A Lost Memory

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~Maka's POV~

"They can't hear you. This is just a memory...well, my memory. Although, I didn't know I had this memory."

That voice!

"Okay, so maybe we did do something right." I said, starring face to face with my boyfriend.

"Maka?..." Kid said.

"Kid!" I ran towards him and gave him a tight hug. Tears went down my face as he hugged me back. Soul ran up to us and patted Kid on the back. I looked up at Kid and gave him a sweet, tendered kiss. How I miss those lips.

We broke the kiss as Soul said "Not while I'm here!" We both laughed.

"Kid, what on earth is going on with you? Why did you attack us like that!?" I said.

He looked confused. "What are you talking about? Wait a minute! Aren't you guys dead?" He said, jumping backwards to safety. "I saw you all die in front of me! It this some sort of joke?!" Kid was getting ready to fight us again.

Soul and I both put our hands up. "Kid! It's us! You're the one who attacked us! You put Blackstar, Liz and your dad in the hospital! Stein is currently fighting Vesta with my dad. We have to get you put of here." I said.

Kid looked at us and then to the ground. "I thought I was attacking these shadow beast. Then suddenly one of them kicked me in the groan twice and I woke up here again." He said, wincing at the remembrance of the pain in his groan.

"Yeah, sorry about that. It was the only way to get you to stand down." I said nervously. "But now that things are clear, you know who the enemy is, right?" I asked, looking at him.

He then nodded and turned around to the memory we were in. He then pointed to the only woman in the room.

"Vesta!" He said. He put his hand down and walked towards the group of adults talking. Soul and I walked with him. The only thing that caught my attention was the two children, looking straight at us.

"Guys, stop moving." I said, extending my arm out to block their paths. "Look at the these two."

We all looked straight at them. It was a three year old Death The Kid, standing next to a three year old me. Somehow, the baby Kid got past his father and was now near us. My baby self sat down in the floor and ignored us. She started playing with her toys.

Baby Kid then walked towards us and then quickly looked at his father to see if he was paying attention. The three adults were arguing on Kid's behalf. We were about to walk towards them but baby Kid stepped in front of us.

He then put his hand out, as if stopping us from going further. Soul sighed.

"Come on guys! We don't have time for this!" Soul said as he walked past us and past baby Kid. "See, he's not gonna do anything-" Soul stopped as a toy ball hit his head. We looked over and saw my baby self was the one who threw it.

She then extended her arms out, like Kid's, intending to block our paths. "Go away" she said. Soul rubbed his head in pain.

"Kid, if this is a memory, how are they able to see us?" Soul asked, still rubbing his head.

"Children under 5 are able to see spirits. It's were the term 'imaginary friend' came from." Kid then looked down and saw the little Lord Death doll in the boy's hand. Kid knelt down near himself and began to speak. "That's a nice doll. Where did you get it?" He asked.

The boy then turned around and pointed at Papa. "He got it for me on my birthday." Baby Kid said, in his little baby talk.

"I don't understand what their talking about, but I know it's about me. Mommy and daddy have been arguing for a while." The boy was obviously more intelligent then we thought. Kid took this as a surprise in how blunt he was.

"Well then, can you let us go through and I'll tell you what they're talking about?" I asked, kneeling down next to Kid.

"Fine, but be nice." Little Death said. The younger self then got up and walked with us all towards the adults.

They were still arguing about Kid.


~Kid's POV~

The adults were bickering non-stop from the last time I heard them.

"Vesta, he's just a child! Please, what will you accomplish?" Sprint asked.

"Kid will be more powerful! He will an amazing Lord!" She said happily.

"Yes true, but what happens if he turns bad. I mean look what happened to Ausra!" Spirit said. My father nodded in agreement.

"Death! Why is he even here?" She turned to Spirit. "You should be more worried about your daughter!" She said pointing at Maka's younger self.

"Listen! You leave my daughter alone! I'm trying to help your son-" he stopped as she started to cry.

He ran over and picked her up. "Papa, d-did I do s-somting wong?" She asked, with tears in her eyes. He patted her head and shook his head no. She then stopped crying, smiled and hugged him very tightly.

I looked over at Maka. She was looking straight at the floor, her hair covering her eyes.

I looked back at Spirit and he put Maka down near her toys, kissed her head and walked back to my parents.

"Spirit has a point Vesta. I can't let my son learn powerful magic at the fact that he might turn bad when he's older" my father said. They looked around to see where I was at. "Speaking of Kid, where is he?" Father said.

He then started throwing a tantrum. He jumped up and down, wanting Maka to hold him. She took a step back and he got closer.

Vesta and the others found Kid, who was still jumping. Apparently, they didn't see us the toddlers could. They all let out a sigh of relief and Vesta walked towards Kid.

"Sweet heart, what wrong?" She asked him, kneeling down next to him. He continued to jump at Maka's feet. He then stopped and pointed at us. He turned to her and continued to point at us. I put my arms out and walked backwards to get out of here. Maka and Soul caught on and we all turned but was stopped when my younger self started to cry.

"Why are earth are you crying? Look, there's nothing there." She said while picking him up. We all stared, deep into her dark purple eyes. We were terrified.

She then turned around and walked with Kid in her arms. "Fine, you don't want him to learn, then I'm leaving. And I'm taking him with me." She said straight to Father's face. Spirit then stepped towards her, but stopped.

"It's not my place to do anything" he muttered while quickly looking at Maka, who was too busy playing with her dolls.

"Vesta" Father's serious voice came out. He quickly took off his cloak and masked to revel an actually body. I looked and realized, I was literally a splitting image of him. He had golden eyes like mine. His hair was long, in a ponytail. Her had those three white stripes in his hair but they completely were in a circle.

"As much as I love you, I love my son more. You are not taking that boy anywhere, but you are happy to leave." He said. "If I have to, I'll pry that chid out of your arms."

"You will not take my son" Vesta said. Her eyes turned a light purple and she put him down. "Fine. Kid." She asked my younger self. "Who would you rather be with?' She asked.

He looked at both Father and Vesta. Father knelt down and out his arms out, waiting for me to jump into his arms. Spirit held Maka, standing next to Father. Maka's younger self held her arm out and gestured for him to come over.

My younger self was to confused and sat on the ground.

Suddenly, Vesta shot Father with a red beam, that came out of her hand. He went straight backwards and fell on his back. She then grabbed my younger self and ran out of the Death Room. Spirit put Maka down and ran after her.

"Let's go!" I said.

They nodded and we ran after them. Before we felt the room, Father got up and zoomed right past us. We could hear him yell in his scary voice "Give me my son back, you witch!"

We ran as fast as we could.

Not realizing it, we couldn't do anything but watch.

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