"Dark Prince?!?"

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~Maka's POV~

I looked over at Kid and he froze in his place. Papa froze as well, he had terror in his eyes. I looked back at the man.

Wait, is that Lord Death?

Kid then snapped out of his trance and shoved the gun further.

"Father, don't stop me. This witch will pay for her sins. Mother or not." Kid became cold. His voice was completely different.

"No Kid, I will deal with her." It really is Lord Death! W-with out his mask and cloak!

I looked back at Kid. He wasn't moving. If anything, he moved his pinkies on the triggers.

"Answer this first! What does she mean, Dark Prince!?" He barked.

"Kid, ignore what she's saying! She's just trying to get into your head! The woman is crazy..." Lord Death said, hoping his son will put down the weapons.

"Stop stalling Father! Tell me the truth! I'm not a child anymore" Kid calmly said.

"Kid trust me-"

"Trust you!? How can I!? You kept this woman a secret from me, my whole life!! How the fuck, can I trust you!?" Kid respected his father out of everything, but this time it was different. Kid was rude and he even cursed right at his father.

"Death The Kid!" Lord Death was seriously scary with that voice. Kid still didn't move. "As your father, you will let the adults handle this." His voice calmed down. "Please, everything is over with. We won and she lost."

Kid's eyes became dull and empty. His hand shook violently. He then sighed.

"And since she lost, she will pay with her life" He then pulled the triggers and Vesta went flying backwards. Blood went everywhere and her body became lifeless.

Kid threw Liz and Patty in the air. They turned into their human forms but they were too afraid of their meister.

Kid didn't even glance at Vesta's dead body. He didn't look at anybody. Kid walked towards his father, who was in complete shock.

"You know I'll find out sooner or later, but I had to take that bitch's lif-"


Lord Death slapped his son in the face with all his force. Kid didn't turn his face from the impact.

"Don't you ever disrespect me like that....and watch you mouth young man" Lord Death mumbled while tears went down his eyes.

"I don't know why you still care about her. I mean, after all, she tried to kill me and everyone else...." Kid said as he wiped the blood of his mouth. He then walked out of the Death Room without turning back to see the shocked crowd.

Just then, Blackstar ran in with Tsubaki in weapon form. He was at a loss of words....for once.

"Hey, what I miss? What's up with Kid? He just threw up all over the floor...." He and Tsubaki asked in unison. Everyone ignored them and I pointed at Vesta's body. They both went quiet.

"Let him go.....he needs time." Lord Death said. I knew deep down, he was hiding something from all of us. As normal, he ignored the problem and left the room to find a solution.

Blackstar jumped. "Who the hell is this guy!?"

Everyone ignored the question.

Soul and Papa finally woke up and turned back into humans. Papa lifted Stein and left to take him to the infirmary.

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