The Questionable Feeling

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~Soul's POV~

Where the hell is Maka? It's so uncool of her to leave me alone with Blackstar, KNOWING I have no idea what to pack. True, the trip is only two weeks away but I have to get things ready and she's already done. Blackstar on the other hand, not so much.

"Hey Soul, what else you need?!" Yelled Blackstar.

"That's the problem! I don't know! I hate this secret location thing, it's so uncool!!" I yelled back. "I'll call Maka and see if she can help out." Blackstar grabbed the phone from me.

"No way! With a big guy like me around, we'll figure this thing out in no time! And besides she'll just get mad at us and end up 'Maka Choping' us. YAHOO!!!!" He screamed hysterically and runs out the room. I face palmed myself. That's what you said as soon as Maka Left.

Maybe Death The Kid could help us out. I went and grabbed my phone back from Blackstar. I dialed Kid's number but realized something. If I asked Kid, knowing him, he would do everything in 'perfect order'. And then there's his weapons. Patty is too loud and Liz is.....well Liz.

I sighed. "I guess I'll wait till Maka gets back. Hey! Blackstar, let's go shoot some hoops!" I yelled across the room. Blackstar's head popped up from the other room.

"YEAH!! Hey Tsubaki might be done with her packing! Let's go see if she wants to come with us!" He finished.

"Alright! Let's get going then!"


~Kid's POV~

Uhhh. What's going on? The light was hurting my eyes and I looked up to see Maka asleep. I got up as slowly as I could without waking her up.

What happened? Did she carry me here from DQ? If she did, I'm impressed. What's on my forehead? I took the now dry cloth off my forehead. She took care of me. That's what friends are for.

I don't know why, but I bent down a kissed her forehead. "Thank you" I whispered.

She moved and then went back to sleep. I went to the closet and put a blanket on her. I noticed that her face was red again.

Thinking about earlier, I also went red. What is this feeling, so sudden and new? Maka looks so peaceful and beautiful asleep. Wait. What did I just think? Why am I even thinking things like this now?

It's bothering me but I feel.....attracted to Maka. I'm assuming that's why my face went red when I touched her hand earlier. But her face went red also. Does she feel the same. Nah. Just push the thought back for now.

I felt responsible for putting her in this situation that just occurred, so I picked her up and walked up stairs and placed her in my room, on my bed. She helped me out, the least I could do is give her a proper place to sleep.

I caught myself staring at her, while she slept in front of me. Stop it Kid, that's weird! She might not even feel the same.

Why am I so hurt by that?


~Spirit's POV~

"Ahhh such a fine day and such lovely ladies all around". I needed a walk, so that's what I did. The walk was nice and I noticed I had a few extra dollars on me.

"I wonder how my little Maka is doing right now? I hope she's having fun. I honestly don't want her to go on this trip, but if it makes her happy then I'm happy!" I said that a little to loud. Opps.

I look over at DeathQueen where they sold the best ice cream in Death City. "Why not stop in there? I even get something for my little Maka." While I walked in, I saw a bunch of people crowed around the place.

I pushed through the crowd. "Hey! Get a move on, Death Scythe coming through!" I pushed through until I caught up with one of the waiters.

"Hey man!" I grabbed the guys shoulder. "What's going on here, huh? Did someone get hurt or your ice cream is just that good?" I waiter gave him a puzzled look. Then the he spoke up.

"Well earlier today, I was serving this young girl and, what it looked like, her boyfriend." He said.

"Okay? Get to the point please." I said, running out of patience.

"Well then the boy ended up fainting by something, we're not sure! And then his girlfriend panicked and picked him up and ran out of here to get him somewhere safe, I suppose." He finished.

I nodded. "Okay, what did this couple look like?" I asked

"Well, I definitely know that the boy who fainted was the Shinigami's son." He said.

"You mean Death The Kid!?" I was shocked and afraid at the same time. "Who was the girl?" I asked, scared to find the answer.

"Well, I'm not sure but I heard the young shinigami call her.......Maka." He finished.

My heart stopped. Death The Kid and Maka are in trouble and I, as Maka's father, didn't know about it until now.

"Sir, are you okay? You look pale." And with that, I ran. I ran as fast as I could but I didn't know where to look for them. I need to find my daughter and my boss' son now. I guess I'll start with Gallows Mansion and make my way towards the school. That's all I can do for now.

I'll find you Maka. Swear it!


~Kid's POV~

There was nothing I could do for my head aches right now. It hurts so bad. I gripped my head.

"No, not with Maka here! Everything she did would be just a waste." I whispered.

"Come home my baby, please come home to me!" That voice! It came back but who's voice is it? Why does my head aches get worse?

"Kid, come to me!" the voice was a woman. "I'll protect you from it all!" the woman's yelps were getting louder."No...." I whispered. "Please, just...s-stop".

Suddenly, I heard loud banging on the entrance door. Suddenly, the pain in my head AND the woman's voice was gone.

I have to thank who ever is at the door, I thought to myself. I picked myself up from the floor and walked towards the door.

I came and opened the door to find Spirit.

"Kid!" He yelled. "You're alright? How's everything!? Wait, where's Maka!? Where's my little girl!?" He finished.

I let him come in and I shut the door. He was freaking out and I could tell in his voice. A father that nice. I felt a little jealous of Maka at the moment.

"Spirit calm down. Maka's alright, she just fell asleep." I stated.

He looked around the living room. He then put his arms out. "Well, where is she then?"

"Oh, I put her in my roo-" I was cut off.

"You put a girl, that fell asleep, in your bed room!?" He shouted. "Listen, as Maka's father, I don't care if she fell asleep, but putting her in your room? What were you doing while she was sleeping?!"

"I came straight back down stairs, I swear! I just put her there because she looked uncomfortable on the couch and I wasn't gonna put her in Liz and Patty's room without their permission!" I said as I put my hands up in defense.

Spirit looked like he was gonna say something but stopped. He sat down on the couch and put his hands in his face. I heard him mumble "As long as she's okay, I'm fine." That jealous came back after he said that. I wonder if my father cares. He probably doesn't even know.

"She is, she just helped me out earlier at-" I was cut off by Spirit jumping in the air, as if he remember what he was going to say.

"That's another thing!" He pointed upwards. "My Maka is too young to date! I don't care if your my boss's son, but that is my daughter! She is not allowed to date!" He finished and look at me with hatred in his eyes.

"DATING?!" Yelled Maka and I.

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