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~Liz's POV~

"Liz! Patty! Where on earth is your meister?!" Yelled professor Stein.

I just shrugged. "He said he's going to be late. He has somethings to do today." I lied. Kid just needed a break from everything. He seemed so different, it was so unreal. I guess he's mad at us for not believing his witch story yesterday.

"We'll tell him to finish his things when it's not during my class." Stein said.

"Will do!" I mockingly saluted him.

I'm worried about him though. He really didn't seem like himself at all this morning. He even changed his suit to something different. Heck, I didn't even know he HAD a suit like that. It was black like his other ones but this one had more of a.....dark vibe to it, I guess. Instead of his skull on his collar, it was just a white handkerchief.


Flash Back

As Patty and I were finishing up on our packing for the trip, I saw Kid walking down the hall way. I ran after him. I told him to get some sleep, I don't want him going about at this hour.

"Hey! Kid." I yelled. He stopped but didn't turn around. I caught up to him. "Where do you think you're going? Kid, you need rest."

He turned around. He didn't look the same, not at all. Instead of his comforting gold eyes, there was only dull and sinister ones. It even looked as if he was struggling to get free from something. He kept a straight and serious face. It almost looked like he was getting ready to kill something. Honestly, he really looked crazy, like killer crazy.

"I deiced to take a walk." His voice sounds cold. "Is that all right with you, Liz?" He said. Just being near him gave me weird vibes. I can't stop the reaper, even if I wanted too.

"Alright, just be careful okay?" And with that he turn and walked down the hall and outside. I jumped when I heard the door slam shut.


I hope he's alright. I didn't see him come home from his walk and it's making me nervous.

Suddenly, there was a blade thrown at me. I land in the wall between Patty and I. I looked over in my usual scared expressions.

"Liz, pay attention!" Yelled Stein.

"Ahhh! Alright geez." I sighed. Hopefully things clear up.


~Maka's POV~

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I sighed. I notced Soul looked over at me. He gave me a puzzled look.

"What's going on with you?" He asked. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's just, I left Kid's house without talking to him about his headaches. But instead my father came in and ruined everything. I really wanted to stay and talk to Kid" I said, slouching.

Soul looked at me and then laughed. I gave him a questioning look. He stopped and smiled.

"The way you sound, it seems that you have a crush on Kid" he says, laughing at me.

My face went red. I was shocked that he said that. I mean Kid isn't ugly, but do I really think of him like that?

"What?! No it's just...uhh that I umm...Uhhh. No it's just that Kid basically kicked me out yesterday and I want to know why". I hung my in shame because I couldn't think of a better reply.

"It's cool, Maka. Don't stress yourself over it. You can trust a cool guy like me" he says as he smiles to himself.

Suddenly the door opened. It was Kid. He walked in with a smile on his face.

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