The Stolen Kiss

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~Soul's POV~

Maka hasn't come home from her study date yet. I wonder if she got lucky. Nah, Maka's not that type of girl. But seriously man, it so uncool to be out so long. School ended at 3 and it's now 7. Maybe Kid noticed the time and decided to take her home or let her leave at 8. He'd do something like.

Suddenly the door swung open. It was Maka. She had no expression on her face at all. She simply walked in, shut the door and walked in her room. Then there was a knock on the door. I walked over and it was Kid.

"Hey Kid, what did you do to her!?" I yelled as I grabbed his collar on his suit. He didn't make eye contact. He just shook his head.

"We just got into an argument that's all. I walked her home to make sure she was safe, Soul" he said.

I let him go. "Fine, but I swear Kid, if you hurt her I'll-" he put his hand and covered my mouth.

"She would be the last person I'd hurt. I care about her too much to even think that!" He said and then let go. He sighed. "Make sure she gets some sleep, okay" he said as he turned and walked out of the building.

I raised my hand and dropped it down to my side. "Whatever man."

I shut the door and walked towards Maka's room. I walked in. She was sitting on her bed, staring into space. She then smiled a bit. She then pulled a necklace out of her pocket and kissed it.

I wonder, what happened?


Flash Back

~Maka's POV~

"Kid, what the hell is going on!" I yelled in confusion. Kid walked towards me.

"Let's go somewhere more private." He grabbed my hand and we left the school.

We ended up in Gallows Mansion. Liz and Patty weren't there. Kid still held my hand and I realized the whole time we were walking, he hasn't let go. My face blushed by thinking that.

Kid guided me through the house and ended up in his room. He shut the door and then Vesta appeared. I jumped and landed in Kid's arms.

Kid tighten his grip around me as if scared to see what happens next. He cleared his throat, still holding on to me.

"Maka, this is my mother. I don't know how but she proves to be the real thing." He said, staring at his mother with hatred in his eyes.

He said so many things, I thought I was going mad. Kid tells me he has been under the influence of madness because this witch wanted him to accept his other half. He says he hasn't been in control of his body because of it and now the witch is threatening to hurt me if Kid doesn't accept.

Now sitting on the bed next to him as she watches, I said "Please don't tell me you accepted? Kid your a grim reaper-"

"And a witch. Or should I say a wizard. Or a warlock. You choose Kid." She interrupted me. She smiled, thinking of many different names to call Kid. It was weird, I could hear what she was thinking and she thought Kid and I were a perfect couple. I blushed by that. I've been blushing a lot lately.

"Anyway, your a guardian, and what it sounds like, you sold your soul to his witch!" I said.

He shook his head in protest. "If I didn't accept, she would of killed you." He cupped my cheek. I warming sensation came over me as he touched me. I could stay here all day in his arms. I guess Kid has my heart. I never felt this way before and I'm enjoying it so much, except the problem we're in right now.

"I don't think I could handle someone dying because of me" he said, still holding me. His face went red as he stared into my eyes. I loved his eyes so much.

"I'll leave you two to talk" Vesta said. She then disappeared.

"Maka" Kid brought my attention back to him. "I care about you. More than a friend care about you. If you got hurt, I don't think I could handle it. This witch may teach me things. She may even take over my subconscious, but I need you to make sure that I'm still sain. I need you to make sure I'm still me. The me...." He then looked at me with hopeful eyes again. "The me who has loved you since the defeat of the kishen." He finished.

I didn't know how to respond. Suddenly, I felt a warm feeling on my lips. I realized that it was Kid kissing me. Death The Kid, has stolen my first kiss. I closed my eyes and just kissed him back. He was so warm, I never wanted to let him go. I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me. He then put his tongue into my mouth, giving me new sensations.

I could feel him smiling by my actions and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He then slightly pushed me, so that he was on top of me on the bed. All we did was kiss for what felt like forever.

Suddenly, the door was slammed open. Kid and I jumped and looked at who ever was at the door way. It was Liz. Kid and I froze from our spots, meaning he was still on top of me on his bed. Liz had a shocked look on her face.

A sweat drop appeared on her face and she then said "Sorry didn't mean to disturb you guys. I was just wondering where Kid was at but I see now that he's busy getting luckily. I'll leave now." She said awkwardly. Kid and I then looked at each other and our faces went red. We both laughed and got up.

Kid grabbed my hand and said "I'll walk you home, it's getting late anyway" he finished with a smile. We left Gallows Mansion.

As we walked, Kid let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder. I then put my arm around his waist. He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Yeah, I love Kid too. I didn't know you could fall for someone that you've not known well.

We finally got to the front of my building. I looked at Kid. We just stared at each other. Then Kid broke he silence.

"Maka, I know that the problem we're in is bad, but I want you to be by my side." He pulled out a necklace from his pocket and placed it in my hand. He then kissed it for good luck and then kiss me again.

"Just, commit to me Kid" I said, braking the sweet kiss. "Commit to me, and I'm all yours. Body and soul." I said. He smiled and nodded. "But, we have to do something about this witch" I added. His smile went away. He looked sad now.

"If I tell someone, you're dead. I'm not risking losing you, when I just risked getting you. I'm selfish Maka, all I want is you and if I have to bend the rules, then so be it." He added.

"Then you'd be lying to your father. You'd be lying to everyone around you!" I said.

"Just drop it! It's my decision and I've decided become part witch." He said with a straight face.

"I can't listen to this anymore." I went to run in my building but Kid grabbed my hand. "Maka, you're in this, just as much as I am" He said.

"He's right. Let's make a deal children." The witch came back. She appeared in front of Kid and I. Kid shielded me by stepping in front of me. She smiled.

"I'm glad you two are together now. Girl, don't break my son's heart." She said, coldly. "Now the deal is that, if Kid would to tell anyone besides you" she pointed at me. "Then Kid, she's as good as dead. Now, Maka, if you were to tell anyone about me, then your partner will die in your place. You know, the boy with the white hair, that's waiting for your return home upstairs?" She then smiled and disappeared like that.

What am I going to do?

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