"You! You took my son out if the madness! So I'll end you first, such a shame though. You and Kid made such a sweet couple."

I swear I heard my Papa's heart break......

"Spirit, say goodbye to your precious daughter!" She lunged towards me. I slashed Soul towards her but she slapped him out of my hands.

Stein then came up behind her but she quickly turned around and stabbed him. She pulled out and blood went everywhere. Stein fell on the floor, but luckily, he was still breathing.

"Now" She turned back towards me. I backed up but I my coat caught in fire, due to the ring that surrounded us. I quickly threw my coat off.

She raised her blade to my throat. "This is pay back." She said as she raised the blade again and slashed toward as me. I closed my eyes before the impact.

But before I could brace myself, gun shots went off. I turned around and it was Kid. He continued to shoot Vesta with Liz and Patty in his hands. He shots became faster as Vesta's body was bloodier then ever.

"You won't lay a finger on her!" Kid yelled.

The ring of fire then disappeared. Vesta held her body in pain. She then coughed up tons of blood.

"Before I kill you, I need answers" Kid said as he stuck one of his pistols in the back of her head. He put he other pistol behind her back, right behind her heart.

"Everything that I saw, the memory I should say. Was it true!?" He yelled as he hit her with the gun.

"Yes...." She muttered while coughing up blood.

Tears went down Kid's face. "Why!?" He hissed.

"Because, it's your destiny.....your destiny to become the Dark Prince." She said as she looked deep in Kid's eyes.

He looked away. "Dark Prince? What does that mean!? ANSWER ME!" He shoved the gun up her nose and the other on directly on her forehead.

I think Kid has finally lost it....

"THATS ENOUGH!" Someone shouted.

Who's that?

We all turned around and saw Sid standing next to a man that looked exactly like Kid, expect his lines were connected.

I looked over at Kid and he froze in his place. Papa froze as well, he had terror in his eyes. I looked back at the man.

Wait, is that Lord Death?

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