The Feeling is Real

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~Maka's POV~

I woke up to find myself in some room. I looked around and found the room to be symmetrical in every way. I saw that there was a bunch of photos on a desk. I walked towards them and found they were of Kid, Liz and Patty. It was a picture of their first day at the school.

"I must be in Kid's room" I whispered to myself. I must of fallen asleep and he woke up first.

I looked around and saw that Kid wasn't in here himself. I walked out the room and shut the door quietly. I heard downstairs two people yelling at each other. I walked down the hall and came towards the railing. It was my dad and Kid.

Great, what's he doing here? I asked myself. I stayed back so that they didn't see me and I listened to what they were saying.

"She is, she just helped me out earlier at-" Kid was cut off by Papa jumping in the air, as if he remember what he was going to say.

"That's another thing!" He pointed upwards. "My Maka is too young to date! I don't care if your my boss's son, but that is my daughter! She is not allowed to date!" He finished and look at Kid with, what looked like, hatred in his eyes.

"DATING?!" Yelled Kid and I.

I walked in view, so they both could see me. I ran down the steps and walked towards them. I noticed Kid was blushing. I felt my face. So was I.

"Papa, Kid and I aren't dating! I just helped him out-" He cut me off. I hated it when he does that.

"And if you wanted to help him out, you could of called someone! Maka, I had a complete stranger tell me what happened! Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?" He touched his heart and it looked like he was about to cry.

"I don't care. I was helping a friend." I said coldly. "What are you doing here anyway?"

He seemed hurt by my words but he brushed it off. "I wanted to see if you both were alright." He looked at Kid and I. "Now that I know you both are okay, I guess I'll take my leave." He hung his head down and started to walk towards the door when Kid stopped him.

Papa and I looked over a Kid, who was staring at the floor with his hands in a fist. I guess he's bothered by my father as well. It's no surprised actually.

"Spirit, why don't you just take Maka home?" He said. My heart somehow broke a little by him saying that. "I have to make dinner for Liz and Patty when they get back anyway, so that way I know she's safe, please, take your daughter home." He said as he walk towards the door and opened it.

I just looked at Kid with a confused yet, hurt look. Technically, he was kicking me out of his house. So I had no choice but to leave with Papa.

"Thank you Maka, for helping me out." He gave me a forced smile. His hands still in fists.

"What are friends for?" I finished. I walked out of Death Manor with my father by my side.

Why did Kid throw me out like that? And why did he make me leave with him?


~Kid's POV~

"And if you wanted to help him out, you could of called someone! Maka, I had a complete stranger tell me what happened! Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?" He touched his heart and it looked like he was about to cry.

"I don't care. I was helping out a friend." Maka said coldly. Something stirred inside me by the way she was talking to him.

Why is she treating him like that!? I asked myself. I've never been this mad before and I don't even know why I'm mad! I noticed Spirit was leaving but I stopped him.

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