The Battle Begins

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~Maka's POV~

I ran as fast as I could and reached the Death Room. I made it. I barged in and ran through the pillars. I saw Kid was standing in front if his father. But he didn't move. Kid kept his head down and he wasn't speaking.

"I know what this is about. You didn't have to hide it." Said Lord Death. I walked over towards Kid. He still was looking down, not speaking a word. He just stood there. I walked over to Lord Death.

"She would of killed them..." Tears running down my face.

"She wouldn't. She would of lost Kid and her plan would of been ruined. It was nothing more then a threat." He said.

I looked at Kid. "Kid! She won't hurt them!" I said to him. He still didn't move. I walked towards him but Lord Death stopped me.

"Don't. He's in a battle right now" he said, pulling me back. "He's in a battle with his mind. The sad part is, he's most likely going to lose."

I was shook in fear. I finally spoke up. "What happens if he loses?" I said, scared of finding the answer.

"He'll be lost to us. Battling the unknown. He'll drown within the madness" he said.

"And then he'll be mine" Vesta said, appearing behind Kid. She hugged him from behind. "I shouldn't be surprised that you knew Death. I told you I would return for him and now I have! Soon he will be lost to you all and he'll join his witch half. He'll soon forget all of you. Even you, you little brat!" She said, pointing at me.

"Kid is stronger then he looks Vesta! He won't fall that easy." Lord Death said. "I did raise him after all. I'm just wondering how you lived?"

She smiled and laughed her wicked laugh. Then the doors were opened and we all saw a group running towards us. It was Soul, Liz, Patty, Blackstar and Tsubaki. Alongside them was Papa and Stein. My team gasped as they saw Vesta. Stein and Papa had already knew as well.

I'm guessing she wanted them to see her.

Vesta then turned towards them and clapped. "Congrats to Stein and Spirit! Being the first ones to figure everything out. Well almost everything I should say. But geez Spirit, I never would of guessed that your daughter would be with my son" she said, looking at Papa.

He looked at me and I swear I saw a tear of sadness and anger.

"But tell me, how did you figure it out?" She said, while floating in the air with her broom stick. Kid still wasn't moving. I hope he was winning this battle in his head.

Stein them pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Well actually, it wasn't that hard, considering Spirit and I knew your soul pretty well. But ever since Asura was defeated, I set up a new security system. Which means I put cameras everywhere around all of Death City. I saw everything you were teaching Kid. At first, I thought he was experimenting, but after awhile, I remembered that his mother was a witch who promised to return one day." The team gasped as they heard about Kid's mother.

"So basically, we put two and two together. And then you showed your self in the library, were Maka first saw you and were Spirit had followed Maka to see what she was doing. You let your guard down on that one." He finished.

I looked at Papa in shock but he was too busy watching Kid, who still hasn't moved.

Blackstar surprisingly stayed quiet, listening to what was going on. Tsubaki was already in weapon form, waiting in his hands for him to strike at the witch.

Liz held Patty. Knowing her, she must be terrified. Kid and Patty meant everything to her. She always says she would be lost without either if them. They were a family and Liz didn't plan on losing her family like this. All she and Patty did was listen.

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